Preparing For The Test

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It was the end of the week and class 1A was ready to go off to lunch but Aizawa made announcement to the class as it was almost about time to leave to the cafeteria.

"Alright students as you know the exams are coming up so you better be prepare for anything you got it" said Aizawa.

"Yes sir" said the class.

"And when you do pass your reward is you'll able to attend camp trip" said Aizawa.

This got everyone excited.

"Man this is going to be awesome" said Kirishima.

"No kidding camping during the summer is the best" said Kaminari.

"Camp,camp,camp I can't wait" said Mina.

"Don't celebrate yet because if you do fail the exam you will be attending summer classes learning from me" said Aizawa.

This cause everyone to pale up.

"Everyone let's do our best" said Mina.

"Yeah" said everyone.

Then is when the bell for lunch went.

"Alright everyone it lunch go and eat so don't come asking me questions I'll be taking my nap" said Aizawa as he left the class room.

"Hey Deku let go and get our lunches together" said Ochako.

"Sorry Ochako but I have go somewhere for a bit but I'll come back to eat with you guys" said Izuku.

Then Izuku grab something out of his bag that was covered in a rag and left the class room.

"Where do you think Midori is going" said Mina.

"I don't know but he'll be fine" said Jiro.

"We should be going if we don't go now there won't be any seats available when we get there" said Momo.

"Yeah your right Momo" said Toru.

Then the girls all nodded at the idea and left to lunch but during all this Izuku finally made his way to his destination the support department.

'This time think I should listen if Hatsume is making anything I don't want repeat of what happen last time' Izuku thought.

As Izuku stared at his hands as if it sinned then Izuku put his ear on the door and didn't hear anything.

"I guess it's safe to open" said Izuku.

Then Izuku opened the door thinking it's safe and sadly he was wrong because as soon as he opened the door an explosion sent him back.

'Why me' Izuku thought.

Meanwhile someone else was also sent back and  was rubbing her head.

"Well I guess that baby needs more improvements hey that's funny  I thought I saw muscle hey muscle where are you" said Mei

But then Mei felt something underneath her rear but as she look down she saw Izuku but only his body and when she try to look for his head she realized she was sitting on his head.

"Hey there muscles sorry got you got caught in the blast" said Mei.

But for Izuku he was panicking feeling he was about to pass out due to the fact Mei butt was on Izuku's head but Izuku turned his head the other direction then soon enough he got Mei off him a gave her a lunch box.

"H-H-Here y-you go H-Hatsume" said Izuku as he ran to the cafeteria red face.

This left Mei a little confused but she didn't care as she started to eat the bento.

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