Chapter 19 Jimin?

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Jimin: Sorry we couldn't hang out today.. maybe tomorrow, how about lunch?

Y/n: it's okay Jimin don't worry about me, just have fun with your parents you know they won't stay in Seoul for long so enjoy them while their here.

Jimin: thank you for understanding I hope you have a good day.. oh by the way Yoongi was looking for you so expect him to hit you up

Y/n: alight I should get back to work. Have fun

Y/n leaves the chat room

My shift was over, I took a long walk home after work.. I know Jimin must be happy to be with his people. Sense I've been with him almost everyday it felt weird not seeing him come by to my job nor picking me up so we can hangout.

*buzz buzz*

Lil Meow Meow: y/n?

Y/n: hey yoongi was sup

Lil Meow Meow: did you get off work already?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm close to home

Lil Meow Meow: good, I'm picking you up

Y/n: Wait what you didn't even ask if I wanted to hangout with you!

Lil Meow Meow: oh well, be there in 20 I actually don't mind having you around. I want to go music shopping so I'm taking you with me..

Y/n: fine but you better by me food.. hehe

Lil Meow Meow: Okay I guess, your so annoying

Lil meow meow leaves the chat room

Took a quick shower put some ripped black jeans a white blouse with my usual vans, finding Yoongi outside impatiently pacing.

"Your so weird you should of came inside.."
"Oh no! Going inside your house that's a Jimin thing. Now let's go our personal driver is waiting." I widen my eyes and look inside the nice car. Usually Jimin and I take a lousy taxi or subway.

Once we arrived to the mall right away Yoongi forced me into the electronics store. But i instantly loved it seeing him get all excited with the equipment was priceless.
He looked so cute when he picked up a wire for his studio that even his eyes lit up.

"Look y/n! We should get this for your piano! It's a aux cord to connect to other sound tools." Yoongi picking up a aux placing it onto the pile of stuff I was already caring thanks to him..

Finally after a while scanning the store he purchase everything. We passed by the arcade where Jimin and I first hangout and I pouted. Yoongi immediately rolled his eyes..

"Fine! Do you want to go in there a little bit.."
*clapping my hands and pulling him inside*

Yoongi was actually a softy he just hates to admit it.. we played racing games, shooting games to contest games to see who wins the cute stuffs. Yoongi ended up winning me a brown fox that I loved dearly because that fox was a reminder that I made yoongi be nicer.
After a hour passed having fun in the arcade both Yoongi and I's tummies growled.

"Come let's go! I'm hungry and you do not want to see hangry Suga. I know this Korean restaurant the boys and I always go to eat in."
"Okay sounds good!"

When we arrived it was this nice fancy place obviously I've never been. A nice hosts sat us down and we ordered our foods.
Soon after across from us Yoongi and I noticed someone familiar. *rubbed my eyes*
It was Jimin, he was sitting next to a beautiful young lady and in front of them was a way older man and women. I'm assuming that's his parents, he was smiling and laughing.. what started to bother me just a bit was the girl kept laughing at whatever he said and she even had her hand on his lap.

"Hey don't worry about Jimin.. look there's lots of food.." yoongi trying so hard to distract me but I couldn't stop thinking. For bit even though Yoongi was talking to me about his music and how annoying the guys can be, I kept getting distracted by the girl annoyedly laughing at what ever Jimin said..

"I'm glad we got to hangout I consider you as a close friend, just don't tell Jimin that he'll go all cray on me.. but anyways your the least annoying person in my life. So how's the food?" I turned back around to yoongi and fake smiled.

"Awe thanks and your least cold then I thought. But yeah the food is great." Eventually I turned back to look at Jimin across from us. But suddenly they were gone just his parents were sitting there alone.
I quickly felt a warmth on my cheeks as I rubbed my knees..

"Aaa, yoongi I'll be right back I'm going to use the ladies room."
"Okay whatever but if there's no food left that's on you.." I quickly got up and made my way towards the back of the restaurant near the bathroom hallway.

My face got more red I bit my lips because all sorts of kinds of emotions were running through my head. I found Jimin pinned on the wall as he kissed the beautiful high school friend.
I tried quickly backing up to avoid him seeing me and for my luck I tripped over some stack chairs by the hallway.

"Owe!" Right away there lips let go and Jimin's eyes widen as he ran to me helping me up.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Wanting to cry right at the moment but I gulped it back up.

"Sorry to bother you two's session, Wanted to head to the restroom." I yanked my arm from Jimin's hand and walked quickly to the bathroom.
"Y/n! Wait!" I ignored
Y/n pov
I'm so stupid how could I think he actually likes me back! He probably just hold my hand because he felt sorry about me..
What happened to my sweet best friend? Should I even be mad at him for kissing someone else and being a fool for thinking he liked me back!
I want to go home..
Eventually after cleaning up my face I ran back to Yoongi who seem to be arguing with Jimin..
yoongi saw my puffy eyes and sighed.

"Yoongi can we go now?" I couldn't stop looking at Jimin as his sad face was more noticeable.

The whole car ride back home was quiet I stared back to the city through the car widen. Finally Yoongi broke the sad vibes floating in the air.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, it's so unlike Jimin. He has some explaining to give you, please don't be sad think about the fun day we had today.."
once we arrived him I hugged Yoongi tight and thank him for the hangout today. He tried so hard to be a Lil meow meow to cheer me up but it wasn't cutting it..

Time skip

I laid back on my bed crying my soul out, Jimin's my best friend he should have told me if he was seeing someone. I'm so confused because for a while I thought he liked me back. Jimin is really special what was that all for? A lot of thoughts ran through my head and my heart ache as if it was a break up. I needed to know the truth from him but at this moment I don't want to see him whats oh ever.
My phone had already 10 missed calls from Jimin and like 20 texts all of them I ignored.

Even Jungkook kept texting me too but I didn't bother. I just cuddled up on my fox Yoongi gave me and fell asleep with swollen eyes.

A/n: before anyways freaks. No I didn't make Jimin into a cheater lol Jimin is everything anyways continue reading to next chapter to see what really happens just know know he fucked up and hurt "y/n". Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter see ya

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