Little Kicks

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Valt was three and a half months pregnant now and had a baby bump that was just barely noticeable with loose shirts on. He still had some aggressive morning sickness, but he knew it was worth it. Every night when he's laying in bed with Shu, he would feel small kicks in his stomach that made him happy. Shu was always feeling his stomach, wanting to feel the kicks and he has a few times. The rest of the gang enjoyed feeling the baby too, but Valt got overwhelmed when everyone was touching his stomach all at once. Valt laid on the chase of the couch zipped up in one of his hoodies with the hood on as he watched TV. Shu had to walk on egg shells around Valt sometimes since his hormones were crazy. Valt could be scary when pissed off, and Shu didn't want any part of it. He saw the smaller boy watching TV as he decided to walk up to him and give him a soft kiss on his lips.

"Hey, baby. You feeling okay?"

Shu began.

"I'm fine, just cold."

"Want me to turn the air up?"

Valt shook his head in response.

"I want you."

Valt said, reaching an arm out to grab the taller boy's hand. Shu smiled as he got up and moved the pillow Valt was laying on and sat behind him, now being the boy's pillow. Shu stared at Valt's stomach as he imagined his baby that was in there.

"What're you looking at?"

Valt asked as he tilted his head back and saw his boyfriend staring at his stomach. He took Shu's hand as he lifted his hoodie, laying his hand on his bare stomach.

"You don't have to be afraid to feel our baby, Shu."

"I'm not. I just don't want to envade your space."

Shu had a lot of respect for Valt's space while he was pregnant.

"That's sweet, but you're allowed to feel your son or daughter when you want, hun."

The blunette reassured the albino. Shu smiled and put his other hand on Valt's stomach and rubbed around, trying to get the baby to kick.

"That actually feels good, babe."

Valt said as he let Shu feel around. To Valt it felt like a massage on his stomach and enjoyed it.

"I love you, Valt."

Shu said as he placed gentle kisses on his neck.

"I love you too, Shu. I can't wait to raise our baby together."


It had finally been five months since Valt got pregnant and the two had just gotten back from the baby doctor. They were excited to text the guys and their family members to reveal the baby's gender.

"Shu, I already know what I want to name her."

"Already? What is it?"

"I wanna name her Nika.."

Shu knew exactly why he wanted to name he Nika and he wished that he had've thought to name her that himself. The boys held hands as the two gazed at each other.

"That's perfect, Valty. Your sister would be so happy for us."

Shu assured his partner. The boys kissed and just as they were getting a little too frisky with each other, there was a knock at the door.

"Must be the guys. Sit down and rest, get off your feet."

Shu opened the door to the rest of the guys, Daigo, Rantaro and Wakiya and invited them in. While Daigo was respectful and gave his best friend his personal space, Wakiya and Honcho decided to go straight to Valt and put their hands on his stomach to feel the baby, making Shu annoyed. He looked  over at Valt and saw he was uncomfortable with the two rubbing all over his stomach.

"Okay, okay..."

Shu started as he walked over to his partner.

"Rantaro, Wakiya, give Valt some space. Neither one of you even asked him if you could feel the baby. That makes him uncomfortable and stresses him out."

"Oh, we didn't realize it stressed him out. Sorry, Valt."

Valt nodded his head in response as he laid down on the couch and giving pleading eyes at Shu to come lay down with him. The white haired boy gave him a soft smile and laid with his two babies, hugging them both.

"So, what's the baby's gender?"

Daigo spoke up.

"We're having a baby girl and naming her Nika after my sister."

"Aww... That's sweet, you two."

"Thanks, Daigo."

Shu said. Valt began to feel Nika move around and kick him from the inside and she had gotten more aggressive when doing so.


"What's wrong, hun?"

"She's kicking hard and it hurts."

Shu pulled the blunette closer to him and started kissing his temple.

"She wants out so she can be held by daddy one and two."

Shu told Valt as he leaned down to kiss his boyfriend's belly.

"She's getting so big in there."

"You're saying I'm getting fat."

Valt said jokingly.

"No! You're beautiful, Valty and I love your belly. Because our daughter is in there and you're already a great dad."


The guys had finally left, giving Shu and Valt time to be alone and coo over their unborn daughter. Shu was having fun playing finger tag with Nika's kicks and possibly punches. Valt on the other hand, was tired and wanted all the movement inside him to stop. There would be a lot of times where Nika would be moving every which way in Valt's stomach, making him feel sick and nauseated. He hated to ruin Shu and Nika's game of tag, so he never said anything about it. Shu giggled at the baby movements, but stopped when he looked up and saw Valt with his hand propping up his head with a tired and sick expression on his face.

"Valty, you okay?"

Shu asked the smaller boy. He shook his head no but Shu knew Valt better than that. Something was wrong with the pregnant boy.

"Valt, tell me."

"I just feel sick to my stomach and I'm tired. All her moving around is making my stomach churn."

"Ooh, Valty, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. I'm sorry I got her moving around."

Shu apologized as he planted a loving kiss on his lips.

"It's okay, babe. It's cute when you play with her too. All her flipping and turning though makes my stomach sick though."

"I see how that would make you feel sick. I'm sorry, baby. You need to sleep while you still can, cause neither one of us are getting any once she's out."

Shu pointed out, making Valt give a weak smile. Shu gave his partner a kiss on his cheek before he left Valt to have his alone time, not counting the baby. Both of the boys were ready for the baby to be out but they knew they had a few more months to wait.

Next chapter, there's gonna be a lot of time skipping. Heads up.

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