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Time skip 3 years

Shu and Valt were playing with Nika in the living room and trying to teach her basic skills. Colors, numbers, what certain items are called, etc. Their daughter was a slow learner and her attention span never lasted long, causing the boys to be concerned about Nika maybe having ADHD/ADD. The only reason that that would worry Shu and Valt is because they didn't want her to get made fun of when she started school in a few years. The boys didn't plan on sending the girl to Pre-k because they wanted to work with her themselves. The two were always having trust issues with anyone that handled their little girl, even doctors. Every time Nika had to get a shot or two, she'd always cry, as would most toddlers, and it broke Valt's heart, but he also knew that she had to have her vaccinations.

"Nika, what're you doing, honey?"

Shu asked as he came back in the living room from the bey training room. Him and Valt still loved beyblading, and now that Nika was old enough to go to a competition to watch, the boys started competing again. They haven't had to battle each other yet, but they'd be ready when they did.

"Babe, you know Nika has your Vatryek, right?"

Shu told him.

"Oh, shit! Please get it from her before she puts a piece in her mouth and chokes."

Shu rushed over to his daughter and snagged Vatryek from her hands, making her cry.

"I know, I'm sorry, Nika."

Shu said as he sat her on his legs in the floor.

"You don't need to play with that, it can hurt you if you're not careful. Look what it did to daddy."

Shu took his hand and moved his white hair, showing his daughter his scar over his eye that he got from his own Bey. The little girl gasped as Valt walked over and sat next to his partner and daughter and kissed Shu's scar while he still had his hair lifted.

"Lui is still a rat."

Valt added.

"Nika, when you're older, maybe we will get you your own Beyblade."

Nika smiled in response and leaned forward, laying on Shu's chest as Valt laid cuddled up to him as well and threw his arm across Nika's back.

"I love both of my babies."

Shu said as he hugged them both.


Shu, Valt and Nika were spending the day at the store, getting Nika some clothes that would fit her since she was growing. She kept running off into the boys clothing section, wanting nothing to day with girls clothing. As she looked around, she saw her albino dad coming for her.


She yelled as her father swooped her up.

"Nika, honey, you can't keep running off like that. Someone could kidnap you. What's over here that you want so much?"

She pointed to some shirts she wanted as Shu set her down and grabbed one of the shirts Nika had pointed at and held it up to her. Shu never thought it mattered what gender clothing she wanted to wear. As long as she had clothes that fit. After grabbing a few shirts and pants she liked, the two walked back over to Valt, who was still looking for girls clothing for Nika.

"There you two are!"

He said as he hugged his boy and daughter.

"Where have you two been?"

"In the boys section. She picked out some clothes she liked."

Shu held up the shirts and pants to show Valt.

"Oooh, these are cool. Okay, we'll get those for her."

Valt said as he put the clothes in the cart.

"Babe, have you noticed that Nika seems to be more involved into boys' clothing and toys?"

Shu asked.

"Yeah, I have. Can we not talk about it right now?"

"Okay, but we have to later, Valty."

"I know."


It was 10:15PM and Nika was fast asleep while Valt and Shu were practicing their beyblading in the other room. With so much lack of practice, neither of the boys were beating the other.

"Ugh, my arms feel weak. Maybe we need to work out instead of jumping right back into blading."

Valt said.

"Yeah. Maybe one of us can go to the gym in the morning and the other can go around noon. That way we can watch Nika. She doesn't need to be around all those heavy weights and getting hurt."

"Sounds like a good idea, babe. You can go first since you're a morning person."


The next morning came and Shu was getting ready to go to the gym. He mostly wanted to work on his arms since his had gotten a bit weak as well. Before he left, he leaned over the bed and gave his boyfriend a peck on his forehead.

"I'll see later, love."

Sorry that this one is shorter. Next one will be longer. Prepare for a lot of time skips.

Also, don't try to imagine Shu and Valt looking older. Pretend they got hit with a no aging... Spell... Potionm... Thing. Idk just pretend they don't physically age!

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