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Wakiya was on his way to pick up Nero and would go ahead and see Valt while he was there instead of waiting until tomorrow. The doctors only wanted to keep Valt for the night to make sure nothing else major was wrong. The next day he would be discharged and able to rest at home, in his own bed, with Shu beside him. As Valt tried to fall asleep, his baby started kicking up another storm in his stomach and it irritated him that the baby mostly moved around when he wanted to sleep.

"Are you kidding me?"

Valt blurted out as he rolled his eyes. He got all three of the guys' attention.

"What's wrong, baby boy?"

Shu asked him as he tangled his fingers in Valt's blue locks.

"She's kicking again. I was about to sleep."

"Wait, the baby's moving? Is it okay ig we feel?"

Fubuki asked carefully, not wanting to annoy Valt more that he already was. Shu looked at the blunette, waiting for him to answer.

"I guess."

Valt sighed. He lifted his shirt up to reveal his bare stomach. You couldn't really tell that the baby was moving around unless you feel for the baby yourself. It was still too early to see her moving. The younger bladers put their hands on Valt's stomach and instantly felt the baby hit their hands.

"Woah... That's cool!"

Aiger claimed. Fubuki smiled and started getting his own thoughts.

"Doesn't that feel weird fo-"

Fubuki cut himself off, noticing how annoyed and sick Valt looked. The poor boy was wore out and getting depressed.

"Valt? Dude, you look upset, you okay?"

"Yeah, Fubuki's right."

Aiger added.


Shu spoke up to answer them.

"I'd just leave Valt alone for a little bit. Don't think he feels good."


Fubuki and Aiger had left and Wakiya had just opened the door to Valt's room. He saw how bad he looked and it hurt to see his buddy like that. Once Nero saw that his Uncle Wakiya was there, he immediately ran over to him with a hug.

"Hey, kiddo!"

He greeted him as he walked over next to Valt to talk to him.

"Hey, dude. You look awful."

Wakiya said, not meaning it in a mean way.

"I know I do."

Valt said as he sat up in the bed.

"Nero, come tell daddy bye."

Valt said to his son as he reached out his arms for him.

"I love you. Be good for Uncle Wakiya, okay?"

"Okay, I love you too, daddy. Feel better. Bye, father. Love you too!"

"You too son."

Shu said.

Nero headed out with Wakiya until he realized he forgot something.

"Oh, wait!"

He turned back and ran over to Valt, hugging and kissing his stomach.

"I love you, future sibling."

He said as he and Wakiya really did walk out this time. Shu and Valt thought that Nero doing that was one of the sweetest things ever. They were really glad that Nero wanted this.


The next morning, Shu, Valt and the doctors were talking about Valt's cancer and the chances of his baby surviving. The blunette kept both of his hands tightly on his stomach to guard his unborn baby. Every now and then, he'd talk to the baby. He really loved it when Shu would would talk to the baby and give his stomach kisses. The doctor had said that the cancer wasn't bad enough to harm the baby, but it would take a toll on Valt. Especially with him having to go through pregnancy side effects and cancer symptoms. All Valt was worried about though, was his little baby surviving.


The two of them were home and they were both happy about the news they got from the doctors. They both hated that Valt was gonna be the one suffering until the boy was able to get surgery. He was prescribed symptom relief meds and they were very harmless to the baby, but Shu saw how big the pills were.

"Oh... Great. I'm gonna choke to death on these."

Valt said half joking, making Shu chuckle at him.

"It'll be okay, hun. We can cut the pills  in half."

Shu assured him as he grabbed the smaller boy's hands and intertwined their fingers, giving him a soft peck on his lips. The blunette had been missing Shu's affection and craving his mouth on his own. The blunette pulled the albino over to the couch by his wrist. The two sat and about couldn't keep their hands off each other. Mostly, Shu couldn't stop kissing or rubbing Valt's stomach, happy that their second little one was gonna make it.

"I can't wait to meet you, Little One. You're gonna love your big brother and daddy."

"And your father."

Valt said, finishing Shu's sentence. While Shu was busy cuddling on Valt's stomach, Valt called Wakiya to ask him if he'd drop Nero off at home, but Nero was in the background saying he wanted to stay over at Wakiya's another night. Valt went ahead and accepted Nero's begging on the other line and hung up. The blunette was kinda glad that Nero was at Wakiya's, because he wanted to be alone with Shu for a little bit.

"I told Nero that he could stay at Wakiya's for another night, love."

"So we're alone tonight?"

"Mhm. You, me, and the baby in my stomach."

Valt said, petting Shu's white hair.

"My two sweet babies."

The albino said as he lifted himself up to give Valt a kiss on the lips. He staddled Valt gently to not hurt him or the baby, kissing the blunette's face. The two of them missed each other's touches and kisses and took advantage of them being alone that night.

Sorry for delay

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