First Half Done

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After a while class A has final seem to be making progress after Shoko passed cause after her was Momo, Jiro, Tsu and Shoji were next to pass now Katsumi is facing against Seiji a person from Shiketsu.

"Your worst of all" said Seiji as he sent a long rang attack at Katsumi.

"AP Shot Auto Cannon" said Katsumi.

And with that she blasted and of his range attacks sending him back a bit.

"I had to make a weak version so wouldn't kill anyone" said Katsumi.

"You know what this is why everyone is terrified of you your way too hard core" said Kaminari.

"Dammit I can't believe I fell for that but I won't again" said Seiji.

"So those nasty finger things just come back to him" said Kaminari.

While Seiji was think to deal with Katsumi.

'She the type of opponent that reacts impulsive this sorta mentality come from self inflated pride' Seiji thought.

This made seiji have a plan.

"I see now I'll teach you a lesson by breaking you this show how to be dignified and act like a hero" said Seiji.

"What's up with this disgusting dude" said Kaminari.

"He thinks he's better than us but I bet he'll shut up I blow up his face" said Katsumi as she rushed him.

"Hey don't forget that we're in a middle of a test" said Kaminari.

"That's exactly why I'll kill the guy" said Katsumi.

"Observe" said Seiji as he sent more long range attacks.

But Katsumi just dodge them and if one came close she blew it up.

"Ugh let's get this fight over with maybe this will speed things along" said Kaminari as he used his new equipment to fire something at Seiji.

But it missed.

"You should work on your aim" said Seiji.

"Aw crap" said Kaminari.

"And your look maybe I can make you something more appealing" said Seiji.

"Alright enough talk die" said Katsumi as she fired another small explosion at him.

But it had no effect thanks for hims using his quirk to block her attack.

"You left yourself wide open" said Seiji.

Then one his attacks got her from behind.

"What the" said Katsumi.

"You weren't paying attention I had a piece of flesh sneak beneath us you saw earlier with Kirishima once I touch you your my plaything" said Seiji.

"BAKUGOU" yelled Kaminari.

"Hey idiot catch" this said Katsumi being muffled.

Then she tossed something to Kaminari before turn into a blob of flesh.

"Pathetic you must be remade from scratch" said Seiji.

"No way" said Kaminari.

"This is a demonstration the test has unusual low pass rate at first this seems counter productive giving our current world with All Might retired wouldn't make more sense to flood the streets with new heroes if so I assume they are weeding out the unfit we can tell that they are being more selective to bring the profession of hero to a higher level and I agree with this way of thinking so I decided to thin the heard myself" said Seiji.

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