Hearing the Heart Beat

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Aiger and Fubuki was invited to spend the night at Shu and Valt's place that night and they helped Shu out with Valt. Valt was up at 6AM this morning and vomiting in the trash can that was left by Valt's side by Fubuki. Shu woke up and and saw Aiger and Fubuki were still passed out, but his boy was dry heaving over the trash can. He could hear how bad Valt was hurting each time he tried to throw up, and nothing would come up. The blunette's throat was on fire and was afraid to even try to speak. He knew Shu was awake and worrying behind him. He rolled on to his back slowly and easily, trying not to shake his stomach up. Shu stared at him in worry as he took Valt's hand in his, rubbing over his knuckles with his thumb. The taller boy could hear wheezing in Valt's breathing every time he took a breath and it scared him.

"Are you okay, honey?"

Shu asked the blunette in concern. Valt slowly shook his head no and began to speak.

"I don't think she's okay."

Valt croaked. Shu and Valt wanted another baby girl and decided to go ahead and assume their unborn baby was a female. They still loved their daughter to son more than ever, but they both really wanted to raise a girl.


The next day, Shu and Valt went to the baby doctor to see if something was wrong with the baby. The boys waited in the waiting room and were ready for them to just call them back already.

"Valt Aoi."

A lady came out and called them back and were led into an ultrasound room. Valt got up on the bed table and laid back.

"The doctor will be in shortly."

The same lady said, leaving the room. Shu stood right at Valt's side, rubbing his arm soothingly. Valt kept his hands on his stomach in fear of something being wrong with his potential baby girl.

"Shu, I'm scared."

"I know, baby. It's gonna be okay though, I promise."

Shu tried to reassure his love. The doctor finally came in and introduced herself as she grabbed the ultrasound gel. Valt pulled up his shirt and pulled his pants down slightly.

"Alright, this is gonna be cold."

The doctor warned Valt before pouring gel on his stomach.


Valt let out as he tensed up. Shu couldn't help but giggle at his partner, but Valt didn't have any humor for anything right now. The poor blunette was more worried about his baby. Shu grabbed Valt's hand and held it tightly as the doctor rubbed the gel around Valt's stomach with the ultrasound wand. The three of them immediately heard a heart beat and saw the fetus that looked like nothing was wrong with it. Valt was really happy and relieved to find out nothing was wrong and so was Shu. He kissed the blunette's temple repeatedly as the doctor wiped the cold gel off of Valt's stomach.


The two of them got in the car, leaving the doctor when Shu heard Valt's stomach growl clear as day, giving him an adoring look.

"You two hungry?"

Shu asked Valt.

"I'm starving."

Valt said admitted. He was finally hungry and wanted to eat something, meaning the baby would be able to get some food too.

"We can stop and get some food to take home, sound good?"

"Mhm. Thanks, Shu."

Valt said as he leaned over to kiss him.


The two of them got home and had picked up Nero in the process. Once they walked in the door, they all sat at the table and started eating, and Valt had gotten the most food. Shu knew Valt had the tendency to eat a lot when he wasn't pregnant and would eat, but never this much. He didn't say anything to him about it because he knew it was because he was pregnant.

"That's a lot of food, dad."

The same couldn't be said for their son though.

"Daddy hasn't been eating like he's supposed to, Nero."

Shu defended the blunette.


After the boys ate, Shu and Valt laid on the couch to rest while Nero was playing his video games in his room. Valt had eaten everything he got and was now regretting it, feeling miserable. Shu let him lay on him like always and petted and played with his boy's hair as he listened to Valt groan.

"You get too full, Valty?"

Shu asked, watching Valt rub his stomach.

"Way too full. I feel sick."

Valt said with worry in his voice, not wanting to throw up.

"Just try to relax and go to sleep, okay?"

The blunette nodded.

"Can you rub my stomach, babe?"

Valt asked.

"Of course."

A little later on, Daigo, Rantaro, Ken and Wakiya had come over to see them. Valt was asleep and Shu wanted him to stay that way as long as he could. He knew Valt was exhausted. The five of them talked about Valt's pregnancy and how they got to see the baby and hear the heart beat of it today. Nero had come out of his room, not knowing his dad was asleep, so he yelled in excitement when he saw his uncles.

"Uncle Daigo, Uncle Wakiya--!"

"Nero, shhh! Your dad is asleep."

Shu told him, getting him to whisper.

"Uncle Rantaro, Uncle Ken."

Nero finished quietly. He ran straight to Wakiya as the blonde picked up the eight year old and let him sit on his lap. Wakiya had a very soft spot for Nero and loved that kid very deeply and knew he would feel the same way about Shu and Valt's other other kid when they were born. It always warmed everyone's heart to see Wakiya bonding and being close with Nero. Shu saw that Valt was starting to wake up and he already didn't look like he felt good.

"Valty, look who all came to see you."

Shu told him. Valt slowly turned on his side to face everyone, hugging his stomach.

"Hey, guys."

Valt greeted weakly, wincing at the churning going on in his stomach and everyone could hear the noises coming from it. The blunette laid his head on Shu's thigh as he breathed heavily, trying not to throw up.

"Valt, you ate a lot earlier, I think you'll feel better if you throw up."

Shu spoke up as he rubbed circles into Valt's back. He went ahead and leaned over Shu's leg, hovering over the trash can, being very close to getting sick.

"Please don't puke on me, babe."

Shu said jokingly, knowing Valt wasn't gonna get his leg. Once Valt let himself throw up, Wakiya got up and got a wet rag for Valt and handed it to Shu.

"Thank you, Wakiya."

Shu thanked.

Made it a little longer for yall. Not by much though. If Valt has a girl, do yall want her re-named Nika or a completely different name since Nero changed his?

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