Internships Start & Power Up

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It was the day when everyone starts their internship and all of class 1A was stand at the trian station and Aizawa explaining what they can do during their time at each of their internship.

"All right you are not allowed to use your quirks in public and you aren't allowed to wear your hero costume in public unless your internship allows you fo you understand" said Aizawa.

"Yessir" said Mina as she held here briefcases excited.

"Mina say it clearly" Aizawa said.

"Yes sir" said Mina annoyed.

"Alright you know were your internship is at so get going on you trains" said Aizawa

Izuku was about to go to his train but was was stopped when someone hugged him from the behind.

"Aw Midori I'm gonna miss you" said Mina.

"M-mina your too close their pressing against me" said Izuku blush.

"Is that so but I don't think that I think they need to be closer" said Mina as she pushed her chest against Izuku back more.

But right now Izuku couldn't do anything due to the feel of Mina breast being push against his back.

"Mina stop that this instant" said Momo.

"No kidding he look like a red tomato" said Jiro.

"You guys are no fun and I just wanted to hug Midori" said Mina.

But then Izuku felt something soft and squishy pressing against his chest when Izuku look forward he saw a pair of float clothes and knew imitatedly it was Toru.

"T-Toru what are you doing" said Izuku.

I'm just doing the same as Mina giving you a goodbye hug said Toru.

"Hey Toru you copy cat" said Mina.

"Come on guys leave Izuku alone your making him uncomfortable" said Ochako.

"Your just say that because you wanted to hug him" said Mina.

This made Ochako to blush madly at what Mina said.

"That not true at all now let go of him" said Ochako a sa she started to pull Mina.

"You too Toru" said Jiro also trying to pry off Toru as well.

"NOOOOOOO" said both Mina and Toru.

But during this Momo decided to pull back on Izuku to help but both Ochako and Jiro managed to pry Mina and Toru off Izuku but due to that accidentally feel back cause of how hard she was pulling back cause them to an embarrassing situation cause now Momo was on the ground and Izuku fell between her breast.

"I-I-Izuku!" Momo said completely red with smoke coming out of her head.

Izuku didn't say a word he was speaking gibberish and was red all over.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I!" was all Izuku could say during all this.

Then Mina pick up Izuku leaving Momo covering her chest.

"Hey look what you did to Midori you broke him" said Mina.

"That not our fault you won't let go" said Ochako.

But during All this Jiro was staring at her chest and compared it to the other was irritated and she stare at Izuku who was still red from experience with Momo and with out any hesitation she jabbed her earjacks into his eyes.

"Agh my eyes why Jiro" said Izuku as he fell back to the ground.

"Cause you deserve it jerk" said Jiro.

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