Deal: Chapter 24 Part Two Excerpt Only

978 13 3

[Excerpt of selected scenes from Chapter 24 Part Two]

After that hot and passionate kiss at the balcony, Xi Men carried her into his arms and they went to his bedroom.
“Why is your room so dark?” She asked.
“So I can do this.” He stole a kiss on her lips.
“And this as well.” Xiao You was suddenly in midair as Xi Men had lifted her up onto his shoulders and walked the short distance between the door and his bed. He dropped her on the bed a little unceremoniously.
“And so that we cannot be seen doing wicked things.”
Xiao You moved to the center of the bed as Xi Men advanced on her. “Wicked things?” She repeated.
“Yes, very wicked things.” He said temptingly.
Xiao You was trapped between Xi Men and the pillows that were at her back. “What if I don’t want to do those?” She asked.
“Oh you will, Xiao You, you will.” He leaned his forehead against hers.
“You’re that sure?”
“100% sure!” Xi Men replied.

Without waiting for her to say anything more, he devoured her lips with his. If the kiss on the balcony was the appetizer, then this kiss is the kiss that will lead to the main course. He had been hungry for far too long for her. His body has been aching for her touch. He will take her. And he will mark her as his. His forever and ever.
“May I eat you now?” He asked permission.
“Eat me?” She asked bemused. “I’m not a food.” She laughed.
“Yes, you are, Little Fish.”

And so Xi Men did eat Xiao You all through the night. Until it made his heart full and satisfied with pure joy.
--- END ---

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