Anxiety and Pregnancy

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Shu and Valt were very excited to be having a baby together, but Valt was always sick as any pregnant person would be. Shu sat with him in the bathroom while he got sick. The pregnant boy clutched his stomach pretty tightly while he continued to be sick. Shu rubbed circles into the boy's back for comfort.

"This kid already sucks...".

Valt said once he was able to speak.

"Don't say that, sweetie. That's our kid you're talking about."

Shu teased the sick boy that carried his baby. Once Valt was done being sick, he stood up with Shu and laid his head on his chest.

"Tummy feel better?"

"Yeah, but now I've got a bad headache."

Valt said as the boys walked into the kitchen.

"We've got some Excedrin you can take, hang on."

"That's not gonna hurt the baby, is it?"

Valt asked cautiosly. Him and Shu were very careful about what he took and did.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt it at all."

Shu assured the blunette. The two smiled as Shu handed Valt two pills and a glass of water.

"When do you wanna tell the guys?"

Shu asked as the smaller boy took the meds.

"Up to you."

"Me? You're the one carrying the baby, hun. It should be your decision."

Valt rolled his eyes playfully at the taller boy, taking his hands into his own as the two smiled at each other. Valt looked up into Shu's red eyes as Shu looked into his brown eyes as they leaned in and pecked each other's lips.

"Okay. Let's call them over here later and tell them. Sound good?"


The boys began to give small pecks again, until they both heard a yap.

"Aww, poor Blade feels left out."

Shu said as he picked the puppy up. Once he did, Blade immediately began to get to Valt, smelling his shirt.

"Haha, what do you smell, boy?"

The blunette asked, petting the shibe.

"I think he knows you're pregnant."

"Really? Does that make you happy, Bladey?"

The pup barked happily as he began to wag his curled tail as fast as he could, making the two laugh.


Shu had just got off the phone with the rest of the gang after inviting them to the apartment for the big news. He looked over at his partner sitting on the couch, seeing a freaked out look on the blunette's face.

"Valty, you okay?"

"I- I don't know. Are- are you sure this is the right thing, Shu? Telling our friends this early?"

The smaller boy said as he stood and began pacing while his anxiety went up the wall. His hands began gripping onto his head, accidentally pulling his own hair as tears began streaming down his cheeks.

"What if we jinx it and something happens like I have a miscarriage or something???"

The boy panicked.

"Valt, you need to calm down."

Shu said, getting up and grabbing Valt's wrists as he made his sit down.

"Shu, I can't-"

"Shut up, yes you can. It's gonna be okay, Valt. Nothing is gonna happen, okay? But you freaking out like this isn't gonna help. That actually can stress the baby out too and hurt it."

"What?! I- I can hurt it?! Fuck, fuck! My anxiety can hurt it?!"

The boy began crying harder and panicking more, struggling to get out of Shu's grasp.

"Shit. Okay, okay! Forget I said that!"

Shu said, realizing it was stupid for him to tell Valt something like that.

"Valt, shhh... Breathe.."

Valt did as told and breathed in and out slowly like Shu said, calming him down a good bit.

"There you go.You're okay, both of you are okay."

"I feel sick.."

Valt laid his head on the taller boy's shoulder as he hugged his stomach.

"I know you do, hun. You're gonna be okay. I swear, you both will."

Shu assured him as he kissed his stomach. Both of them heard their door bell ring, cueing Shu to get up and answer it. The guys were finally there and were wondering why on Shu's request.

"Hey, guys. Come in, sit down in the living room."

The three of them did as told. Daigo looked at Valt and saw how sick he looked.

"Okay, so I called you all here because Valt and I wanted tell y'all something big."

Shu began as he sat on the big ottoman, getting right to the point.

"I'm pregnant, there, now y'all know.."

Valt said out of no where.

"Really?! That's great, you two!"



The tree exclaimed to the two star bladers. Valt was still feeling sick and decided to go in the bathroom, using it as an excuse to leave the room and be alone.


The guys had left about five minutes later, all worried about Valt, but happy for him and Shu too. Shu walked in the bathroom, knowing his partner was still in there. He saw the boy was sat up against to tub with his knees tucked in and his head laid back on it, both of his hands rubbing his stomach. He really did feel nauseous, but Shu knew that it wasn't the only reason why he came in here, and he was scared that Valt didn't want the baby anymore.

"Baby, you feel okay?"

Shu asked as he sat next to the blunette.

"Physically, I still don't feel great."

"And... Mentally??"

"Mentally... My mind is so fucking loud. I've got so many "what if' questions and I want it to stop. Like, what if the baby is born with depression and anxiety, or any other of my mental problems? What if it ends up with DID?"

"Then we will help him or her get through it. We'll do everything we can to keep them happy."

Shu assured Valt, as he took one of his hands in his.

"What if... What if Obake fronts and hurts 'em?"

Shu's mind began racing once Valt asked that dreaded question. The thought of Obake fronting while Valt was pregnant scared the hell out of both of them. He pulled Valt closer to him and wrapped his arms around Valt's stomach in a protective manner.

"I... I wish you wouldn't have asked me that one, babe.."

Alright, heads up; when I say "they/them" when talking about the baby, that does NOT mean they're having twins! So don't get that confused. Kthx.

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