USJ Attack Pt 2

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Classroom 1A went to the USJ for special rescue training but was soon attack by the league of villains and separated into different area of the USJ, Izuku,Tsuyu and Mineta soon made there way near the entrance, but Tomura send Nomu to first attack Aizawa and then Izuku, after all pain cause by the Nomu from his abnormal strength Izuku made his statement to Tomura he was about to order Nomu to finish him off but All Might arrived in the nick of time before Tomura could order Nomu to do more damage to Izuku.

"It seem that the symbol of peace has finally arrived to the party".

Then the mere thugs of villains started to talk.

"Woah it actually All Might".

"What do we do now".

"Don't just stand there if we strike now we can kil-".

But before the villains could do anything All Might moved so quickly he knocked them out while grabbing Aizawa and Tsuyu and Mineta, Mineta quietlly and forcefully drag Tsuyu back to end of the flood zone trying to get them back to their friends while Tsuyu could only watch what happen to Izuku.

"Alright you two take Eraserhead to the entrance it's safer there".

Both of the teenagers followed All Might instructions instantly, but before they left Tsuyu said something.

"All Might please help Midoriya".

At first All Might was confused by what Tsuyu meant, but then realized what she meant and turn to the villain's and saw Izuku beaten covered in his own blood, the site enraged him even more and in a instant he was right infront of the villains and and his back facing Izuku guarding him.

"A-All Might I'm sorry I couldn't save Aizawa I wasn't strong enough but I can still help you I ca-".

But he was stop when he was hug by All Might.

"It's alright young Midoriya you did more than anyone ask you to do I'm sorry for not making it sooner".

"Oh what a touching moment but Nomu here is going to have to crush it and both of you" as Tomura said sarcastically.

"You have the chance because justice will always prevail".

"Your talking is only pissing me off, Nomu kill All Might right now".

The Nomu charge straight at All Might push him back and All Might maneuver himself to not get Izuku caught in the charge.

'Damit this guy is strong than I thought, it might take longer than I thought and the worst part I'm going over my limit'.

Both All Might and the Nomu going all out it with each other sending borage of punches at each other to everyone their they seem evenly match until All Might push himself over his limit making his punches faster and stronger than before and for him end the fight with one final punch that sent Nomu flying and shaking the entire building.

Both All Might and the Nomu going all out it with each other sending borage of punches at each other to everyone their they seem evenly match until All Might push himself over his limit making his punches faster and stronger than before and for hi...

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