Deal: Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Operation XiYou Phase One

Xi Men stood in front of Talent’s Tea Shop. Earlier that day he received a voice message from Mei Zuo asking him to meet him here. Xi Men rolled his eyes as soon as he read where they were supposed to meet. There’s been a couple of branches all over Shanghai already and Mei Zuo had to pick this particular branch. The branch where Xiao You used to work. The branch where he first met her. He looked around. Mei Zuo was nowhere to be found.

He took his cellphone out and began text messaging his friend.

Nearby, Xiao You was hurrying up to get to Talent’s Tea Shop. After Lei left her apartment she received a message from Shan Cai asking if they could meet together. Xiao You wasn’t expecting Shan Cai to ask for a meet up but since she wanted to talk so badly with her best friend she immediately replied yes. She realized too late that their meeting place would be at Talent’s Tea Shop. To be exact at the branch where they both used to work. The same branch where she first met Xi Men.

She was typing a message while walking that she didn’t realize that she had bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She bowed her head. “I didn’t-” She was unable to finish her sentence when she saw who she bumped into. “Xi Men!”
“Xiao You?” Xi Men was shocked to see her.
“Why are you here?” They said in unison.
“Mei Zuo asked me to meet him here.” He replied.
“Shan Cai asked me to meet her here.” She replied.
Both answered at the same time.
They looked at each other, trying not to laugh.
Xi Men chuckled. “I think we’ve been set up.”
“Why would they do this to us?” Xiao You asked faintly.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Xi Men looked down at her.
“What do you mean?” Xiao You asked looking up at him.
“Our friends are trying to get us back together.” He said.

Before Xiao You could react their phones beeped. They both checked their phones.

It was a recorded video of Xiao Tian but the voices talking behind was clearly of Mei Zuo and Lei.

“Hello Mommy and Daddy!” It was Mei Zuo’s voice mimicking a baby talking. “Are you happy to see each other today? It’s been four months since I haven’t seen my Mommy and Daddy together so I thought I’d bring you two together today.”

Xiao You couldn’t help suppressing her laugh.

“Today you two will be walking down memory lane.” This time it was Lei who was talking in a child-like voice. “This should be a walk to remember for both of you. Talent’s Tea Shop is where it all began for you. I hope it brings back a lot of good memories. Hey Daddy! Wasn’t Mommy the cutest Milk Tea Girl you’ve ever seen?”

Mei Zuo was speaking again. “After this video message I will send you the location of where you should go next. Love you Mommy and Daddy. Oh! Don’t forget to order their signature drinks.”

Shortly after the video ended, they received a text message directing them where to go next.

Xi Men was unable to hold in his laughter.

“So that’s why Lei was at my place today.” Xiao You remarked putting two and two together.
“He was?” Xi Men asked bewildered.
“Yeah. I thought it was weird when he came.” Xiao You said.
“Well,” Xi Men finally stopped laughing. “I guess we have to do what our son has requested us to do.”
Xiao You looked hesitantly at Xi Men. “Do we have to?”
“Yes. C’mon.” Xi Men took Xiao You’s hand.

Together, they walked inside the tea shop and ordered their signature drinks.
Some of the staffs recognized Xiao You and chatted up a bit with her. Xiao You inquired where their Lady Boss was but one of the staffs told her that she was checking the other branches. Xi Men stood behind Xiao You while all this was happening. When their orders were served they sat on a vacant table by the corner.

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