Deal: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Author’s Note: Chapters 9 to 12 are written from Xiao You’s point of view. Just to make it equal. I’ll return to third person narrative in the succeeding chapters.

It's been six months since Xi Men found out we have a son. Six months since he has been pursuing me relentlessly to marry him. It's not that I don't like the idea of being married to him because that's all I've ever wanted since the moment I fell in love with him. I've never really stopped loving him all these years. But getting together with him scares me. I'm scared because he isn't really the type to commit to just one woman. In the last four years, I've personally heard from him (during our once a year meet up) and sometimes from Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si that he is still playing around with women. He still hasn't stop his frivolous lifestyle.

Remembering now that day I showed up on the rooftop after he and Senior Xiao Geng met, I have no regrets that we just ended up having sex and not together as a couple. When we lost ourselves to a moment of heated passion, I knew I could never let him go. But I am also aware that asking him to choose to stay with me was not a good idea. So I made that proposition with him. Honestly, I wasn't expecting him to agree with it. So when he did that made me so happy. At least even for a day in a year he is mine. Every year I had hoped his feelings towards me would change. That Xi Men Yan would change and be a one-woman man. Then on that fourth year, we went crazy and wild. We ate and drank too much than we can handle. How we still manage to end up having sex in spite of that, I have no idea. And maybe it's because we were too wasted that we forgot to use protection. And how I ended up finding three months later that I was with child.

Shan Cai was the very first person to know. She wanted to beat Xi Men the moment she learned he was the father of my unborn child. I had no choice but to reveal to her my secret deal with Xi Men and that really made her even more furious.

Next, I informed my parents of my situation who weren't happy at all but still supportive of my decision.

Against my will, Shan Cai told Dao Ming Si. These two really don't keep secrets from each other. I didn't want Dao Ming Si to know because I'm scared that he will tell his best friend. He was most insistent we tell Xi Men because he believes his best friend would be happy to hear the news. After some abject begging from him he agreed to keep my pregnancy a secret. Then on my eighth month I was rushed suddenly to the emergency room. I thought I was going to give birth prematurely but thankfully it was just a false alarm. I was required by my OB-GYN to be on bed rest until my expected delivery date. This prompted Shan Cai to call for another friend's help. I thought it would be Li Zhen or Qing He but it turned out to be Hua Ze Lei. Again, another person I would rather not know and get involved but Shan Cai trusted him. We also have him sworn to secrecy. So only Xi Men and Mei Zuo were left out. And I hope none of them will ever know.

Three weeks later I gave birth to a healthy and cutest baby boy ever. My parents, Shan Cai, Dao Ming Si and Lei were all present. And all of them were united that I should inform Xi Men already.
I wasn't ready yet. How do I face the man whom I love with all of my heart, body and soul that we have a child now? How do I cope with another rejection from him?

I'd rather keep the baby to myself. For once, I'd like to be selfish. I may not be able to win and own Xi Men's heart but let me have his baby as a treasure of my unrequited love for him.

As our fifth year 'anniversary' drew close I was overcame with fear and worry. Shan Cai told me to meet up Xi Men and tell him the truth. I wanted to lie about having a new boyfriend already but she said that Xi Men might see through my lie and so telling him the truth was the best option. The only option.

For days I was mustering my courage for the dreaded day. I used to look forward to that day but now I'm horrified by it.

I don't know if it was fate messing up my plans or destiny bringing us back together but I ended up not going at all. Xiao Tian was sick the day before and all through the night his fever has gone up.

On the day of our meeting, thankfully Xiao Tian's fever has gone down and he was able to sleep well. I was exhausted. The moment my baby slept, I also fell asleep. I didn't even notice that my phone was buzzing with calls and messages from Xi Men.

The next morning, there was Xi Men outside my apartment. And here we are six months later raising Xiao Tian together now.

A week after Xi Men met Xiao Tian I met his father. Two weeks later it was his mother. I wish he didn't involve his parents but he did. And now both of them are eager for their son and I to get married. They've been visiting me and Xiao Tian frequently and I must say they're quite the doting grandparents.

Shan Cai asked me once why I haven't said yes yet. Am I the only one left who's oppose to our marriage? To being married to Xi Men Yan?

I just put Xiao Tian to sleep and stepped out of the nursery room. I turned off the lights except for the night lamp and left the door ajar. I walked to the living room where Xi Men was lying on the couch asleep.

I don't know when I allowed him to have a sleepover at my place but it has become his routine to sleepover twice or thrice a week at my place. My couch is too small for him and I don't know how he endured sleeping on it.

I moved closer to him. It was a bit cold and he only had his jacket on. I quickly took a blanket from my closet and put it on him. I studied his sleeping face. He is still as handsome as before. I didn't know how my hand ended up touching his cheek but it did and that stirred him up from his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Xiao You?" His voice croaked.
I pulled my hand away from him but he grabbed it. His other hand touched my face.

He was looking at me very lovingly and my heart was about to explode.
We just stayed that way for a minute or two and then he pulled me in for a tight hug. Like really tight that I could barely breathe.
"Uh...Xi...Men..." I spoke with a struggle.
He didn't budge. "Just let me hold you like this." He said softly. He loosened a bit and my arms found its way to his waist.
He leaned his head on my small shoulders.
"It's always been you." He murmured.
"It's always been you, Xiao You." He repeated. He pulled away from the hug but kept the distance very close. Our heads were only inches apart. The way he was looking at me was piercing through me. And I am very familiar with those kind of intense and piercing gaze from him.
"And it's always been you, Xi Men." I managed to say in return before he devoured my lips with his.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 19, 2018

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