Deal: Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Xi Men and Xiao You went afterwards to Xiao You’s parents’ apartment. They told her parents the good news. Mr. and Mrs. Jiang were filled with joy and gladness as they hugged Xi Men and Xiao You.

“Finally.” Sobbed Mrs. Jiang.
Mr. Jiang thanked Xi Men and embraced him. “It’s about time.”

Xi Men embraced him back and was also happy. Everybody was really rooting for them to be together.

“Ma,” Xiao You spoke. “Where’s Xiao Tian?”
Mrs. Jiang wiped her cheeks. “Oh, he’s asleep already. He’s at your old bedroom.”

Xiao You held Xi Men’s one hand and they went inside her old bedroom. Her parents left them alone.

Inside, their son was soundly asleep on a single-sized bed.

“I’ve never been inside your room before.” Xi Men stated as his eyes wandered at every area of the room. “It’s so… pink.”
Xiao You giggled. “Well, I was very girly then.” She approached the bed and sat on the edge. She stroked Xiao Tian’s face and gave him quick peck on the cheek.
“Hey little angel.” She whispered. “Mommy’s here. And so is Daddy.” She glanced at Xi Men as she said that. “We made your wish come true.”
Xi Men joined them on the bed. “That’s right. We’re together at last.”
The two of them continued to watch over their sleeping son. Xi Men held Xiao You’s hand in his.
“Let’s just sleep here tonight.” He said.
“Here?” Xiao You repeated. “But this bed is too small for the three of us.”
“Then, let’s go to my place.” He suggested. “My bed is bigger. It would definitely fit the three of us there.”
Xiao You smiled sheepishly. “Okay.”

Xiao You left them as she went out to inform her parents and to collect their son’s stuff.

It was almost eleven already when they arrived at Xi Men’s house. His mother was already asleep. Only the servant greeted them. They went immediately to his room. Luckily, Xiao Tian was still fast asleep. Xiao You put him at once in the middle of the bed. His bed was definitely bigger and much more comfortable than hers.

Xi Men reappeared after going to a side door within his bedroom. He had changed into his pajamas. In his hands he was holding an extra pair which he handed to Xiao You. “You can wear these for tonight.”

Xiao You took them and went inside the same side door which turned out to be his walk-in closet. She hanged the clothes she was wearing and quickly changed into the pair of pajamas Xi Men lent to her. They were three sizes too big for her. She folded the cuff on the sleeves and the ends of the pants.
When she came out Xi Men was already lying on one side of the bed and seemed to be talking to Xiao Tian. As she got closer, she realized that he was not talking but was humming a song.

“You can save me from the man I’ve become…
Looking back on things I’ve done
I was trying to be someone
I played my part
Kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart”

Xi Men heard footsteps and he looked up. Xiao You was coming closer to the bed. He stared at her as he continued to hum.

“I’m here with my confession
Got nothing to hide no more
I don’t know where to start
But to show you the shape of my heart”

Xiao You was now standing on the opposite side of the bed. Her eyes had welled up.

Xi Men motioned for her to lie down. She did so. Their eyes never breaking contact.

“I’m looking back on things I’ve done
I never wanna play the same old part
Or keep you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart”
Xi Men finished the song, his eyes also welling up with tears. He caressed Xiao You’s face. “Will you let me show you the shape of my heart?” His voice was shaky.
Xiao You was unable to hold back her tears and let them fall on her cheeks as she replied a small “yes” back at Xi Men.
Xi Men tipped her face up so he could give a quick kiss to her. “Thank you.” He whispered.

The next morning, Soo Lin barged into Xi Men’s room, waking him and Xiao You.

“What the-?” Xi Men yelled as he tried to sit upright.
“Exactly my question too.” His mother said. “Mrs. Lu informed me just now that you came home late last night with Xiao You and Xiao Tian.”
Xiao You slowly pulled down the bed cover from her face. “Good morning Ma’am.” She greeted.
“So it’s true.” Soo Lin stated as soon as she saw Xiao You emerged from the bed cover. “Xiao You’s here but where is my grandson?” She inquired.

Xi Men and Xiao You looked under the bed cover and they found their son still sleeping.

“He’s here.” Xi Men replied, revealing Xiao Tian who was apparently hidden by the bed cover.

He finally stood up, Xiao You following his lead.

“Okay. Now would you two care to share with me what is going on?”
Xi Men smiled as he held up high his and Xiao You’s hands. “We’re together now.”
Soo Lin’s mouth formed a big round O. “Really???”
Xiao You nodded, smiling. “Yes Ma’am.”
She dashed towards them and hugged them both. “Oh finally!” She gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.

Xi Men and Xiao You looked at each other amusingly.

His mother pulled away. “Now, I’ll babysit my grandson the entire day and you two can do lovey-dovey stuff.”
She looked at Xiao You. “I think you should start calling me Ma too from now on.” She winked.

Mrs. Lu entered the bedroom followed by a younger maid. Soo Lin motioned for them to get Xiao Tian and all four of them left at once.

“I guess it’s official now.” Xi Men said.
“Official what?”
“That we’re together now.” Xi Men drew Xiao You close to him.
“Right.” She turned her head around, scanning the room she was in. “You know, I’ve never been in your room before too.”
Xi Men raised his eyebrow. “And what do you think of my bedroom?”
“Well, it’s so… dark.” She said.
Xi Men laughed. “What kind of a description is that?”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?”
“I’m not.”
“That’s great. The dark is where ‘lovey-dovey’ mostly happens.” He winked.
She punched him lightly on the arm. “It’s so early in the morning and you’re thinking of lewd things again!”
“Hey! I’m just following my mother’s suggestion.” He replied.
“Geez, I didn’t know that the famous Xi Men Yan is such a Mama’s Boy.”
“What did you call me?”
“Nothing.” But she giggled.
“Xiao You.” He warned.
“Mama’s Boy.” She teased.
Xi Men had a devilish grin on his face. Without warning he began to tickle Xiao You.
“Xi Men! Stop!” She protested amidst the giggle/laugh that was erupting from her mouth. She tried to run away but Xi Men caught him, bringing her down to the bed where he continued to torture her by tickling her all over her body.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 25-27, 2018

Note: It’s Christmas morning guys. Let’s keep it kid-friendly. Also, I know Backstreet Boys “Shape of My Heart” isn’t the appropriate song but that’s what popped in my head when I was thinking of a song. So, please don’t tickle me.

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