Let's Talk

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It was the end of the license exam and now they are being shown which of them passed and got their licenses.

"Wow a lot of people passed" said Shoji.

As everyone look for their names and when Izuku look and saw the board he couldn't help but a have a huge smile as he wanted to cry.

'My name I passed I did it All Might' Izuku thought.

And just Izuku pass from his class.

"I did it just call me hero" said Mineta.

"I did it" said Jiro let out a breath of relief.

"There I am" said Iida.

"Alright" said Shoji.

"I'm on the board" said Ochako.

"Thank goodness" said Sero.

"What a relief" said Ojiro.

"Magnific" said said Aoyama.

"Heck yeah I did it" said Sato.

"Yeah" said Mina.

"Another small step in becoming a pro" said Momo.

"I guess that hell training was worth it" said Shinsou.

"I passed I passed" said Toru.

"Killed it" said Kaminari.

"Right on" said Kirishima.

But soon enough Kirishima noticed that Katsumi was pissed.

"No" said Katsumi.

The reason she was like this was because her name wasn't on that list meaning that she didn't passed and she wasn't the only one.

"Yo-Yoarashi Yo-" said Inasa.

But then he saw that his name wasn't there.

"It's not there I failed" said Inasa as he pulled his hat down.

And Shoko didn't say a word  cause she saw that her name wasn't there either this surprise Izuku.

'Shoko failed' Izuku thought.

But then Inasa called out to Shoko.

"TODOROKI" yelled Inasa.

He just walk up to her and Shoko only stared back at him.

"I'm sorry it's my fault you didn't pass the license exam my focus was too narrow minded forgive me" said Inasa as he bowed his head to the ground.

This sight made Shoko the flaws of ignoring her past self and rejecting her father existant.

"I try to ignore that I'm my father's daughter but it's something I have to come to terms with if I want to be a hero" Shoko thought.

Then Shoko gave him her answer.

"Your fine I'm the one who got us on a bad start" said Shoko.

"But still" said Inasa.

"And thanks to the things you said to me I have a lot to think about" said Shoko.

But the fact that they're two of their three strongest classmates failed.

"Holy crap did she really fail" said Mina.

"How can two of our top three classmates not pass the exam" said Sero.

"You should have been more careful what you said words are important you know" said Kaminari.

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