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"How am I the reason you... Whatever you said?!"

Wakiya asked.

"You were bossing Valt around and being a controlling little shit. I'm a protector of this body, and that includes mentally. I protect Valt from toxic fucks, like you."

Obake explained. Shu wasn't about to sit here and listen to this guy talk bad about his friends. Even though Wakiya can be rude and very demanding, there wasn't any reason for this alter to be out, but it's also not something that can be helped. Obake could've fronted, even if Wakiya hadn't been acting the way he did.

"Obake. Wakiya has been our friend for awhile, and yes, he can be demanding as hell!"

Shu said, looking at Wakiya at the end his sentence.

"But even Valt still cares about Wakiya, as does Wakiya for Valt. Though, he IS gonna stop treating him so poorly!"

"You think I don't know that? I'm well aware. I didn't choose to take the wheel here. It was a joke when I said it was because of blondie over there."

Obake claimed. Everyone looked at each other in confusion as Obake rolled his eyes and walked inside.

"Ugh, forget it. I'm going in."

Shu shook his head, wanting his Valt back. The white haired boy went in after Obake to make sure he didn't mess with anything. Shu also needed to get to know this alter like he did with the rest of Valt's system. He had to know what to look out for, needed to know whether he could trust this alter or not, any information helped.

"Obake! Wait!"

Shu caught up to him, seeing him roll his eyes.

"The hell do you want?"

"I want to get to you."

Shu stated. Obake raised a brow in confusion.

"And why would you wanna do that?"

"Don't think it's for you, it's for the sake of my boyfriend. I've made an effort to get know and understand all of his alters. Now, it's time to get to know and understand you."

Obake was surprised that someone wanted to get to know him, even if it wasn't for his well being, someone still wanted to know. Shu saw the appreciation in his eyes.

"Alright. Uhmm... Thanks.... Uhh.."


"Shu! Thanks, Shu. I'm not that new in the Inner World, just new out here. Nobody has made any effort to know anything about me."

Obake said, looking up at Shu.

"Well, maybe because you come off as rude. May wanna work on that, seriously."

Shu told him as he walked to his and Valt's room.


Obake followed the tall, white haired boy into the room, sitting on the bed with Shu. Shu asked him a list of questions and Obake answered all of them truthfully. The next question was on Shu asked all of the alters.

"What trauma of Valt's do you hold?"

Obake frowned, remembering what the trauma was.

"When we were a lot younger, like, four maybe... We were almost kidnapped by some pervert. Valt's parents got us back before the man could get far with us, but we hate thinking of what he would've done to a four year old child."

Shu shook his head slowly, hating that, that happened to Valt as a child. Now he just wanted to hug him, which he technically could, since Valt's body was in front of him, but didn't wanna make Obake uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry you have to hold that."

Shu said, trying to comfort him. Obake shook the thoughts out of his head as he stood up and paced the room for a second.

"Are we done here? I really don't like talking about this shit. Can't I just...take a nap or something?"

"I guess? Don't really need my permission to sleep."

Shu assured him. The white haired boy left the blunette, hoping that Valt would be fronted again by the time he woke up. He walked around the corner, running into Rantaro, who looked displeased with Shu.

"Uhm, need something?"

Shu asked, walking around the tall blonde and into the living room. He saw the other two boys sitting on the couch, impatiently waiting for an explanation from Shu about what just happened. Shu did his best to explain everything to his three friends. Now that they were caught up, they made mental notes to just work with Valt and the rest of his system.

"When will Valt front again?"

Daigo asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm hoping it'll be him in his body when he wakes up."

Shu responded as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and sat down on the couch. He scrolled through all of his social media, not seeing anything cool, or new posted.


A few hours had passed and Valt's system was awake. Fortunately, it was Valt that was back in his own body now. He sat up and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes to wake up more. The blunette got up and stretched as he headed towards the bedroom door, opening it to head out to the living room, assuming that's where his four friends were. He saw Shu first, sitting on the couch as he watched TV for awhile. Valt walked over to him and sat in his lap as he wrapped his hands around the back of his neck.

"I see my Valty is back in his own body."

Shu said with joy in his tone.

"Yeah. Sorry about switching on you guys."

Valt apologized. Shu knew that Valt had no control over his switching alters.

"You don't have to apologize babe. It's not your fault."

Shu insisted.

Currently dozing off as I type this.. Gnight.

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