Broken Bones

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Shu and Valt were at the park practicing their blading, as usual. There was a certain launch that Valt hadn't done in forever and he wanted to see if he could still pull it off. His sprint boost. He backed up, launcher in hand and ready to pull the string.

"Ready, Shu?!"

He yelled from afar. Shu looked up from wiping his Spryzen down to see what his boyfriend was doing now.

"What're you doing, babe?"

He asked nervously.

"Gonna see if I can still do my sprint boost."

"Oooh, boy... I'll give them stairs a good talkin' to when they trip you up, love."

Shu said, being a smartass. Valt rolled his eyes and prepared himself. He pushed off his foot and began to do his launch. Shu watched and saw that the blunette actually managed to not trip over the stairs, but when he reached the stadium, his foot hit it and made him lose his balance. He fell forward, landing in the stadium, but also resulted in him landing on his arm and shoulder the wrong way when he tried to catch himself.


Valt screamed in pain. He landed on his right side with his right arm bent the wrong way underneath him, pulling his shoulder back too hard.


Shu quickly got to the smaller boy's side to aid him. Valt hissed in pain as Shu lifted him off his arm and shoulder, helping him out of the stadium. He set his partner up against one of the four pillars and carefully examined the boy's arm.


"I know, sorry, baby!"

Shu apologized, knowing he wasn't gentle enough.

"Alright, let's go to the emergency room and get you fixed up."

"What about... The Beyblade tournament?"

Valt asked, knowing already that there was no way he could participate.

"Let's just wait and see what the doctors say, okay?"


Shu and Valt got home and Valt had his arm casted and in a sling, as Shu expected. Valt was beyond pissed that he couldn't compete in the Beyblade Tournament now. Even Shu has never seen him so pissed before. As the duo walked in the door, Valt had the bottle of prescribed pain pills the hospital gave him. As he sat on the couch in anger, he trew the bottle of pills as hard as he could at the wall, earning a yell from his boyfriend.



The two started yelling at each other.

"You know 'what'!"

Shu said, gesturing to the bottle of pills that Valt just threw.

"I know you're pissed about not being able to compete in the tournament, but there's nothing you can do!"

"Why can't I learn how to launch with my left hand like you did?!"

"My arm and shoulder didn't have to be casted and in a sling 24/7! My shoulder wasn't broken, yours and your arm is."

Valt looked to floor as he realized that Shu was right.

"Even if you didn't have to wear a sling, your cast wouldn't let you hold the launcher."

"Do you know what Lui is gonna say, or even do to me when he sees I can't battle him? He's gonna think I'm faking it to get out of losing to him!"

Shu rolled his eyes, knowing that Lui wasn't one of those people who would think something like that. Especially since it's usually others challenging Lui first.

"Valt, your arm is wrapped up and in a sling. Your hand is even swollen a bit! Plus, Lui isn't one to think things like that."

"Still wanted to battle..."

Valt mumbled.

"Well, shit happens Valt! You're old enough to where your wants won't hurt you!"

"God, you sound like my dad!"

That was the last person Shu wanted to sound like, especially to Valt. His father was an abusive asshole that gave a lot of trauma to Valt. Shu went quiet as he sat down next to his injured boyfriend and draped his arm over his left shoulder.

"You know I don't wanna sound like the man that's given my boy so much trauma."

Shu explained, kissing his cheek lovingly.

"I'm just trying to get you to realize that there's nothing you can do to beyblade until your arm and shoulder are healed. It'll go by quick baby. I promise."

Valt looked up at the white haired boy, seeing him smile down at him. The blunette returned the smile, along with a shade of pink on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for throwing my meds and yelling at you."

"It's alright love. I'm sorry too. You know I love you more than anything, right?"

"Yeah. Are you aware that I also love you more than anything?"

Shu smirked as he gently put his hand on Valt's thigh.

"Hmm, you may have to prove it to me. Not sure if I believe you."

"Oohhh, my boy needs a reminder?"

Shu nodded as he let Valt push him back slowly on the couch and trying to climb on top of him with his one good arm. Valt straddled Shu as the two bladers kissed, moving their mouths against each other's. Their tongues explored each other's mouths.


After their little make out session, Valt was starting to feel pain shoot throughout his arm and shoulder, so he went ahead and took a pain pill. The pills had a few possible side effects that included, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and other common things. Valt was definitely feeling tired so he headed into his and Shu's room to take a nap.

Had to end it before my damn wifi went out, because I'm 23 and my mom has the wifi set to shut off in my room at 12:30am lmao 🙃🖕🏼

Anyway, sorry for the sudden end for this chapter.

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