Baby Valkyrie

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Time skip to Valkyrie's birth

Shu and Valt were in the hospital room, waiting for the doctors to come in and start his C-Section. The tired blunette held his hand over his slightly extended stomach. Shu stayed close as he could to him, trying to comfort him and take his mind off the pain he was in. On the bright side, the two of them had gotten news that Valt's cancer was losing the battle. Both of them were happy to hear the news.

"You need anything, love?"

The albino asked.

"Yeah, someone to get our baby out of me."

"Okay, I meant something I can actually do for you, hun."

Shu said with a slight snicker.

"Just you then..."

"That, I can do."

Valt carefully scooted over in the bed, giving Shu enough room to lay with him and their soon to be born daughter. As Shu cuddled close up to his blunette, he felt the baby kick, making him smile and give Valt a kiss on his jaw line.


After a few hours, Shu and Valt were finally able to have their little girl in their arms. They decided to name her Valkyrie, Val for short. The blunette and albino were more than happy with their second child, and they couldn't wait to get home and have Nero meet her.

"I'm proud of you, Valty. You did amazing, just like with Nero."

Shu praised the exhausted blunette, kissing him on the neck, then kissing baby Val's head as Valt held her in his arms.

"I'm proud of you too, Shu. I love you."

"I love you too, hun."


Shu, Valt and Valkyrie had finally arrived home. They walked in and saw Wakiya and Nero playing a board game in the living room. Once Nero heard his dads come in, he got up amd ran straight over to Valt and hug jumped on him, not knowing about his dad having stitches in his stomach.


Valt let out a pained grunt as he winced. Shu wasn't able to stop his son from jumping on Valt in time and felt bad for not even telling Wakiya ahead of time to tell Nero.

"Oh no, I'm sorry daddy!"

Nero cried, feeling guilty about hurting his dad. Shu set Valkyrie's carrier on the kitchen table for a moment to help Valt.

"Babe, are you okay?!"

Shu asked in worry.

"Daddy, I'm really sorry! It was an accident!"

Nero continued to cry. Valt grabbed his crying son by his arm, pulling him gently into him and hugging him.

"It's okay, son. I know you didn't mean to. You didn't know."

Valt assured Nero as he cried into his dad's shoulder. Shu put a hand on his son's back to comfort him. No one was upset with Nero, seeing as he didn't know about his dad having stitches in his stomach.

"No one is mad at you, nephew."

Wakiya spoke.

"It was an accident."

Shu pulled Nero over to him next and kissed his forehead.


Shu said to Nero as he had Valt hold his shirt up a bit.

"This is what the doctors did to daddy, Nero. That's why he's in pain. You just gotta be easy on his belly, okay?"

Nero nodded as he wiped his tears away and walked over to Valt and gently gave him a hug around his neck.


After a few hours, Nero was asleep in his room for the night while Shu and Valt were admiring their new baby girl. The couple decided to make her middle name Nika. Valkyrie Nika Kurenai.

"I love her, Shu."

Valt spoke up, breaking the silence.

"I know you do. So do I."

Shu said, kissing his daughter's tiny head softly.

"I love all three of you. You, Nero, and Valkyrie. My three entire worlds."

Shu leaned in with his head slightly tilted, kissing the blunette on the neck gently. Valt smiled with an immediate wince afterwards.

"I think it's time for some more pain meds, love. Here..."

Shu says, holding his arms out to take Valkyrie.

"I'll go lay her down in our room and come back and tend to you."

"Thanks, babe."

Valt said with a smile on his face. Shu smiled back as he took the baby off into their room. The blunette got up with struggle and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge so he could take his pain medication. He saw Shu walk out of the room and held out both of his arms for Shu to come hug him.

"Ahaha, what are you doing?"

"I wanna hug from you."

Valt playfully whined to Shu. The white haired blader gave the shorter blader what he wanted. Once they hugged, Shu turned around and grabbed Valt one of his pain pills to take. Once taken, the two bladers went back to the couch and cuddled up to each other, wrapped up in a throw blanket.

Maybe the next one will be more interesting...

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