Deal: Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Xi Men and Xiao You’s ‘lovey-dovey’ moment was cut short when Xi Men’s mother called for them. Xiao Tian was fussing when he finally woke up from his sleep. So the two emerged out of the bedroom. Xiao You took care of Xiao Tian while Xi Men took the chance to call his father.

“Wei? Pa!” He greeted.
“Yes, Yan. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to let you know that Xiao You and I are together now. Officially since last night.” He happily shared the news.
“That’s my boy! Congratulations!” His father cheered.
“So when is the wedding date?”
“Xiao You and I still haven’t talk about that yet. But it’s gonna be soon.” He promised.
“I also called to inform you that I’ll be taking a day off work today.”
“Of course. Don’t worry about the business. Just take care of Xiao You.” His father assured him.
They said their goodbyes after that.

Xi Men also quickly sent a voice message to F4’s private WeChat group.

Wei? This is Xi Men. Just wanted to let you guys know that it’s official - Xiao You and I are together now.
Mei Zuo and Lei, thank you for your efforts yesterday. But please don’t use Xiao Tian again in your schemes.

Xiao You and I are going to spend the day together. DO NOT DISTURB US. We will see you tomorrow. Let’s celebrate. Bye.

Since Xi Men’s mother has volunteered to babysit their son, he took the chance to ask Xiao You out for their first official date. Luckily, because of their situation a few months ago, Xiao Tian had stuff left at Xi Men’s house so Xiao You didn’t need to get more from her apartment. She had to get home though so she could change for their date.

After eating breakfast and tending to Xiao Tian, the couple went back to Xi Men’s room. Xi Men let Xiao You changed into her own dress from the day before.

As Xiao You waited for Xi Men who was taking a bath, she stayed in his room. This was her opportunity to closely examine the bedroom of Xi Men. Earlier she had made the comment that the room was dark. And indeed it was especially with the curtains draped closed. The walls were also made of heavy wood which made the room appear darker. She also realized now that they were bare. No paintings or anything else were hanged. Xiao You had no idea what a man’s room is supposed to be like. The room felt so hollow devoid of anything. She wondered how Xi Men could sleep in a room like this. It was like any sign of life was stripped off. It was like there’s no sign of love in it too. And she felt sad that Xi Men had to stay in a room that’s so cheerless.

Besides the king-sized bed, there were only a few furniture inside the room. By the windows there was a study table. Xiao You went there and began checking the stuffs scattered all over. A drawer was slightly opened and she got curious. There were a dozen papers folded into halves and it got her attention when she saw her name written on it. She picked one and unfolded it. It was dated about two years ago. To be exact on the date of their supposed ‘fifth anniversary.’ She couldn’t help herself and read it.

Dear Xiao You,

I never told you how excited I am looking forward to this day every year. Out of the 365 days in a year this is the only day that truly matters the most to me. Why? Because I got to spend it with you. Yes, you.

You who revolutionized my life. You who filled the void in me. You who brings light and cheer to my dark and melancholic life.

I should have told you then that I liked you. I really wanted to confess my feelings to you that day on the rooftop but fear and insecurities overcame me.
I was scared. I was scared that I could hurt you so bad and so deep. So I thought I’d rather have you afar than near me and lose you forever.

But in the past four years, I’ve grown to love you more. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I don’t think I can live without you. So I thought to myself that I should be braver and stronger.

Xiao You, please make a new deal with me? Please say you love me still. Please say you’ll have me for better or for worse. Please say you want us together creating memories of our ‘once in a lifetime’. Please say yes because I really want you in my life. All of me wants you to be a part of me because all of me loves all of you.
Yours always,
Xi Men Yan

Xi Men finished his bath and stepped out of the bathroom only to find out Xiao You was missing. He dressed rather hurriedly and left his room with an uncombed hair.

He went downstairs to the living room where his mother and his son were having fun playing. But Xiao You wasn’t with them.

He searched all over the first floor and even went outside. And that’s when he found her by the balcony on the second floor. He rushed going there and was out of breath when he reached her.

Panting, he called out her name. “Xiao… You…”

But Xiao You didn’t hear him.

He took a couple of steps and that’s when he heard a sound of a hiccup in between sobs. “Xiao You?” He tapped her shoulder.
She jumped in surprise.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He said.
Xiao You wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand.
“What are you doing here? And why are you crying?” He asked. Then he noticed that her other hand was holding a folded piece of paper. “What’s that?”
Xiao You held high the paper she was holding. “I found this in your study table. It’s a letter you wrote for me.” She replied.
Xiao You gazed at him. “Is everything you wrote here true?”
He nodded.
Xiao You hugged Xi Men all of a sudden. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I doubted your love for me. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. Xi Men, I’m sorry.” She cried against her chest.
Xi Men kissed the top of her head and wrapped her in his arms. “It’s okay, Xiao You. You don’t have to apologize to me. You owe me nothing.”
Xiao You shook her head. “No. I’m so stupid.”
“It’s me who’s stupid.”
“You’re not. I am.”
“We’re both stupid then.” Xi Men remarked. “Stupidly in love.” He grinned as he looked down on her.
“I guess we are.” Xiao You smiled back at him.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 25-26, 2018

Note: I’m just stalling the inevitable. Well, it’s still Christmas Day so let’s keep it Rated General Patronage. And I wanted Xiao You to discover and realize how much Xi Men truly loves her.
About Xi Men’s room being dark, it is an allegory to what Jia Qi wrote on her farewell message for Xi Ze. As for it being bare, this is a nod to Nishikado Soujiroh in the manga [Story of An Encounter Part 1].

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