A New Friend

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2 weeks later


After Shu had gotten over his bronchitis, him and Valt had been practicing a lot of Beyblading for their next competitions. Shu would be facing Suoh, and Valt would be facing Phi. The couple were in their bey practice room right now, getting ready to launch.

"Ready, Shu?"

"I am. What about you, my love?"

They asked each other as they both smirked at each other.

"Ready, set!"

Valt said aloud, then they both counted down.

"3... 2... 1... Let it... Rip!!!"

The boys launched their beys and they started to spin rapidly.

"Come on, Valtryek!"

"Let's go, Spryzen!"

After a few moments, Valtryek was able to burst Spryzen.


Aiger was doing his routine jog around the park until he found a different path he wanted to take. He quit jogging for a bit and began walking through an old alley cautiously, until he heard a small bark. He froze and looked ahead of him, trying to find where the small noise came from. Once he heard it again, he looked down and spotted a little shiba inu puppy.

"Hi there!"

Aiger greeted the pup in a bit if a high pitched voice. He knelt down and examined the pup, noticing it didn't have a collar and that it looked to be about four months old.

"Do you not have any owners?"

Aiger asked, knowing the pup wasn't going to respond. He picked up the small dog and came out of the alley, looking around for anyone that looked like they were looking for their dog or putting up flyers for a lost pup. He didn't see anyone that seemed to be looking.

"Well, I can't keep you, I live in a tent behind a school building. But... I know a couple that would love to take care of you."


Aiger arrived at Shu and Valt's apartment, ringing the door bell. Shu was the one to open the door and his eyes lit up once he saw the puppy that Aiger was holding.

"Aww! Who's this little cutie?"

Shu asked, referring to the pup and letting Aiger come inside.

"Well, I was gonna leave that up to you and Valt. I found him while I was out walking and he just came to me and started barking."

Aiger explained while looking around the apartment for his idol, Valt.

"Aww. You didn't see anyone looking for him?"

"Nope, and he doesn't have a collar. I would've kept him, but living in a tent behind the school isn't really a suitable place for a dog."

Aiger said with a small laugh. Shu held the pup in his arms as he continued to listen to the Achilles blader.

"I'll let Valt pick his name."

Shu insisted.

"Where even is Valt?"

"He's asleep, he's not feeling good."

Aiger frowned as Shu told him that Valt was sick. He thought of Valt as a big brother to him, and he didn't want him sick. He acted the same when Naru was sick too.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"His stomach is messing with him. He's been up and down all night and morning, vomiting."

Shu explained, beginning to look sad himself.

"Damn... Can I see him?"

Shu thought for a second and decided that he would go ahead and let Aiger see Valt. He hesitated at first, not knowing if Valt could be contagious or not, but he did wanna show him the puppy.

"Yeah, come on. He was just up, so he should still be awake."


Shu led the way to his and Valt's room, opening the door quietly and letting the light from the corridor in. Shu saw Valt barely open his eyes as he put the puppy on the bed with Valt.

"Mmm... What is that?"

Valt asked groggily and looked behind him to see the shiba inu puppy. Valt rolled over on to his back and started cooing at the puppy tiredly.

"Awww... Hello, puppy... Hi..."

Valt greeted the pup as he happily pinned his ears back excitedly and walked over to Valt's hand and started licking him. Both, Shu and Aiger smiled at how cute it was. Valt let the pup sit on his bare chest and lick him, not having much energy to coo over the little guy too much.

"What do you wanna name him, baby?"

Shu asked Valt, seeing him about to doze off again.

"Is he ours?"

"He is now."

Aiger answered. Valt let his head fall back on to his pillows as he thought for a second, but couldn't focus. The pup slid off of Valt's chest and climbed on his belly instead. Once the pup was comfortable, he laid there and started licking the blunette's belly non-stop. Shu and Aiger thought it was cute and that the pup knew Valt had an upset stomach. Valt jolted when he felt the puppy start licking him, but smiled and petted him once he saw it was just him.

"How's your tummy feeling, Valt?"

Shu asked the blunette as he ran his hand through the boy's hair.

"Still awful. Feels like my stomach is gonna implode."

Shu furrowed his brows in worry and looked at Aiger. He looked back at Shu with the same expression as he bit the inside of his cheek and walked closer to Valt.

"I'm sorry, baby boy. Aiger wanted come check on you too."

"Hey, Valt."

Aiger greeted his sick idol.

"Hey, Aiger."

"You doing okay, man?"

"I'm gonna leave you two alone. I'm gonna let the puppy check out the rest of the place."

Shu said as he kissed Valt on the head and grabbed the puppy, taking him to the living room.

"Everything okay, Aiger?"

Valt asked as he coughed into his arm.

"I just, got really worried when Shu said you weren't feeling well. You're my idol. Actually, you're more like a big brother to me."

Valt was flattered when Aiger said that he was his idol, but when he said that he was like a brother to him, that filled his heart with so much joy that he wasn't able to physically show right now.

"Aiger... That means a lot, dude. You're like a little brother to me..."

Valt said, his voice breaking off at the end as tears started piling in his eyes as he thought back to his sister that had died. He sat up slowly and carefully as he winced at all the pain that shot through his stomach, but he wanted to sit up and talk to Aiger properly.

"Valt, don't try to get up. Just lay there, man."

Aiger tried to tell him.

"Are you okay?"

"I just... I just got flashbacks to when my sister was alive..."

Valt told Aiger. Shu came in the room when he had heard Valt crying and was surprised to see him sitting up.

Yeah, yeah, Valt's having stomach problems like in the last book. Adds more drama and tension. Leave some name suggestions for the shiba inu! I like dogs okay?

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