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Shu and Valt invited their friends over the next morning to introduce them to Nika later. Valt was resting and iceing his incision while Shu played with their daughter and watching the Beyblade tournament on TV. Valt didn't seem interested in the tournament or his daughter even. All the blunette did was sleep and hardly ate, which meant he wasn't taking his pain meds since he had Nika and was still in the process letting his wound heal. Shu was scared that Valt didn't like Nika anymore. He didn't seem to want anything to do with her. Shu needed to talk to Valt about it, so he went to put Nika down for a nap and came back to Valt.

"Valt. Sit up, I wanna talk to you."

Shu said sternly. Valt casted an evil look at the albino boy, sending a shiver down his spine that he didn't like.

"Okay, forget sitting up, I know you're hurting."

"Forget talking to me too. I don't wanna talk."

Valt said as he struggled to roll over on his left side, hissing in pain.

"No, we need to talk about this, now!"

Shu said as he went to grab Valt's shoulder.

"Don't... Touch me... Get your hand off of me before you lose it.."

"See, what the fuck is up with you talking like that, Valt? You sound horrifying."

Valt didn't respond, irritating Shu and driving his patience.

"Alright, I'm just gonna ask... Do you not love our daughter?"

Valt didn't say a word as he threw his blanket off of him and struggled to get up. The boy kept his hand on his stomach while he hissed at the pain as  he stood up and went to his and Shu's bedroom and shut the door.


Valt's POV

When Shu asked me that question, I couldn't be near him so I came to our room to lay down and ice my incision. Apparently incisions in the abdomen were one of the most painful and took a bit longer to heal than others. I laid there in the bed shirtless and wearing an unzipped hoodie, waiting for the pain to just disappear without me taking my pain pills like I was supposed to. I didn't have any desire to eat anything so I had to listen to my stomach growl non-stop, and the hunger pangs were nauseating and killed my head.


I was able to take a four hour nap and it was so good just to sleep that long. I was still so exhausted from my pregnancy and I didn't have the energy to do anything, not even love my own daughter... The more I thought about it, the more I knew Shu was right. I wasn't loving Nika at all right now and I didn't want anything to do with her. The fact that those thoughts were in my head, the fact that I felt that way made me so damn sick. I felt so bad for not loving her since I had her, and maybe it was because I had to deal with her for nine months in me. I started sobbing and it hurt my incision to do so. I tried holding my hand over the wound gently, trying not to let my stomach jump as much while I sobbed. I needed Shu and I figured that he didn't wanna be near me after the way I treated him in the living room. I started hearing him walking towards the room and I was mentally begging for him to come in. The door opened and I instantly cried harder as Shu came in.

"What're you crying for, Valt?"

He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. I could tell in his tone that he was still mad at me. I bared my teeth and winced at the pain of my incision that Shu didn't seem to care about.

"I'm- I'm sorry..."

I sobbed out. I saw Shu relax his shoulders and get a sad look in his eyes as he sat on the bed and petted me.

"I'm sorry, Shu.. I'm sorry-"

"Shhh... It's okay, hun. You're okay. Calm down, you don't wanna pop a stitch open."

He said, trying to calm me down.

"Everything you said was right. I've been awful and treating you awfully and Nika... The fact that I can't love Nika right now makes me so sick and want to vomit."

I explained to Shu while still crying.

"I know, hun. I got online and looked it up and I think you have postpartum depression. I'm not mad at you, Valt."

"You should be."

"Well, I'm not. This depression doesn't last forever and you'll warm up to Nika and learn to love her. I know she wore you out when you were pregnant with her and now you wanna rest. You deserve it too. I'm sorry for getting on to you earlier."


Third person pov

Shu got in bed with the sobbing blunette and gently held him as he cried into his chest. Shu continued to get Valt to calm down and breathe normally at a slower rate so he wouldn't make his belly rise up and down so much that the incision hurt him. The blunette was becoming calmer and as it got quiet Valt's stomach rumbled, breaking the silence.

"Before you ask, I'm not hungry."

Valt spoke up before Shu.

"Valt, you gotta eat something. You haven't in two or three days. Don't the hunger pangs hurt?"

"Yeah, but I just can't eat, Shu."

It got silent again and the blunette's stomach was constantly growling, getting Shu upset because Valt wouldn't eat.



"Baby! You need something in your stomach, you're gonna get sick! Please, let me fix you something."

Valt sighed as the growling just kept on and on, making his head hurt. He thought about it for a second and decided to compromise with Shu.

"What if I drink one of the protein shakes instead?"

"Deal. I'll go get you one."

This got sad real quick and my stomach is actually hurting rn. Honestly idk how postpartum works guys so just work with me.

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