Tutoring & Possible Work Studies

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Izuku has finally finished all his date's but instead of having a positive effect on him like the girls hope it only made Izuku feel worst still believe that the girls were to good for him and he doesn't deserve any of they're love if it means he has to pick one and hurt the others but right now this Sunday Izuku was lay face down depressed on his bed.

"Why me though out everyone in this school even the world they're some probably better for them" said Izuku.

But this was when his phone went off and checked who it was and it was none other then Kendo remembering they shared contact information for they're job as class presidents to keep each other updated, now he picked up the phone.

"Hi Kendo how are you doing" said Izuku.

"I'm just fine so remember that favor I ask you a while ago" said Kendo.

"Oh the tutoring session" said Izuku.

"Yeah I was hoping you would be able to do it today cause you all of that thing is over" said Kendo.

"Yeah I can do it I have nothing less to do" said Izuku.

"Great I'll tell pony about this" said Kendo.

"Yeah tell her she can meet me at the school library we can start there and sin it's Sunday it would be pretty so we can focus" said Izuku.

"I can't thank you anymore for this Midoriya" said Kendo.

"It's nothing so don't worry about I'll meet her there soon so bye for now" said Izuku.

But as he was about he was about to hang up Kendo said something.

"So have you decided yet" said Kendo.

This made Izuku quite for a bit until he said something.

"I haven't decided so please give me time" said Izuku.

"Oh alright, well then see you soon tomorrow at school" said Kendo.

Then the call finally ended Izuku could only feel worst about making his decision but soon enough he and meet pony at the front of the library.

"So are you ready to learn Japanese" said Izuku in English.

"Yes I am" said Pony in English.

"Alright then let the lesson beginning" said Izuku.

And like that they started to try and teach Pony and it was going really smoothly it went on for an hour.

"So are you understanding the lesson" said Izuku.

"Yeah it going so much easier then Monoma and he only taught me mean thing to say to your class" said Pony.

"Yeah after meeting him the first time I don't find that hard to believe" that said Izuku.

"I think that Monoma might have screw loose" said Pony.

"Even though I agree with that they're must be a reason why he acts like this" said Izuku.

"You are really nice even to Monoma" said Pony.

"Well we didn't get on the right foot when met officially" said Izuku.

"It was probably Monoma doing but can I ask you a question" said Pony.

"Um sure" said Izuku.

"How do you feel about Kendo" said Pony.

This made Izuku quiet.

"You see she our friend and we care for her and she like our big sister so I just wanted to know how you feel about her" said Pony.

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