Cleaning Wounds

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Zorro- a new alter of Valt's- had made breakfast for him and Shu. After they ate, Shu offered to help him do the dishes, but Zorro insisted he do them himself.

"Shu, it's okay. I know how to do them. You go relax- I know you and Valt had a bad night last night."

Zorro insisted. Shu sighed in defeat and went over to the couch, turning the TV on. He liked Zorro, but of course, he wanted his Valt to come back.

"Uhh, Zorro- don't take this the wrong way but, when is Valt gonna front?"

Shu asked as he turned around. Zorro wasn't offended at all and understood that Shu wanted to see Valt, especially after last night. He just wanted to have Valt in his arms and comfort him.

"No worries- after I finish these, I'll let him front. He's begging me to let him."

"Awesome, thank you, Zorro."

Shu said, turning back around.


Zorro finished up the dishes and sat on the couch, he sat there quietly next to Shu. Zorro started blinking his eyes rapidly, stopping all of a sudden. Valt was back, and Shu was watching TV- not wanting to seem creepy by watching Zorro switch. Valt looked around and recognized his surroundings, and looked at what he was wearing. Once he saw, he rolled his eyes and shook his head, knowing Zorro picked out the clothes. Valt scooted over and laid next to his boyfriend, who was watching TV until he saw Valt getting in his arms.

"Hey! Welcome back, Valty. How do you feel?"

Shu asked as he hugged his blunette tight, Valt doing the same.

"I'm sore, but mentally I'm fine."

Valt said, even smiled.

"Aww, I'm glad, baby!"

The two hugged each other tight and smiled as they gave sweet kisses to each other. Valt buried his face into Shu's chest as the two laid on their sides on the chase of the couch.

"We need to clean your wounds in a minute."

Shu said in a muffled tone, his face on the top of Valt's head. Valt groaned, not wanting to move from the comfort he and Shu were in.

"Later. I just wanna lay here with you."

The blunette said, face still in the white haired male's chest.


An hour later, both boys were in the bathroom cleaning Valt's wounds. He sat on the side of the tub as he let Shu clean the cuts with Peroxide. After they cleaned them up, Valt put some different clothes on- getting rid of the clothes Zorro had on before. Valt put on a long sleeves Beyblade merch shirt, and some old baggy, basketball styled shorts. He left his hair down since him and Shu planned to stay in for the day.

"Aww... Look at you in your basketball shorts."

Shu teasingly cooed at the small blunette. Valt didn't ever play basketball, but he liked the style of the shorts. Valt blushed at Shu's teasing, low key enjoying it. He walked over to Shu and hugged him tightly as they both smiled and blushed.

"I love you, Shu."

"I love you too, Valty."


The next morning came and Shu got up and ready to go jogging. He got Valt into jogging with him every morning too now. He used to never run for Beyblade training willingly, but at BC Sol he had to. Both of the boys put on their track suits- Valt in blue, Shu in red. After Valt put his hair up and head beads in, he started looking at the cuts on his arms. He wasn't wearing long sleeves, so anyone that walked by him in public would be able to see them- which made him nervous. Shu walked up behind the smaller boy and grabbed him by his hips gently.

"Shu, people are gonna see the cuts and make fun of me while we're training."

The blunette said, about to lose his nerve.

"No they won't."

Shu assured, kissing the small boy's neck.

"If they do, I'll deal with them. You know I won't let anyone mess with my boy."

Hearing those words fall from Shu's mouth comforted Valt, making a smile grow on his face.


Shu and Valt had been running for ten minutes and Valt was already panting and falling behind.

"Come on, slow poke!"

Shu teased his boyfriend. Valt cut his eyes up at him as he stayed hunched over, hands on his knees.

"Fuck off..."

Valt breathed out. He sat down on the sidewalk when he started to feel dizzy and sick. Shu knelt down in front of him.

"You alright, babe?"

"I feel dizzy."

The taller boy knew instantly that Valt was dehydrated and grabbed a water bottle that he brought.

"Here, drink some water."

Shu said, handing over the water. Valt gladly took the water and chugged some- pouring the rest of it on his head and face. He shook off the water like a dog as he gave the bottle back to Shu.

"I was gonna drink some of that..."

Shu spoke, not surprised at Valt's actions.

"Sorry. The ice will melt."

Valt told him as the both of them stood back up and continued their run together.

"Hey, race ya to the roof of the school?"

Shu offered.

"You're on!"

And then the ran off into the sunset and fucked. Kidding. Y'all send me filler chapter ideas please!

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