Second Half Of Exams

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The Exams were all most half way through leave six other team left to take their exam but during this Momo decided that she would come to the observation room to watch the next coming match.

"Momo you were Incredible" said Ochako.

"I never thought that you would have such amazing plan" said Tsu.

"Indeed your plan was really thought out" said Iida.

"I won't say that, I could have failed cause I missed hitting the lever for catapult" said Momo.

"But you pass and glad you did Momo" said Izuku.

"Thank you Izuku" said Momo smile.

"Oh by the way what were you and Shoko talking about during one point of the exam" said Izuku.

This when Momo turn completely red.

"It was nothing important of any of your concern nothing at all" said Momo blushing.

This only left Izuku confused by Momo reaction but Momo try to change the subject.

"Hey Ochako your match is up right" said Momo.

"Yeah I should be going now" said Ochako.

"Good luck Ochako" said Izuku.

"Do your best" said Iida.

"You got this Ochako" said Tsu.

Soon enough Ochako walk out the observation room and made it to her exam so far it look like it was going pretty good until thirteen used her dark to try and suck them in and the only thing stopping them from being suck in is the railing their holding on to.

"I can't hold on for much longer" said Ochako.

"Don't worry my navel laser will solve this" said Aoyama.

But as he fired his laser it end up being suck into the black hole.

'What are we going to just think Ochako what would Deku do in this situation' Ochako thought.

"Your thinking about Midoriya right now aren't" said Aoyama.

"Wait how did you know" said Ochako.

"Isn't it obvious you like him no" said Aoyama with confident look like he know what he's talking about.

During Ochako help cover her blush but in doing so she let go causing her to be suck in the black hole but thirteen close the black hole during this moment Ochako remember all her training with with gun head and used it to pin thirteen down this gave Aoyama to for the other arm and finally Ochako putting on the cuff on thirteen.

"Team Ochako Uraraka and Yuga Aoyama have passed" said robot announcer.

But on the way back Aoyama said something to Ochako before she went back to the observation room.

"Good luck with Midoriya" said Aoyama.

This only left Ochako blushing but she try to get her mind off it as she got to observation room.

"Uraraka well done you passed as well" said Iida.

"Yeah Ochako you able to find a way to win" said Tsu.

"I'm glad that you passed Ochako but what were you and Aoyama talking about that made you let go of the railing" said Izuku.

This only made Ochako do the same thing Momo did earlier.

"It was nothing at all" said Ochako completely red and waving her hands.

'What going on with Momo and Ochako have a fever or something they are really red today' Izuku thought.

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