Moving In

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~A week or so later~
Valt's father had been back on his alcoholic kick and was beating him again, blaming him for the death of his sister. After three years, I was finally invited to Valt's house a few days ago. I met his dad and his girlfriend, and I definitely understood why Valt hated her so much. Goddamn, she's an annoying bitch! She kept calling us gay lovers, which hey, that I don't mind at all, but her homophobic attitude pissed me off.

Valt texted me that night after I left and told me his dad had hit him. He sent me a picture of all his bruises and his black eye he gave him. I headed over to his house immediately and brought him to my apartment, and he has officially moved in with me.
I woke up in the middle of the night hearing Valt screaming in the living, so I ran in there and woke up from his nightmare.

"Valt! Wake up!"

He jolted awake and breathed heavily as I grabbed his shoulders, making him look at me.

"It's okay, it was just a dream! You're safe with me!"


He muttered, out of breath. I touched his forehead, seeing he was sweating.

"Jeez, sweat much?"

I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He scooted closer to me and hugged me as he cried into my shoulder.

"Valt, it's okay. I'm right here."

"What if he finds me?"

He asked as he sobbed. I assumed he was talking about his dad.

"If he does, I'll call the cop because that's trespassing if he comes here without consent, and I will not let him touch my boy."

Valt pulled away and looked up at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm your boy?"

He blushed.

"Valt, I've loved you for so long and I've just been afraid to say anything. Would you be willing to give me a chance at being your boyfriend?"

Valt's brown eyes lit up and shined as I asked him to be mine.

"Of course Shu! You don't know how long I've loved you for either Shu!"

He said as he wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me tight as I hugged him back just as tight. I kissed his black eye.

"My sweet boy. I'm never letting anything bad happen to you Valt."

I assured him as I leaned in, kissing is soft lips. We pulled apart as I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room.

"Where are we going?"

He asked me.

"You're sleeping in here with me from now on. That way if you have anymore nightmares, I'll already be right here with you and I'll hold you until you're okay, or I could just hold you all night. Whichever you prefer, my sweet boy Valt."
Shu made me feel safe and secure. I got teary eyed as he said the sweetest things to me, and I knew he meant every word of it. It made me love him more and more.

"Shu Kurenai, you say the most amazing things to me. I love you so much and I have for awhile now. You're my beautiful albino boy and I'll do anything to show you I love you."

Shu gave me a sly smirk and shook his head.

"Oooh, my sweet Valt. You shouldn't have said that."

Third Person
The white haired boy pinned his new boyfriend to his mattress, holding his hands above his head and landing a sloppy kiss on his lips. Shu tried to make a gap between the blunette's lips with his tongue, asking for entrance. The boy accepted. Shu started to take off the smaller boy's shirt, but he restrained the taller boy.

"Shu, please... I don't want you to see what I've done."

The blunette told begged.

"Aww, Valty..."

He said as he leaned down to kiss his nose.

"If you don't want me to see, I understand love. I'll wait as long as you need to be comfortable."

He assured his small lover.
I got out of bed and put on my track suit quietly, not wanting to wake Valt. Before I left to go do my morning run, I wrote my boyfriend a quick note to let him know where I was if he woke up before I got back.
I woke up to see Shu wasn't next to me. I went ahead and put on my clothes, put my hair up and put my head band in. I went out in the kitchen and seen my boy left me a note telling me where he was. I didn't feel that great this morning, and I felt kinda panicky for, I don't even know what reason. But, I did know two things. One, was I usually get nauseous when I have a panic attack or feel like I'm going to have one. Two, I was Emetophobic. Which meant I was afraid of the act of vomiting. I went ahead and ate breakfast and watched some TV while I waited on Shu to get back. I couldn't seem to focus on what was on though, and I couldn't really stand the thought of food either. I layed down on the chase of the couch after getting the trash can from our room. I set it next to me on the floor in case I did get sick, but I was aggressively hoping I wouldn't. All I could do was lay here and either wait to fall asleep, or wait for Shu to get back and hold me. I wanted to be in his arms, cuddling up to him while we both slept or layed on the couch and watched a movie or a show.
Shu got home about 10 minutes later and I was laying on my side, eyes closed, but not asleep.

"Hey baby, you okay?"

He asked as he sat on the couch as I slowly breathed in and out, trying to calm myself.

"I- I'm having a panic at-tack.."

I stuttered out.

"Oh no, how come baby?"

He put his hand in mine, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"I really don't know. Nothing triggered me. But, I kinda feel sick and I'm afraid of the act of vomiting... Can you please just lay here with me? I just wanna be in your arms Shu..."

"Of course baby boy."

He accepted, pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me, already making me feel somewhat better.

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, my sweet champion blader."

Shu assured me.

So all the panicking and Emetophobia stuff is actually shit I go through with my anxiety. Actually about had one tonight cause I was gonna try to stay home by myself through the night, but I ended up going back to my grandparents house with my parents cause I couldn't do it. I'm fucking 22, I thought I could do it. Anxiety said FUCK NO!

.....Uhhh... Enjoy that chapter.

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