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Can we talk about this puppy Shu and Valt picture!! Idk who the artist is but omg! They baby pomeranian puppers!! 😍
Shu: "BOOP"
Valt: "This is fine."

My boyfriend as of now was having a panic attack and I really didn't know what to do other than lay with him like he asked. I was more than happy to do so, but I didn't feel like it was enough because he was still freaking out. He was shaking like a leaf and I could feel his heart racing, and he was still crying a good bit as I ran my fingers through his blue hair calmly.

"Valt... Tell me what I can do to help you. I've never seen you like this and it's worrying me baby..."

I told him. I just wanted him to be okay and be his cute hyper and energetic self.

"I don't know..."

"Have you taken your medicine?"


He answered as he wiggled out of my grasp and stood up. I sat up and looked at him with concern as he started clawing at his own face and bawling, dropping to the floor.


I bolted over to him and grabbed his hands, restraining his fingers from his face.

"Valt!! You are okay! Look at me!"

Valt was beyond panicking and I was tempted to take him to a hospital or something. I pulled him close to me and rocked him slowly as I ran my hands through his hair softly. Fortunately, he stopped sobbing so aggressively so I didn't have to almost yell to get him to hear me. I thought of something that would distract him.

"Hey, why don't you tell me a story with you and your sister? I wanna hear about what y'all used to do together. Only if you're comfortable with it."

Valt looked up at me with a nod and situated himself.

"Just focus on the story you're telling me, nothing else."

I told him. He began.

"We would always hang out in our basement, and we had a little extra room down there that we liked to hang out in. We would get a big bed sheet and make us a fort, playing games or watching TV afterwards. I'd make us some popcorn too to watch whatever we were watching."

Valt took his arm and wiped away his tears, seeming to have actually calmed down a good bit. He got up and headed to our room.

"Where you going?"

He didn't answer, but he came back out of the room quickly with something in his hand. He sat back down next to me as I put my arms around his waist to pull him close.

"Whatcha got?"

I asked him. He showed a photo of a little girl with lavender colored hair, put up in pig tails. She had orange eyes and a little fang hanging out of her mouth. Valt was in the photo too. He was so little. He even spiked his hair back then. His sister was on his back in the photo and they were both smiling.

"This is Nika. This was that last picture my mom took of us before..."

His eyes began tearing up again, but not from being anxious. He just missed his sister so much.

"She's beautiful babe. She looks a lot like you in the face."

"Everyone told us that."

He laughed. He brought his knees into his chest, still staring at the photo. I kissed the side of his head and ran my hand through the back of his hair.
Having a panic attack is the worst, but I'm so glad I had Shu there to help me through it. Last night was just a bad night, but I woke up to the smell of bacon. I got up and got dressed, going to the bathroom to put my hair up soon after. I walked out and saw Shu putting some bacon on a plate for each of us. He put more on mine and usually I would be all for that, but I just didn't feel like I could eat that much today. I went over and sat down at the bar counter.

"Morning love."

Shu greeted me as he pecked my lips.

"Hi handsome."

He scooted the plate of bacon he made for me to me. I turned my head slightly and grabbed the tongs Shu used to cook with and put some of my bacon on his plate.

"You don't want any?"

"Not that much, no. I just don't feel like I can eat that much today."

I could tell Shu was a bit shocked, but more so concerned that I only wanted a few pieces.

"Alright. Do you feel sick?"

He asked, feeling my forehead.

"No, but I don't want to, so I don't wanna eat a lot."

"Okay. But you can't just not eat at all, okay?"

I nodded as I ate my last strip of bacon.

"Wakiya texted me this morning. He's wanting us all to hang out today. Us, him, Rantaro and Daigo. How's that sound?"

"Fun actually. We all gonna meet at the roof of our old school?"

I asked my boyfriend.

"No, the school's bey club is probably training up there. Not really our spot anymore."

"So... Park?"

"Nope, he wants us all to spend a few weeks at that cabin we went to two years ago, remember?"

I remembered exactly what cabin he was talking about. I enjoyed it last time, except Wakiya being damn bossy and rude.

"Yeah! Is he gonna pick us all up in his limo, or...?"

"Yeah, I think so."
After Shu and I got packed, we went outside our apartment complex to wait for Wakiya. I wrapped my arms around Shu's waist and looked up into his crimson eyes. I've always loved his deep red eyes. He kissed the side of my head and down my neck, making me almost moan.

"Sh-Shu... Not the place..."

I told him as Wakiya's limo pulled up. Shu took my hand and pulled me in with him into the limo, seeing everyone was already picked up. We sat in the seat that faced backwards and sat by the window on the driver's side (American driver's side). None of the guys knew we were together, considering we had only gotten together a few days ago.

"You're gonna finish what you started later, Shu Kurenai."

I whispered to Shu.

Next chapter may be a bit... Smutty lol. I'm ace af, but when it comes to ships I love, I'm all for them fucking. Just get uncomfortable reading or writing it sometimes. If yall have any filler chapter ideas for the guys to do at the cabin(besides blading) dm me and I'll credit you.

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