Feeling Her Move

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Two months later

Shu and Valt laid together in their bed, Valt feeling his baby moving inside him while Shu was asleep. Valt couldn't help but smile as he stared and watched his small stomach moving. He wanted to share this moment with Shu, but he knew Shu had been tired from staying awake with him and taking care of him. Valt would still get in pain and still had a lot of 'morning' sickness and even at four months pregnant, he still wasn't even showing. Even with his shirt off, his stomach only looked like a food baby. After awhile, the baby was still moving around a lot and it was making Valt nauseous, the same way it did when he was pregnant with Nero. He kept a trash can right next to their bed in case Valt needed it, which he did. He began to hear Shu wake up and was glad because he still wanted him to be able to feel their baby moving.

"Hey, Valty. You're still awake?"

Shu asked as he yawned.

"Yeah, your daughter won't stop moving around."

The blunette responded as he grabbed Shu's hand and laid it on his stomach for him to feel. Shu could feel her moving a lot in there and was happy, kissing the blunette's belly repeatedly, but then noticed how sick Valt looked. He scooted up to get closer to the boy as he put his hands on either side of his head and kissed his forehead.

"How long has she been kicking for?"

Shu asked, knowing it was the baby's moving making him sick.

"For about an hour and a half. I feel so sick."

Valt said weakly.

"I can tell. I'm sorry she's making your tummy feel bad."

The albino said as he wrapped his arms around his boy and kissed his face and neck repeatedly. Valt laid his arm over his forehead and winced and gritted his teeth at the aching in his stomach, putting his hand over it.

"Ahh, fuck..."

Valt started.

"Augh, my stomach..."

Shu took his hand and began rubbing the smaller boy's stomach, since it usually helped some.


The next morning, Shu woke up to the sound of his love throwing up in the trash can next to the bed and saw him hanging over the side. He immediately started rubbing circles into the blunette's back as he heard him start to cry out in pain.

"Ow. Shu, please make it stop, please!"

He begged.

"Honey, I don't know how I can make it stop. I wish I did, I really do."

"My stomach is killing me! I still feel sick, no matter how much I throw up."

Valt complained. Shu's eyes began to gloss over and tears started fall down his face, feeling bad for the blunette and wishing he could switch places with him. He scooted closer to him and rubbed his stomach like the night before, and cuddled up to him.

"I love you so much, Shu... I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing, baby?"

Shu asked, confused.

"Because, you're having to deal with me like this. I know you're exhausted and need to rest, but you haven't been able to because of me..."

Shu admitted to himself that he was exhausted, but he also loved taking care of Valt. He just hated to see him in so much pain and agony.

"Awh, honey... It isn't your fault that you're sick. You can't help that."

"I know but..."

Valt started.

"When was the last time you ate something?"

Shu asked, preparing himself for a bad answer.

"Yesterday after we left the doctor's. I'm not hungry right now, please don't try to get me to eat."

The blunette said to Shu.

"Dammit, Valt... At least drink one of your protein shakes, please?"

"Okay, fine."

Shu immediately got up and got the blunette one of his shake drinks and took it back into the room for him.

"Here, drink all of it."

Shu demanded Valt. He just rolled his eyes as he opened his drink and took a sip.

"Drink more than that, Valt."

"For fucks sake, Shu.."

"Excuse me for wanting my boyfriend and our baby healthy!"

The two argued back and forth for a few minutes, managing to wake up Nero in the room across from them. The young boy opened his parents' door and got their attention.

"Dad, Father!"

Nero yelled to get his two dads to stop their arguing. Mind you, Nero had decided to call Valt 'dad' and Shu 'father'.

"Why are you two fighting?"

Nero asked, his voice breaking.

"It's nothing, son. Just taking care of your dad. He doesn't feel well and I was trying to get him to drink more of his protein shake for him and the baby."

Shu explained to his son. He turned his head to look at Valt and gave him an apologetic look. Valt gave Shu a single nod as he laid in the bed, shirtless, still feeling bad. Nero noticed how sick he looked and walked over to his dad.

"Are you okay, Dad?"

"Yes. I'm okay, son. Let Father go make you some breakfast for you, okay?"


Nero gave his Dad a quick hug and kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room with his Father.

"Father, is Daddy and the baby gonna be okay?"

Nero asked, worry in his voice.

"Yes, they'll be fine, Sweetie. Dad's tummy just is really sensitive now. He has to be careful about what he eats and does."

"I want Daddy to feel better, Father."

"I know, Sweetie. Me too."

Shu listened to his son talk as he fixed both of them some breakfast.

"Father, when can I start being a Beyblader?"

Nero asked.

"Well, right now you're too young to be in competitions right now, but you can start blading with people at your school or people around the neighborhood whenever you want. Just let me know when you wanna start really blading and I'll take you to get your own Bey."

"Really?! Can we go get one tomorrow?!"

Nero asked excitedly.

"Maybe, we'll see how Dad feels."


Nero's wanting to Beyblade made Shu happy, but also very worried. He didn't want to ever see his kid become what Shu and Aiger did, and he really didn't want him to have to battle someone like Lui. He wanted his son to be around bladers his age and that were a good influence on him.

Okay, leave some name suggestions for Nero's bey name. Has to start with an N. Sorry this took so long btw. ADD. Also, I made it to where Nero calls Valt "dad" and Shu "father". I would've gone with Dad and Daddy but I don't like the word "Daddy" overly used... You can guess why.

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