Katsumi Fears

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It the ever end of the exams and only one team was left it was both Izuku and Katsumi they were up against All Might they both were waiting for the gate open until it did so they started to walking in.

"Kacchan we have to come up with a plan to escape from All Might" said Izuku.

"Shut the fuck Deku I'm going beat All Might no matter what I takes" said Katsumi.

"Kacchan you have to run away you aren't ready and your not strong enough" said Izuku.

This only infuriate more Katsumi cause her to hit Izuku down.

"Don't look down on me Deku don't think just because you got more stronger make you better then me" said Katsumi.

"No it at all it's just that All Might is in a completely different league compared to us" said Izuku.

"It doesn't matter because I'll win by defeating All Might you hear me" said Katsumi.

But as they were arguing everyone in the observation room saw the team work was failing for them.

"Why does Bakugou always have to fight with Izuku" said Momo.

"Bakugou had no right to hit Midori at all" said Mina.

"Seriously they don't have any team skills with each other it's like Aizawa wanted them to fail especially since he put All Might as their opponent" said Jiro.

"Iida do you think Deku go to be alright" said Ochako.

"It hard to say at this point but Midoriya has to figure out how to work with Bakugou if they want to pass" said Iida.

"That's easier said then done" said Tsu.

"Yeah no kidding" said Toru.

During all this Izuku and Katsumi was still arguing but on the side of the testing ground All Might was ready to fire a smash.

"Kacchan if you do this your going fail the exam" said Izuku.


"Would you stop yelling this why we can have real conversation" said Izuku.

But then out of nowhere a blast of air came straight at them blasting them away and destroying some buildings.

"Damit he not holding and the weights are bearly doing anything to All Might" said Izuku.

But then thay finally heard All Might.

"Who cares if I destroy a few buildings I am a villain so you better be prepared heroes" said All Might.

'He so intimidating' both thought Izuku and Katsumi.

But Izuku snap back into reality.

"Kacchan run now" said Izuku.

"No way in hell I'm fighting him and nothing will stop me" said Katsumi.

"Is that so then come at me hero" said All Might.

Then without a word Katsumi ran to All Might ready to fight him.

"I'm going to give it my everthing you hear All Might no take this stun grenade" said Katsumi.

This cause a blinding flash of light to cover the area but Katsumi launched herself up and was ready to attack from above but for it only to be grabbed by the face by All Might.

"I'm sorry young Bakugou but that won't work on me that easily" said All Might.

"I don't give a crap cause I'm going to beat you no matter what" said Katsumi.

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