Marvel Movies

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Valt woke up the next morning with a lot of pain in his shoulder mostly. He got up quietly, not wanting to wake Shu or the puppy up as he went to the kitchen to take a pain pill and go back to sleep. Once he did, he laid back down as he closed his eyes, ready to drift back off to sleep. But after ten minutes or so passed, Valt started to feel nauseous, which he didn't like at all. The blunette snuggled up to the back of his boyfriend, curling into him. Shu woke up to the feeling of his smaller partner up against him, which he didn't mind, but when Valt sleeps that close to him, he knows there's something wrong with him. Shu turned over slowly to face Valt and saw how pale the boy looked in the face.

"Valt, what's wrong?"

Shu asked sleepily as he ran his fingers through Valt's hair. Valt hated that he woke Shu up, but he was also low key wanting him awake.

"I don't feel so good."

"What's bothering you babe?"

Shu asked, holding the blunette close to him.

"I feel sick to my stomach and it's freaking me out."

"It's not your arm that's bothering you?"

"Not anymore. I took a pain pill for that fifteen minutes ago."

Shu instantly knew what was wrong after Valt said he had taken a pain pill.

"Valt, did you eat anything before or after you took the pill?"

Valt shook his head in response.

"Well, that's why you feel sick baby. You can't take medicine like that on an empty stomach. That just gets it upset."

Valt laid curled up against Shu in silence as he listened to him explain why Valt so bad. Shu stood up, making Valt scared because he didn't want to be by himself.

"Where are you going??"

Valt asked as he grabbed Shu's hand with a worried look in his eyes.

"Chill out Valty, I'm gonna get you something to eat so you'll feel better. I won't be long, I promise."

Shu assured Valt as he leaned down and kissed Valt's lips softly.

"Just lay there and rest."


Once Valt ate something, he felt a lot better and wasn't feeling any pain in his arm or shoulder at the moment either. Valt and Shu were in the living room, playing with Blade to help him get his energy out. Really, all Valt wanted to do was cuddle with Shu in their bed, which they got to do later. The two bladers and their pup were snuggled up together in their bed as they watched TV together. They watched a few Marvel movies, Spiderman being the boys' favorite. They hadn't caught up on all of them and decided now would be a good time to do it.


After a few hours, the two managed to finish a few Marvel movies and enjoyed them until Valt started about the pain in his shoulder. He was laying his head in Shu's lap and let him stroke his hands through his blue hair. Once Shu stood up and stretched his tired body, he picked up the blunette bridal style and carried him into their room.


I am sorry this chapter is so short. Tbh I've forgotten wtf I wrote in this and I don't wanna re read it. Next chapter tba.

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