The Touchy Mechanic

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The day started off normal for Izuku until he got to school not only did they got a new student but they got a special guest during their hero names it no less then Izuku brother but now Izuku and the girls are in a awkward situation.

"Hi there muscles what you doing here" said Mei.

It didn't take a second for Izuku let go of Mei breast and run back to the wall and apologize.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that" said Izuku completely red as he wave his hands.

Then out of the smoke covered room a voice came out.

"Hatsume how many times have I tell you to make sure it's safe before you use it" said Power Loader out the smoke.

"But it's no fun if I don't test it out myself" said Mei.

"Either way who did you hit this time" said Power Loader.

"Oh I hit muscles this time" said Mei.

"Muscles who that" said Power Loader.

Then Power Loader got a closer look at Izuku and recognize him.

"Hey your that quirkless kid what are you doing here" said Power Loader.

"O-oh I'm here to see if you can help me with upgrading my costume" said Izuku still red after what just happen.

"Is that so, I'm sorry but I have to go somewhere but i can have Hatsume help you out but make sure she doesn't explode more of her so call babies" said Power Loader as he left.

"Okay muscles what is it that you want me to upgrade" said Mei.

"Um Hatsume why call me muscles" said Izuku still red.

"Because that all I saw from you during the sports festival during your fight with that dual hair girl" said Mei.

"Wait you the rest of the matches I thought you only wanted to show off your babies" said Izuku.

This cause Hatsume to blush a bit but she kept her usual smile.

"Oh that just watch because I want to collect data so I can Male new babies but never mind that let go in and start to make some babies" said Mei.

'She doesn't even realize how that sound' Izuku thought as he follow her in.

Meanwhile with the girls Ace was basically integrating them.

"So who wants to go first" said Ace.

The girls did say anything to Ace question.

"Okay then who was the first one to meet Izuku if so raise your hand" said Ace.

When this was said Momo slowly raised her hand up and completely red.

"Okay what about my brother do you like the most" said Ace.

"While I guess it's his gentlemen behavior towards us" said Momo.

"Is that all" said Ace.

"When I first met Izuku we were stranger's and when I told him that got into U.A due to recommendation he didn't think that got it due to my family's money but he told that heroes saw real potential in me for them to recommend me and the other thing is that he looks at me for me he doesn't think I'm a spoil rich girl who has this kind body that I feel every guy look at but when it was Izuku he always stare at me not at my body so I guess why like him" said Momo as she remembered when she met him and how she want to to spend more time with him.

"Okay whose next" said Ace.

Then Ochako went up feeling a bit nervous.

"Well when I met Deku we were on our way to U.A entrance exam and I trip but Izuku caught me from falling but when he help on my feet he made a small scene but to tell you the truth I thought it was actually kinda cute" said Ochako.

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