Deal: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Author’s Note: From Chapter 5 to 8 the narrative has changed from third person to first person, Xi Men’s point of view. I accidentally wrote it this way and I’m too lazy to change everything.

I deliberately set up my mother’s meeting with Xiao You two weeks after my father’s. Xiao You was still not in a better mood especially since my father did redraft his last will and testament, acknowledging Xiao Tian as my son and the next heir and successor of the Xi Men clan. Xiao You was given a copy of it sent by postal mail service. She berated me about it which I really could do nothing about. Once my father has made a decision it is final and absolute. Why should I oppose my father when that’s eventually my plan, right?

So, the meeting of my mother with Xiao You. If I could I will not let this meeting push through. My mother was upset too when she got the newly redrafted copy of my father’s last will and testament. She was pestering me when she would meet Xiao You.

I had already warned Xiao You of my mother’s opposition about us. Er, of her. This didn’t made Xiao You eager to meet my mother. But I assured her that she only need to act herself and she would win over my mother with her charms.

The day came and I set it up as a lunch date so that it would be quick and in public. Less drama for my mother. She’s always been on my side but I don’t understand why she’s giving me a hard time on this very important matter in my life. Anyway, as expected of her she arrived first at the restaurant I picked. I had to fetch Xiao You at her apartment and on our way to the restaurant there was a slight traffic. We were ten minutes late and I can see as we arrived that my mother was displeased. I kept apologizing to her over our meal.

“So you are Xiao You?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“And you two have been friends since when?”
“Since seven years ago.” I answered.
“Yan, I’m talking to Xiao You. Let her answer my questions.” My mother scolded me.
“I knew Xi Men seven years ago. We’ve been friends since then.” Xiao You answered.
“Friends? Then how come you bore his son?” My mother said accusingly.

I don’t like the way my mother was interrogating Xiao You. I glanced at Xiao You. She was holding herself quite well though I can still tell that she’s a bit nervous. Secretly, I applauded her courage for not letting my mother belittle her. That’s the Xiao You I knew.

“Yes, we’re friends. I love Xi Men but he doesn’t love me back. And I wasn’t ready to let go of him or move on from my feelings for him so I made a deal with him. I’m not proud to tell you this Ma’am but I’m also not ashamed of what I proposed to him. We’re friends with benefits. I know Xi Men is afraid to love and to commit so I promised him that our deal is ‘no strings attached.’ I don’t want to live life with regrets and so I just grabbed whatever chance I can to still hold on to him. And whatever the consequence maybe I will face it and be responsible for it.” Xiao You said all that without blinking and breaking down.

This woman is really something. And why I rejected her is something I regretted now.
“So you planned to conceive his child?”
“No, it was an accident. This was never part of our deal. But it happened. Since I was the one who made a ‘no strings attached’ deal with him I didn’t let him know of what happened.”
“But you said you love my son? Wouldn’t that be a great way to make him be yours?”
“Normally, it would. But like I said too, whatever the consequence I will face it and be responsible for it.”
“I heard my son has proposed marriage to you?”
“He did. And I rejected him.”
“Pray, tell me why you rejected his proposal?”
“Because he doesn’t love me. He may love our son but it’s not reason enough for both of us to get married.”
“Ah, excuse me?” I butted in. Looking at Xiao You, “I love you Xiao You. I always have.”
My mother’s eyes were upon me.
“No, you don’t. You’re just saying that because you’re feeling guilty and maybe honor-bound but I don’t believe you.”
“What must I do to make you believe when I say I love you?” I said, desperate.

My mother coughed. And we both looked at her.

“I have another appointment in a few minutes. Xiao You, I’m glad we met and have this talk. On our next meeting I want to meet your son.” Xiao You nodded. Turning to me, “Yan, I’ll talk to you tonight.” Then she left.

My mother’s last words baffled me. I don’t know if she had a changed of heart but her desire to meet my son is something of a good news. I did notice when she referred to Xiao Tian as Xiao You’s son rather than mine and Xiao You’s son.

That night at our house, my mother waited for me at the tea ceremony room.
“Sit.” She told me, gesturing to the seat meant for the tea master. At once I sat on it and prepared the tea.
She sipped the tea I served to her. “You’re getting good. Not quite good as your father or even your grandfather but you’re improving.” She commented.
I thanked her for the compliment.
“About Xiao You,” she began. “I remember her now.”
“You do?”
“Yes, she was at your twenty-first birthday party here, right?”
I nodded.
“She did stand out to me that night.”
“How?” I was curious what my mother meant by that.
“Xiao You couldn’t stop looking at you all throughout the party. And I may have walked in on you two on the balcony that night.” My mother said casually.
“What do you mean? The balcony?” I asked as I tried to juggle my memory of my birthday party.
“You were too drunk and too wasted that night. I believe it happened before you had Mei Zuo swore to you that you would be bachelors together til you’re both old.” She smirked.
“Mei Zuo recently reminded me of that but I have no recollection of that at all.” I said back.
“Like I said, you were-”
“Too drunk and too wasted.”I cut her off. “So what about the part you walking in on me and Xiao You?” I asked again.
“I really didn’t hear what you two were saying but I just saw you suddenly kissing her. Then she told you she loves you and you laughed. You laughed at her. Then she left, Mei Zuo came in and…” My mother was looking amused as she told me all this. Still, I couldn’t remember a single thing of that ever happening. Mei Zuo is the one with the super memory maybe he will remember something if he was nearby the balcony.
“Yan, I don’t like that you’re lifestyle is too similar with your father. I had hoped that I raised a son who is a good person and a good man too. I wonder where I went wrong with you.” My mother’s words pierced through me. We never really have this kind of conversation so this is the first time I’m hearing her thoughts.
“Ma…” I’ve always addressed my parents formally because that’s how I was taught and brought up. But here in the confines of our house and since this is a heart to heart talk between mother and son, I guess we can be informal.
“So I’m a ‘Ma’ now?” She kidded.
“Aren’t you always on my side? Why are you making it hard for me?” I complained.
“I am always on your side. And now that I’ve met Xiao You formally, I’ve made my assessment already.” She stated.
My eyes grew big. “And?”
“She’s a good woman. A strong and confident woman. And with the way you’ve treated her, I can sympathize with her.”
Part of me was glad she liked Xiao You; the other half confused. “I’ve always treated her well.” I tried to defend myself.
“Yan, that girl confessed to you. That girl gave herself to you. And yet you never returned the feelings. You never made any commitment with her.”
“Well, we have our deal. And… and I didn’t want to hurt her.” I admitted.
My mother sighed. “You’ve been hurting her all along, you know.”
“I… I… I…” Have I really been hurting Xiao You all this time? Since I am not in any committed relationship I have continued on seeing and sleeping with other women. Is that why Xiao You believes I don’t love her?
“Yan my son, I believed when you told her you loved her. Took you this long to finally realized your honest feelings for her. But I will tell you as a woman that it’s not gonna be easy healing and winning her heart. She will always love you that I also believe. However, she can live without you and carry on with an unrequited love.” My mother explained carefully while I listened intently. I know she’s telling me all this from her own experience. “She’s strong on the exterior but her heart is fragile. Be careful.” She warned me.
“Thanks Ma.” I bowed my head as a sign of respect.
“Now, please arrange my meeting with my grandson.” She smiled as she said that.
I smiled back and nodded.

I went to sleep that night full of gladness that both my parents now approved of Xiao You and are supportive of my plans to marry her. The only person who’s approval I need to get is Xiao You’s. Xi Men Yan, I think it’s time to step up you’re A-game.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 18, 2018

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