The True Battle of Enies Lobbies Beginning

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Finally after all the battles that Izuku's and Mirio's friends had to face many Challenges, but after defeating nearly all the members of the precepts of death were out and that meant the risk of running into them was lowered, then Izuku group finally took down Mimic return the build to a nonliving labyrinth and soon enough Izuku split up with Mirio from their group to reach the top of the tower to only burst the door wide open where the final stage will start, without a would Mirio launch forward.

"Here they come" said Lucci.

Mirio try to back hand Overhaul, but Overhaul dodge a bit only getting scratched, this was when he realized Mirio true objective as Mirio foot phase through Eri's face to hit Chrono who was holding her and to let her go.

"Don't forget about me" said Izuku.

This was when Izuku rushed in and kneed Overhaul In the gut launching him to the end of the wall not giving him a chance to touch him, both Mirio and Izuku landed far apart and Mirio get a hold of Eri.

"The heroes are here and we'll make you pay" said Mirio.

But this when Izuku felt an intense feel from Lucci even though he didn't know what he could do, then he saw Lucci making a fist the sticking one finger out and before Izuku knew it his body move right in front of Mirio before Lucci launched himself forward, but doing this caused Izuku to be repeatedly stab in different areas in the chest.

But this when Izuku felt an intense feel from Lucci even though he didn't know what he could do, then he saw Lucci making a fist the sticking one finger out and before Izuku knew it his body move right in front of Mirio before Lucci launched himse...

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"Shigan" said Lucci.

"Black-Leg!" said Mirio.

Then Lucci kicked Izuku out of the way leaving Izuku bleed from being stabbed by Lucci finger now covered in blood, then he turned his attention to Mirio and aimed his finger at him.

'Sorry but that won't work on me pal' Mirio thought.

Mirio then turn his body intangible not expecting him to not leave a mark, but he never noticed what his finger started to get covered by a black armor and him not being able to see it cause being covered by Izuku blood, with one thrust it stabbed Mirio in the chest making him fall to his knees.

"H-How" said Mirio.

But Lucci didn't say anything he only had a disappointed look on his face, then he grabbed a hold of kicked Mirio in the face letting go of Eri and sending him to the end of the wall.

"How disappointing and I actually thought this might be interesting coming here but was but all a disappointment, neither of you heroes were able to handle my Shigan, what a disappointment of prey I expected more from a demon and Chisaki your worse these two took you down in a matter of seconds, I see now that your plan will never come true cause your weak, so I'll end you plan here by destroying your main key recourse" said Lucci.

Then Lucci threw Eri high in the air and prepared a Shigan to kill her.

"Lucci what are you thinking we're still under contract" said Overhaul.

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