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*A few days later*


Nero sceamed for his father from the bathroom. Shu ran into the bathroom to see Valt sitting at the toilet again, but this time the blunette had crimson red falling from his mouth. Valt was throwing up blood and Shu didn't like the way Valt looked when he came in. He had his forearm on the toilet seat with his head laid on top of it with his lips parted a slight bit with dried blood staining them and his chin. His eyes were barely open and looked colorless and bloodshot and weren't moving. The only thing that gave Shu confirmation that Valt was actually alive was seeing his shoulders and chest rise and fall as he breathed. The albino blader was in pure shock and forgot his son was still present with him.

"Father? Is Daddy okay?"

Nero broke the silence, snapping Shu out of his shock enough to get him to function.

"Nero, go call 911, and stay in the living room and listen for them, okay?"

Shu instructed him with a shaky voice. Nero nodded and ran to do what his father said. He didn't want Nero to ever have to see one of them looking the way Valt did. He looked dead... And Shu thought he was when he first walked in. He kneeled down next to Valt and tried to get him to stay awake or anything to let him know the he wasn't dying.

"Valt... Valt, look at me."

Shu demanded from him while trying to get him to sit up or just move around at all. The blunette finally moved his eyes slowly around the room until they saw Shu. Once they landed on him, Valt kept his eyes strictly on Shu.

"Valt, can you hear anything I'm saying to you?"

Shu asked while he gripped on to his shoulders to keep him up.

"Yes, Shu..."

Valt answered. Shu was so glad that the blunette could hear him AND respond to him. Tears were already staining his face as he cried, putting his forehead to Valt's chest and still gripped his shoulders.

"Valt... I walked in here and I thought you were fucking dead! I got Nero to call an ambulance and to wait and listen for them."

"I'm fine, Shu. Tell them to turn around or something, I don't need an ambulance."

Valt claimed, seeming to have forgotten about something.

"Valt, you're throwing up blood. Pretty sure that's not a pregnancy side affect, babe."


Shu and Nero sat next to Valt's bed in an ICU room that he was admitted to. Doctors were already running tests on Valt and him and Shu were scared that something was wrong with the baby. Nero climbed up on the bed with his dad and decided to break the silence.



Valt weakly replied.

"I thought you were dead when I saw you in the bathroom at home. I thought you died, and you looked scary."

Nero said, making tears threaten to fall from Valt's eyes. Being a kid, he didn't really know to think before he spoke yet.

"He saw me like that, Shu?"

Valt asked him.

"Nero was the one that called me in the bathroom, so he was already in there and saw you."

Shu explained.

"Nero. I'm so sorry you saw me like that. Oh my god... Nero, I'm so sorry."

Valt cried as Nero climbed into the hospital bed with him and hugged his dad tightly. At that point, the doctor came in and told the three of them the blunette's test results. Valt had been diagnosed with gastroesophogeal junction cancer. A type of stomach cancer. The doctor gave Shu some papers explaining everything it was and the symptoms and other things on the illness. Shu definitely wanted to look at them with Valt later, but right now he was gonna go and call the group and update them on Valt. Once he got off the phone, Aiger and Fubuki were on their way to see them, but the others weren't able to come til the next day. Shu stood in the hall and slid his phone back in his pocket as tears pricked his eyes. He crossed his arms and gripped his shoulders as he slid his back down the wall and let tears fall from his red eyes as he brought his knees into his body. Shu didn't know how long he had been out in the hall, but he was still out there when Aiger and Fubuki got there.


Fubuki said, getting his attention.

"Huh? Fubuki, Aiger."

"Yo. What're you doing out here?"

Aiger asked before seeing his tear stained face.

"Crying. Didn't realize how long I was out here for."

Shu said, feeling bad about leaving Valt and Nero in the room for so long. He stood up and wiped his face to make sure it didn't look like he was crying. He carefully opened the door, not knowing if Valt or Nero was asleep or not. He saw that Valt was awake but Nero was curled up in a chair against the wall and asleep. Once Valt saw Shu, he held his arms out to him and spoke.

"Shu, where were you? You just up and left me..."

He said with a break in his voice as he hugged his boyfriend tightly and got Shu to lay back on the bed with him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I went in the hall to call our friends and I was out there longer than I thought. I'm sorry, love."

Shu explained and kissed the blunette's cheek.

"Hey, Valt. How're you feeling?"

Fubuki asked, while Aiger decided to mess with stuff he wasn't supposed to.

"Bad. I don't think Nero gets to have a sibling."

His voice trailed off as he began sobbing in Shu's chest. The Spryzen blader rested his head on Valt's as tears began to fall from his eyes too. He lifted Valt's hospital shirt and rested his hand on his small stomach that only had a small baby bump that he hoped would grow. He wanted Valt to have this baby with no problems, but that most likely wasn't going to happen. Aiger heard his idol sobbing and it broke his heart to see it. It hurt Fubuki to see his idol so upset as well.



The two younger bladers said aloud quietly to themselves. They both worried about Shu and Valt, and of course, Nero. Speaking of Nero, Shu already planned to spend the night at the hospital with Valt and needed someone to watch Nero over night. Shu knew Wakiya would happily watch Nero. Seeing that he was awake, Shu moved his hand from Valt's stomach for just a moment to get out his phone.

"Nero, use my phone to call Uncle Wakiya and see if he'll let you spend the night with him tonight."

Shu instructed his son as he handed him his phone. He turned back over to face Valt again and saw that he was drifting off to sleep and Shu wanted him to get any rest he could.

Think they'll be able to have the baby?? Idunno.

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