Deal: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The following day he visited Dao Ming Si at his office early in the morning.
“Ah Si.”
Dao Ming Si was totally surprised to see one of his best friends inside his office so early in the morning. “Xi Men. What brings you here to my office?”
“Xiao Tian.” His tone was business-like.
“Oh.” Dao Ming Si sat beside him on the couch. “I wish I could man but I’m not allowed to say anything about him.”
Xi Men eyed his friend. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean I made an oath to Xiao You - oops! I’m also not supposed to tell you that.” Dao Ming Si stood up and went to his desk, shuffling papers.
“Ah Si.” Xi Men stood up, looking tall and serious. “You’re not supposed to tell me anything but clearly you’ve just done the opposite. So why not just tell me what you know.”
“Alright. Just don’t tell Xiao You that you heard it from me.” Dao Ming Si was very uncomfortable as he said this, “You got Xiao You pregnant and Xiao Tian is your son with her.”
Xi Men was dumbfounded with the bomb his best friend dropped on him. Dao Ming Si had to also help him sit again on the couch. He offered him a glass of water.
“I know this may come as a shock to you but you have a son with Xiao You.” Dao Ming Si said, trying to calm Xi Men. “She told Shan Cai and I about your deal.”
Xi Men was still too shocked to say anything. “The moment she found out she was pregnant she confided in Shan Cai who told me about it. I told them both to tell you but Xiao You insisted otherwise since she promised your deal included ‘no strings attached.’”
Still no answer from Xi Men.
“Hey!” Dao Ming Si snapped his fingers in front of Xi Men.
Xi Men blinked and looked at Dao Ming Si. “Son?” was all he managed to say.
Dao Ming Si nodded. “Yes. Xiao Tian is three months old now.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Clearly.” Dao Ming Si smirked. “If Mei Zuo is here he’d say you messed up big time. But I say it’s about time you two get together for good and for real.”
“Huh?” Xi Men had a confused look on his face.
“I don’t know why you two just didn’t get together in the first place and had a complicated arrangement. It’s obvious you two love each other.” Dao Ming Si stated.
“No I don’t.” Xi Men contradicted his friend.
“Tsk. Stop lying to me and to yourself. You never get involved with the same woman after you’re through with her. What makes Xiao You so different? Isn’t it because you love her but is just too scared to make a commitment with her? So when she made that deal with you, you immediately agreed to it.”
Xi Men didn’t know how to explain himself to his friend when he just said the truth. How Dao Ming Si managed to deduce his feelings and his relationship with Xiao You he had no clue at all. 
“It was Xiao You’s idea.” He muttered.
“She only said that so she can still hang on to you. That woman is still very much in love with you. Haven’t you noticed that in the last four years she hasn’t gotten herself a boyfriend? What? You think you two can carry on with your deal in the next five or ten years?”
Xi Men stared at Dao Ming Si. He couldn’t believe the words coming out of his friend’s mouth. Of all people to tell him this, it had to be Dao Ming Si. He probably would believe and accept if it were Mei Zuo. “I wasn’t thinking about how long we would keep doing it. For me it just became a habit to meet her once a year.”
“Well, the situation has changed now. You two have a child together now.”
“What should I do?” He asked.
Dao Ming Si put his arm around Xi Men’s shoulders. “Be a man. Be a responsible man.”
Xi Men faced him. “I don’t know how. I’m not like you. I’m scared of commitment.”
Dao Ming Si shook his head. “Who isn’t? I’m still afraid but I’m working on it and working together with Shan Cai.”
“What does you heart tell you right now?” Ah Si asked him.
“To see my son.” Xi Men answered.
“That’s a good start. And I have to say, Xiao Tian is quite a cute boy.” He grinned.
“Really?” Xi Men looked excited.
“He’s got Xiao You’s looks but your charm obviously.” Dao Ming Si shared.
Both of them stood up. “I must meet him now. I must see my son today. Thank you Ah Si for telling me about my son.”
“Xi Men jaiyou!” Dao Ming Si cheered happily as Xi Men exited his office.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 16, 2018

1) Xiao Tian is taken from Ken Zhu’s Chinese name. I didn’t want to think hard for a baby’s name since I’m not familiar with Chinese language.

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