Chapter 14 Only Me

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"Jimin? Wake up you promise me you'll spend your day off to hangout with your best friend!"
Shaking sleepy Jimin by slamming my body next to him in bed..

"You know I hate you so much.." he woke up pulling me close to him locking me into his arms and bearing his cheeks on top of my head.

"Owe! Injured girl here!" He quickly released looking up scared out of his mind.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?!"
Yeah it hurt but not a lot I just wanted him to get up, my plan worked.

"It's fine, now get up im getting dress."
The doctor from the city of New York finally took off my cast and gave me a band to help with the rest of the healing. That gave me more ability to do things for myself. No more Jimin undressing me..

I put on black jeans a white blouse and my white vans letting my hair loose. Once I got out of the bathroom Jimin had his shirt off revealing his tone abs.. I ignored the good view and went to put away the dirty clothes.

He walked around brushing his teeth still just wearing pants.
"U-mm do you mind?" He looked at me confused
"Your shirt silly boy remember I'm a girl here!"
He smiled and rush to get a shirt from his drawer.
Y/n pov
Okay y/n calm down, why is it every time he smiles at you, your heart raises its pace and your cheeks fill up with warmth
No! Y/n.. your acting pretty stupid.
He's your famous best friend in no way can you crush on Park Jimin..
Time skip
We met the boys for some New York site seeing and shopping spree.
After breakfast we head over to the main city to look at some stores. Jimin and I walked into this high quality clothing store and I help him pick up a few outfits.
I made him buy two all black and grey shirts because they looked cute on him..

As we exit out the store I saw a small store that had a bunch of high end bags and backpacks, with my excitement I begged Jimin for us to go inside and look.. those bags were extremely pretty but really expensive every time I picked up a cute back pack I immediately put it back being discourage by the price. Jimin laugh at my cheapness. Through the whole time scanning through the bags I found a plain leather blue backpack that immediately made me fall for it, knowing the price I put it back.

Eventually after a few hours shopping around I manage to get myself two cute shirts and a pair of jeans.
"Jimin look let's go inside!" Pointing at a location that had large sharing ice cream bowls with toppings
*going inside*

"One u-mm cookies and cream bowl with chocolate chips and gummy." I ordered but Jimin push me to the side so he could pay.

We sat there and started to share our bowl. But Jimin kept pausing and eye smiling and when I would catch him he would look away shyly..

"Stop doing that!"
"That! You keep smiling at me.."
"What? I can't admire my best friends beauty?"
"No you make me nervous when you smile.."
"Wait.. so I'm not aloud to smile no more?" I quickly pinched his cheek and he started to giggle

Finally after our treat we met up with the rest of the members for lunch.
We arrived to this Italian restaurant and the boys were already waiting for us..

Jungkook right away pulled me to sit in between Taehyung and him while Jimin glared at him, the cute kid just teased back by leaning his head on my shoulder leaving me confused of the whole situation.

"Nonna?" Jungkook said pointing at the menu
"I've never had Italian noodle we should get different plates and share to taste something new."
*shaking my head as I tried so hard to read the English words in the menu*

Jimin stayed quiet as Jungkook and I scanned through the menu helping each other out.
"Ooh i think someone is jealous!" Hoseok teased Jimin and that suddenly caught my attention looking up at serious Jimin

"No I'm not.. just look at your menu Hoseok!" Jimin added in a straight tone, the members immediately started laughing and pointing at him..

"Yeah he's definitely jealous of Jungkook sitting next to his girlfriend! Rest In Peace to our golden makne.." yoongi teased
I immediately got nervous still trying hard to smile at awkward Jimin.

"Namjoon just order already for us.. I'm hungry." Jimin breaking the tease.

Once we finish eating we headed back to the hotel to rest up. The boys will have a important New York interview tonight.

I placed my bag and laid my body back on my bed.. Jimin sighed and laid next to me.. not on his bed

"What's wrong? Why were you acting strange at lunch?" *jimin sighed*
"I love our maknae but he's a big flirt.."
"How was he flirting though? Literally we were just talking about food and what the menu meant sense it was in English."
Jimin turns his body facing me so I did as well, we were now both facing each other

"But you guys were laughing? I suddenly dislike that." He pouted and I felt a sudden anger.
Y/n pov
Who does he think he is?
I can't be friends with the other members? Oh no he can't be this controlling dude! I won't have it!
Why is Jimin acting as if he's my boyfriend!
"We were literally laughing because we didn't understand shit of what we were reading.."

"Yeah, But ju-st, don't!" Jimin quickly got up and sat on his bed scrolling through his phone.

I angrily stood up and got near the door..
"Oh no sir! You can't just tell me who to talk to best friends don't treat each other like that! I'm going for a walk bye!"

*walking out stopping my way across the hallway*
At the same time Namjoon was getting out of his room.. he saw me and smiled

"Hey y/n, are you okay?"
For some reason when I get angry I start to cry and of course I was upset with Jimin so I cried on my way out.. namjoon apparently saw that..
*quickly wiped my tears*

"Hey namjoon what are you doing out you need to rest for later on?"
Namjoon didn't buy it he quickly took me outside to the main lobby and sat me down.

"Did Jimin do this? It's not like him.."
"We just argued because he was being Mr jealousy over kookie.. I just don't understand why he's always been super sweet to me.. but I guess friends fight sometimes too." Namjoon patted my back

"Y/n im not just saying this because Jimin is like my brother, but he really cares about you more than you think. I'm not one to share but us as guys when we care about a special girl we turn into these protecters . I hope you guys make up soon.. anyways sorry I should get back to getting some ice for my soda."

Namjoon exit out the lobby and I stayed there confused of what just namjoon said and upset with Jimin, finally after a few minutes I took a elevator back to the room

Once I went inside Jimin was already showering, I sat by the desk and started writing.

Time skip
I sat backstage as the boys were interviewed on cameras.. sense Jimin and I argument we stayed quiet around each other.

Finally after the long interview we went back to the hotel to call it a night. Awkwardly I went back first changed fast enough to avoid Jimin and laid in bed pretending to fall asleep. But few minutes passed and Jimin still wasn't t arriving. Soon minutes passed to an hour.
Eventually I heard the door open and I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. I felt him staring at me and heard a sigh.

A/n: well could it be that they both like each other but won't stay shit! Hmm lol anyways see ya next chapter thnx for reading love ya

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