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After being hit by the two Shields by Pearl is it to had vivid flashbacks of his past coming to Japan and how painful they were and how he and Zeff met but now after seeing that finally get back up again.

"Dammit he gave up his own leg for my life the only way I could repay him is to is that I give my own life for his sake" said Izuku.

This made Gin speechless at Izuku dedication to Zeff.

"How noble of you but I have remind you once we're done this ship will reopen as a villain ship" said Pearl.

This was when Izuku lifted his leg up up high and had one thought.

'I'm sorry merry' Izuku thought.

Then with everything he had Izuku pulled down the full force of his leg down to the fin completely destroying it.

"God dammit this brat keeps getting in the way" said Kreig.

"Don't worry sir I'll handle this" said pearl.

Then Pearl went charging at Izuku but was attack by Gin destroying his armor with his metal tonfa with metal balls at the end.

"Congratulations Gin you took down one of my useless men down" said Kreig.

"Your not made about it" said Gin.

"Fuck no Pearl is as useful as a used condom" said Kreig.

"Okay then can I kill the kid then" said Gin.

"Go ahead and make it quick this kid has already been a pain since this started" said Kreig.

"Okay then" said Gin.

As he turn to Izuku with his metal tonfa and started to spin it.

"Sorry kid but you have to go down" said Gin.

"Try me" said Izuku.

"Then here I come" said Gin as he charged at Izuku.

But as soon as Gin got close enough Izuku try to kick Gin but it missed and then Gin went in for a counter attack but Izuku dodge it but Gin didn't give while Izuku was in midair Gin used the other tonfa pull Izuku down by the throat getting himself stuck.

"Look at this way kid at least your death won't be painful I'll make it quick" said Gin as he got ready to spin the left tonfa.

"I don't think so" said Izuku.

Then Izuku spit out his lollipop right at Gin's head make him lose his grip on the right side and let Izuku escape the left tonfa before it hit him but now destroyed a bit of ground but this gave Izuku the chance to kick Gin right in the head.

"I'm not going down that easily" said Izuku.

But that's when he noticed the left tonfa coming in and he couldn't dodge it break some of his ribs on the left side Izuku started to cough some blood while Gin got back up again.

"Now die" said Gin.

But as he swing his tonfa Izuku dodge that before he kick Gin in the back making him fall while Izuku was slowly get back up again.

'You know what I feel like I'm forget something' Izuku thought.

Then he left the sharp pain.

'Oh God my ribs' Izuku thought as he fell.

But this was when Izuku saw Gin as he pinned him down and try to kill him but as it look like he was about to kill Izuku there was something off Izuku noticed and it was answered when he saw Gin crying.

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