Chapter 25 Your Only Mine

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"Eomma, Appa! I missed you guys!"
"Y/n, how was japan did you have fun?" Guilty staring down because I was naughty but they cannot know just yet either they'll kill me or Jimin.

"It was amazing lots of activities to do outside, the hotel room Jimin got for us was very spacious and the bathroom was nice as well, want to see the pictures I took?" 
*eomma and appa sat on the couch scrolling through the pictures as I took my stuff inside my room.*

I ended up getting Eomma a cute tea set made of white glass and flower designs. I got Appa Iconic Japanese board games. (A/n: Just imagine any Japanese board game you know hehe).

They were so excited to look at their gifts and already wanted to use them..
"Y/n you shouldn't have spend your money.."
"It's okay it's nothing!"

Incoming call from Lil Meow Meow

Y/n: ye-ss?

Lil Meow Meow: hey Ms less annoying welcome back

Y/n: whatever, wassup

Lil Meow Meow: want to come over to the dorms, I need you to help me out..

Y/n: What! Lil Meow Meow is asking for help!

Lil Meow Meow: shut your mouth! Your getting pretty good with the piano so as another lesson play some piano for me while I finish up some songs.

Y/n: fine! Be there in 20, only because I've never seen you in action working on music and also I miss Jimin.

Yoongi: thanks and what did you and Jimin do in Japan the kid has been daydreaming on the coach sense he got here but also napped.
*internally freaking out*

*Y/n ends the call*
Time skip

Once I arrived the dorms the boys welcomed me.. Jin right away wanted to feed me food he made but I wasn't hungry.
"So where's my handsome boyfriend?" Hoseok stood up from eating.

"He's napping in his room, you to sure had a little to much fun he's been napping all day!" Hoseok teased

Yoongi took my wrist and took me next door to BigHit.. We arrived to a small studio he calls genius Lab..
I sat around as he set up his equipment, while casually messing with the piano

"Can you not! I'll tell you when I'm ready"

Yoongi and I played music for hours and had fun here and there, a few times Yoongi stopped and pouted for me to bring him some snacks from the vending machines. I had no idea how hard he works he spends hours looking over the technical parts in a song, then going over the music part then review every product that comes into a song it's just crazy. He reviewed his work and I sat there playing piano sometimes he paused and corrected me when I played the wrong key.

"Thank you for staying here with me Ms less Annoying you practicing is benefiting both of us, you getting better and me figuring out which piano keys is right for my unfinished work."

"This is all~"
*jimin came in busting the door open*

"What is this?" Both Yoongi and I looked at each other confused.

"What's your problem?" Yoongi stated
"What's my problem? Well your alone in a studio with y/n.. hmm I'm not being Mr jealous but you guys hangout often and I-I"

*grabbed Jimin's wrist and pulled him outside the Genius Lab(sugas studio)*

"Don't act like that..(*said calmly*) I really don't need to explain myself to you but I don't want to fight with you right now, Yoongi and I are just good friends he helps me and I help him.. now is that a crime I don't think so. Your only mine and I'm only yours. Just don't"
I loved him to death and i understand he gets concern about my feelings often but sometimes he becomes overprotective and try's to control who I hangout with and I won't have it.

"It's just when I see you with the other members laughing and having a good time I get scared that I'll loose you.. I love you so much your special to me and I can't afford that sorry y/n." Jimin pouted looking down.

Couldn't help it I got closer and kissed his cheek..
"Fine! But you better apologize to Yoongi because we were in the middle of something."
*went inside and Yoongi still stuck on the computer*

"Yoongi? Jimin has to tell you something.." yoongi immediately smiles evil and turned around raising a brow.
"You see y/n! He's no good!" I quickly smack his shoulder.

"Sorry Yoongi for interrupting your work, I was just being a overprotective boyfriend."

"It's cool Jiminie, I'll do the same if it were my girlfriend.. sometimes just us guys want to protect what's ours. Now Can Y/n and I finish where we left off? You can stay.."

Jimin quickly kissed me and patted Yoongi on the shoulder.
"Nahh it's okay Hyung, I'm still jet lag. When you guys are done bring Y/n back to the dorms."

Time skip
After yoongi and I's session we walked over to the dorms to find most of the guys asleep.. only Tae and Kookie were awake.

"Noona, come sit with us we are playing a game!" Kookie said giving me his bunny smile

"Um no she will not sit with you guys because tomorrow we have a early shoot for the new era so you to need to rest!"  Yoongi demanded
Soon pouty Tae and Kookie went to their rooms like two kids who just got in trouble.

A sleepy Jimin came out of the room and too my wrist I followed him instantly.
"Can you spend the night, I already got use to cuddling up with you.. please" I looked around to see Jin mad asleep on the other side of the room as well as thinking how will I tell Eomma.

"But, I have no clothes to sleep with.."
Jimin right away pulled out a T-shirt and shorts from his drawer.

"Now you don't have an excuse.." I changed quickly in their bathroom and then curled up with Jimin in bed.. he bear hug me like always and honestly being with Jimin made me feel safe, he always knows how to protect me and make me happy.

The next morning I woke up to the only one in the room. Rubbed my eyes and made my way outside the room. Found Hoseok shirtless running around from screaming Jin and Yoongi, Tae, Namjoon in the living room laughing at the whole scene.

"Good morning beautiful! Get dress I have a shoot to go to, if you want to come along?" Jimin cane at me showing me with kisses

"Oh no! No one told me y/n slept over I'm over here snoring like a beast she must of heard me next door!" Namjoon complained

"Don't worry oppa I didn't hear you.."
"Yeah she probably was to busy curling up next to a excited male!" Hoseok teased Jimin right away smack his head.

"May I go to the bathroom?" Jimin pointed the bathroom..
Once I knocked a shirtless Jungkook came out with wet hair and a white towel covering his lower area. Right away my cheeks turned red and I covered my eyes. His eyes also widen.

"Shit! Sorry y/n I had no idea you were here! Sense it's just us guys living here.." Jungkook pouted embarrassedly

Finally after everyone got dressed we all went inside this big van along with the Staff and managers. I had asked them to drop me off home on there way there just because I needed to wash up.

A/n: I know this chapter was but on the boring side sorry, having a bit of writers block.. anyway stay room for the last few chapters of this fanfic. But don't worry I won't stop I have plenty of other fanfic ideas

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