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I sat in my room, just having gotten back from blading with Shu. I loved hanging out with Shu any chance I could and I only hoped he liked hanging out with me too. We've known each other for three years, yet he still doesn't know everything about me. I layed in my bed and texted Shu, talking about our conversation at the park.

V: I'm sorry I went off on u btw..

S: No need to apologize Valt. I should've specified what I meant. <3

V: Eh... Still...

S: Your dad give you any shit when you got home?

V: No, just asked where I had been. Chiharu 2 called u my boyfriend when I told them I was at the park with u lol

I felt myself blush as I typed the message and hit send. There was no telling how Shu was gonna react to that.

S: Shit, guess if we hang out, it means we're a couple lmao. What did you tell her?

V: u don't wanna kno.

More like I didn't wanna tell him. Little did my dad and his bitch even know I'm actually gay and kinda have a crush on Shu. My mom however, did know and she was actually supportive of me. I know my dad wouldn't be, so I just keep it from him, but I'm sure he'll figure it out if he hasn't already.

S: Ye I do, tell

V: ...Said "No, but if we were dating, at least I'd be getting more dick than you bitch." .... 😶

I told him what my response was and I was afraid to get a text back from him. I didn't wanna screw up our friendship, but then I gotta remember that I screw everything up.

S: Valt you small savage! XD

V: Lol she pisses me tf off!

S: Ik, she's just a dumbass

V: U right lol. I'm tired so I think Ima go to sleep.

S: K. Night Valt ily.

V: that's gay. Lol ily2 night.
I sent my last text to Valt for the night as I put my phone on the charger. I grabbed my Spryzen and a little cleaning cloth and started cleaning it. I got lost in my thoughts while I was at it, thinking about if Valt could be keeping something from me. And if he is, how important is that something?

I shook the thought out of my head and came back to reality as I set Spryzen on my night stand next to my launcher, drifting off to sleep soon after.
I walked around the park by myself for awhile, not wanting to be social. I always got like this. Without reason, I'd just isolate myself from everyone, including Shu. Though, I had been thinking about him all day and how much of a crush I really have on him. I had know idea if he felt the same for me, but I wasn't gonna risk our friendship to find out.


I heard Shu's voice as I kept walking. I didn't know if I was imagining it or not. I realized that I was near the park's bey stadium where Shu happen to be. He came running up the stairs and hugged me tightly.

"You dork, you haven't texted me back all day."

He said in a worried tone.

"My phone is at home, sorry."

"Why would you leave it? What if there was an emergency while you were out here and didn't have your phone to call for help Valt??"

I shrugged and folded ny arms, making a somewhat of a smart ass comment.

"Guess I'd die then."

"Exactly! Do you want that to happen?!"

Was he really that worried about me??

"I wouldn't mind if I'm being honest."

I said as I shrugged again. Shu's eyes went wide and I already regretted giving that answer and looked away, trying not to let tears fall. But Shu knew me too well.


I walked down the stairs and went to sit under the cherry blossom tree we sat under yesterday, knowing Shu would follow me. He sat next to me as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Valt, what's wrong? You haven't tried to do anything to yourself, have you?"

"No. But I've been tempted to.."

I admitted to him. I couldn't lie to my best friend.

"Did something happen at home last night? What made you isolate yourself today?"

"Good question. No, nothing happened, but I don't know why I felt the need to stay away from everyone today."

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, so I just let them fall down my face.

"Aww, don't cry, you cute dork."

Shu said as he grabbed my face and started wiping away my tears. His soft hands on my face felt great and I couldn't help but just hug him out of nowhere. I heard a familiar voice from someone that I couldn't stand.

"Hey, look at the gay boys! Just as expected from you Valt!"

"And you are...?"

Shu asked him, but I answered before he did.

"That's Stan."

"Hey, wait.. You're Shu Kurenai! Dude, why are you hanging around this gay fuck?"

Stan said as Shu and I stood up.

"You know, you calling me gay isn't bothering me. I am in fact gay so...."

I saw Shu snicker at my comment.

"And to answer your question Stan, I'm hanging around Valt because he's been my best friend for three years. If you're here just to bully him, kindly leave."

I felt myself blush as Shu defended me. Stan pushed Shu to the side and out of his way as he came over to me.

"I actually just remembered something we used to call you in school Valt. Ah.. What was it..? Valt... Kilder... Aoi! Isn't that your middle name? Valt Kilder Aoi."
When Stan made fun of Valt's middle name, which was actually Kalder, I saw Valt get the scariest look on his face. I didn't know why being called Kilder bothered him, but I wasn't okay with this idiot calling him that if it upset my best friend.

"Don't fucking CALL ME THAT!"

Valt yelled as my eyes went wide. I've never seen him like this before. He shoved Stan, pissing him off even more. I saw Stan draw his fist back and knew he was about to hit my crush. I stepped in before his fist hit Valt and punched Stan in the face instead.

The Kalder name is from the series I spoke of earlier too. Enjoy 😁

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