My Friend's Sister

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I managed to knock Stan to the ground when I hit him, but he quickly got back up as he mumbled something.

"Kilder... Valt Kilder!"

This guy just wanted to make fun of Valt. Is that what this guy lives for? To make Valt miserable? I don't even understand what this Kilder name is about. I'd had enough of this idiot and he wasn't leaving. I grabbed Valt by his shoulder and turned him away from Stan. He was still clinching his jaw and baring his teeth. We left the park and I made sure that guy was far out of Valt's sight. I wasn't even sure if the boy could hear me right now, he's so pissed.

Finally, we were far enough away and Valt seemed to be snapping out of his trance. I stopped Valt in his tracks as I stood in front of him as he stared at the ground.

"Valt? You good?"

He folded his arms and looked around to see his surroundings.

"Can we just go home??"

He asked in a somewhat scared tone.

"Y-yeah, sure. Come on, we'll go back to my place."
I got back to my house pretty late. I was over at Shu's place after the whole Stan thing went down. I missed my sister and all I wanted to do was sleep so I didn't have to feel anything.

The next day, my dad's bitch ass girlfriend decided to wake me up by splashing her damn wine on me and my dad didn't do anything about it.

"Are you serious?! Dad, you're just gonna let her throw her wine on me like that?!"

"You watch how you speak to us boy! We're your parents!"

Chiharu 2 said.

"You are NOT my mom, and you never will be! Get out of my room!"

I yelled to my dad and his bitch.

"You are so disrespectful! I am trying to be your mother!-"

"Stop, cause you never will be!"

I yelled again as she finally started to leave my room.

"Why do you just let him walk all over you?!"

She asked my dad.

"He treats me like shit! That's all he is, is a piece of shit! He's worthless!"

When the bitch said that, I grabbed Valtryek and my launcher and shoved my dad aside.

"Valt, where are you going?"

"None of your business! But maybe I'll get killed while I'm out! Do everyone a favor..."

I slammed the door behind me in anger as I headed out. I went to the park to train with Valtryek, hoping that would cool me down some, and maybe Shu would come too. If I wasn't afraid of annoying him, I'd text him to come to the park and blade.


I heard a deep and familiar voice call my name. I looked up and saw Aiger Akabane running down the stairs at high speed, leaving his sister, Naru, in the dust.

"Aiger, wait up!!"

She yelled. I loved their bond. Reminded me of when my sister would always go with me anywhere I went. I found myself half smiling at Naru's inability to catch up to her big brother.

"Keep up Naru!!"

Aiger yelled as he turned back to tell her. Both of them made it over to me as they both panted heavily.

"You both okay?"

I asked, giving a slight snicker.

"I'm fine!"

Answered Naru, quickly regaining her energy.

"Good! Now, what about your brother? Aiger, you good?"

"Y-yeah... Just give me... A second..."

He said, still out of breath. Naru handed him a bottle of water. He took it and drank it without hesitation, pouring it on his face when he was done. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So, Valt, when can I meet Shu Kurenai?!"

Aiger asked. I wasn't even aware he knew about Shu.

"Uhm, you've heard of him?"

"Yeah! Kids at school talk about him all the time! Is it true that he became evil at one point?"

Naru asked. I wouldn't have said 'evil' but... Maybe I would actually.

"Yeah, it is. I got him back though, so he's okay now."

"When. Can. I. MEET HIM?!"

Aiger asked again impatiently. I couldn't blame him. I love being around Shu too.

"I can text him to come down here, if you want."

"Yes! Please!"

Aiger became starry eyed. His teal orbs lit up with so much joy as I got my phone out and texted him. Now I didn't feel like I was annoying him since Aiger had me text him to come here.

V: Hey, I have a friend at the park that really wants to meet you. His name is Aiger Akabane.

S: Hey cuteness. I was about to come see if you were there actually. I'm headed out the door.

V: Ok, cya in a few.

"Alright, he's on his way now."

I said as I sat down on the platform of the bey stadium.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

Aiger said in excitement as he threw his arms around my neck and nuzzled my cheek a little.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome! I thought I was your idol?"

I said, gently pushing him off.

"You are! Are you jealous??"

He "teased".

"No! But don't touch Shu."

I said playfully. Kinda.

"Why would he touch him?"

Naru asked. I wasn't jealous of Aiger admiring another blader, but I got jealous when anyone freaked out when they saw Shu. As selfish as that sounds.

"Oooh... I see what's going on. You have a thing for your best friend!"

Aiger said, figuring it out. I felt myself blush and noticed Shu was finally here. I ran over to Shu and hugged him. After what happened at home, I was really happy to see him.

"Hey, you okay?"

Shu asked, seeing that I wasn't my complete self. I knew Aiger and Naru were coming over to us, so I whispered.

"I'll tell you later.."

"So, you're Shu Kurenai and Red Eye!"

I didn't tell Aiger about Red Eye, not the name anyway. Shu hated any reminder of being taken over by the Snake Pit and letting that Ashtem guy use him. My eyes widened when Aiger mentioned that name up.

"Uhh, please, just Shu. I don't like being remembered as Red Eye. That was a horrible time."


I agreed.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry!"

"Aiger!! Language!"


I smiled at the siblings. I was, again, being reminded of Nika.

"My s-... Uhh..."

I started, but realized what I was about to say.

Cliff hanger I guess???

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