Deal: Chapter 24 Part One

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Chapter 24: Part 1

Xiao You wanted to see their son so she could tell him their good news. Xi Men wondered how a one-year old could understand that but Xiao You justified that Xiao Tian understands through the emotions. Xi Men had no choice but to drive themselves back to his house. He was frustrated that his plan for the rest of the night was foiled. He was hoping it'd lead to something intimate. That'll have to wait for another time, he conceded.

When they arrived at his house both were shocked to hear from Mrs. Lu that both his parents and Xiao Tian were out for the night.

"Young Master Yan, Madam Lin and Master Han have decided to bring Little Master Xiao Tian to Shenzhen."
"Shenme?! (What?!)"
"Why?" Xiao You inquired.
"Mrs. Lu, why are my parents together? What happened while Xiao You and I were gone?" He demanded.
"After you left, Master Han arrived to visit the Little Master. Then he and Madam Lin were reminiscing how they used to go to Shenzhen with you when you were young. They both decided they wanted to bring the Little Master there. They left after lunch. They'll be back the day after tomorrow." Mrs. Lu explained then excused herself.
Xi Men glanced at Xiao You. "I'm sorry."
Xiao You smiled. "Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. On the bright side, look at your parents. They're together."
"Don't get your hopes up." He said. "They're over."
"I know. I'm just happy for them."
"They’ve never been together since my first year in high school. I guess it’s kinda good." Xi Men muttered.
"Then I'll go back to my apartment now." Xiao You declared as she began to walk towards the front doors.
"Not so fast." Xi Men said as he caught up with her.
Xiao You looked at him. "What?"
"I thought we'd celebrate on our own our engagement." He said teasingly.
Xiao You eyed him suspiciously. "Why do I feel that we have different interpretation of the word 'celebrate'?"
A mischievous smile was plastered on his face. "Maaaay…be."

Xiao You had actually anticipated that something might happen on their date. She's not an innocent anymore. They're both consenting adults. They even have a son. His parents being away with their son was like giving them permission to do some 'lovey-dovey' stuff, as his mother would like to call it.

"Or maybe you're also thinking the same kind of 'celebrate' that I have in mind." He added.
"Oh please!" She snickered.
"Oh please what?" He had slowly moved in closer to her. "Please kiss you or please seduce you?"
"What kind of a question is that?" Xiao You asked. She had known how big of a flirt Xi Men was but she hadn't realize he was SUCH A BIG FLIRT.
"It's a simple question. Kiss or seduce. What do you want me to do, Xiao You?" He stared at her so intensely that Xiao You felt her knees going weak.
"Um, I..." She bit her lower lip.

Xi Men's attention was drawn to those pinkish lips. He really wanted to kiss those lips right now but he was rather enjoying teasing her. "Cat got your tongue, eh?"

Xiao You raised her hands to hit Xi Men but he caught her forearm before it could make contact with any part of his body.

"You're really becoming violent like Shan Cai, you know." He remarked as he let go of her arm.
"I AM NOT!" She protested, stomping her foot. She stomped so hard that it made her lose her balance.
Xi Men had quick reflexes and caught her with his arm. “And clumsy too.” He chuckled.
He still had Xiao You on his arm; him still bending over her.
“You made me fall.” She told him off.
“Fall in love with me, yes.”
Xiao You laughed in mirth. “Are you this cheesy?!”
“Just with you.” He replied. He dipped his head down. His lips was coming closer to Xiao You’s lips. At first her eyes widened at what he was about to do then she closed it. Xi Men smiled quite contentedly. Then just when he was about to touch her lips a loud ringing of the phone broke their moment.

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