Deal: Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Act One: First Impressions

My name is Feng Mei Zuo, F4’s most outstanding member, the handsomest of them all (DO NOT CONTRADICT ME), and I have an incredible memory.  Since my family’s business is designing exhibitions and holding salons, I’ve grown to love literature and art. I have a great sense of humor and I’m a very good listener. Any one can chat me up about any topic under the sun. I’m also the most levelheaded among my best friends.

As for my love life, I consider myself a ladies man. I don’t really have a serious girlfriend. Why commit to one when I can date lots of women. To be exact, older women. I prefer older women because they are more sophisticated and aren’t too clingy. And maybe because I grew up with an immature and childish mother.

And speaking of my mother, she’s the reason why I’m waiting here outside a girl’s house. I’m here because my mother tricked me into attending a matchmaking event. I’m here because my mother scheduled a date already without my consent. I’m here because now I have no choice but to pick up and go out on a date with this girl named Yin Xiao Qiao. If I could have it my own way, I wouldn’t be here now. I’m rather enjoying my bachelor life, thank you very much.

It’s been five minutes since I’ve been waiting. This girl is already making me mad than I already am. Yin Xiao Qiao. This girl must be dumb to allow her parents to let her participate in a matchmaking event. Seriously, are there girls who still agree with this? And why do parents still torment their children with arranged marriages? Hello????? We are in the twenty-first century already. We should be allowed to choose whom we love, whom we want to marry and when we want to marry.

I thought I was the luckiest of them all. I thought I’d be spared of all this family drama. I guess I was wrong.

So as you probably know, two of my best friends have found their ‘the one.’ Dao Ming Si is happily married to Dong Shan Cai. And they’re expecting their first baby. My very best friend and wing man, Xi Men Yan, knocked up Shan Cai’s best friend - Jiang Xiao You. They have a son named Xiao Tian and are getting married soon after years of denying their feelings for each other. Hua Ze Lei, the weirdest of us all, has sworn off love. He’s contented being single and alone. No one can ever replace Teng Tang Jing in his heart. Though, he almost fell in love with Shan Cai at one time. But they’re more like soulmates.

And me? I had set my mind and my heart to be a dashing and super rich bachelor until I die. Then Xi Men broke our pact when he found out about Xiao Tian. So I guess I’m single and ready to mingle. I too want to meet my ‘the one’ and spend the rest of my life with her. I really thought my ‘the one’ was Zhuo Caina. I met her some years ago when Shan Cai entered in a cooking competition. It was love at first sight for me. And Mei Zuo does not fall in love at first sight that easily. Her beauty, her confidence and her skills won me over. I accidentally bumped into her days after the competition and we had a drink. It took a few weeks before I could begin pursuing her. And when I did, an obstacle appeared in the name of Terence aka Ye Mingchuan, world famous and award winning architect. I gave my best effort to win Caina-jiejie’s heart but her heart had long been owned by this Terence guy. I gave her up because I wanted her to be happy. And I knew she would be most happy being with him. I broke my own record. For the very first time, I cried over a woman. For the very first time I was unable to move on. It took years before I could get Caina out of my heart, out of my head. So that’s about me.

I’m really getting impatient waiting for my date. What could take her this long?
Suddenly the gate opened and two ladies were walking towards me. One older, one younger. It must be her mother. I got out of the car to greet them.

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