Deal: Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

After kissing their son goodbye, Xi Men drove themselves to Xiao You’s apartment. He waited on her living room as she took a bath. Xi Men had become so familiar with her place and it saddened him that someday soon Xiao You will have to give up this place which she has called home for a few years now. Even though it’s just a day since they got together - officially - Xi Men wanted to talk to her about moving out and moving in to his family’s house. It would be suitable for their situation and practical even since she could save up on rent expenses. (Dao Ming Si had paid her apartment’s rent for a year and so after that it was her who paid the rent from the earnings she got through her stock market investments.) But what Xi Men wanted the most was for them to get married. If he could have his way it could be today. However, he knew that Xiao You didn’t want to be rushed. He still needed her to warm up to the idea of them getting married.

Thirty minutes later, Xiao You came out of her room dressed in a simple lacy white dress. It took Xi Men’s breath away as soon as he saw her.

“Keep your mouth shut Mr. Xi Men Yan.” Xiao You teased.
Xi Men felt embarrassed that he caught her gawking at her. She was really looking pretty in the dress she wore. “Shall we go?” He asked.
Xiao You nodded.

They started their date by having lunch at one of Xi Men’s favorite restaurants in Shanghai. As he expected, Xiao You loved the view from where they were sitting. It was overlooking the bustling streets and the towering buildings of Shanghai.

Next, they watched a movie. He allowed Xiao You to decide what they would do next and she chose to watch a movie. There was a Japanese film festival held at the cinema theater they went to and Xiao You suggested they took advantage of it. Xi Men bought the tickets for the film which was scheduled next to be screened. It was a love story titled “Hachi Nen Goshi No Hanayome” which was based on a true story. At the end of the movie, both were left in tears.

“Xi Men,” Xiao You began. “Are you crying too?”
“Xiao You,” he said looking at her, “just so you know, I’m not a heartless person.” He looked away but Xiao You turned his head towards her and she wiped away the tears on his cheeks.
“Who said so?” She smiled.
“Mei Zuo.”
“Well, you’re not.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek.

They proceeded to a nearby park where they rode bikes. After an hour, Xiao You complained she was tired and hungry. Since they were near an ice cream shop Xi Men bought ice cream for them. Xiao You was happily licking her Matcha Oreo flavored ice cream when Xi Men noticed that the ice cream left a stain on her upper lip. Rather than wiped it clean, Xi Men decided to be mischievous and kissed Xiao You instead.

“Xi Men!” She scolded him since it took her by surprise.
He snickered. “There was an ice cream stain on your lip. I couldn’t help but kiss it away.”
She blushed.

For dinner, they decided to go to San Liangchun, Taste of Old Shanghai restaurant. They ordered two large bowls of wanton noodle soup.

Xiao You felt so happy the entire day. She felt relieved and glad at the same time. The letter she read freed her from all her doubts and mistrust. Xi Men truly loved her. And she truly loved him. As they finished their wanton noodle soup, Xiao You made up her mind. She is going to marry the man before her. This man who has been the man of her dreams. The only one who is perfect for her.

“Xi Men.” She spoke.
“Hmm?” He slurped a mouthful of noodle.
“Will you marry me?”
Xi Men choked on his food.

People at the next table eyed them curiously as Xi Men made a gagging noise.

“Xiao You!” He managed to blurt out. He drowned his glass of water. “Did you just ask me to marry you?!” He said it a little loudly that heads turned to their direction.
“Yes, I did.” She replied.
He leaned in closer to her. “The guy is usually who asks this, you know.” He whispered.
“Well, I’ve been waiting all day for you to ask me and I couldn’t wait any longer.” She smiled shamelessly.
Xi Men had a confused look on his face. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”
“What don’t you understand? I asked you if you will marry me. It’s just a simple answer. Yes or no.” She said, obviously enjoying the dumbstruck look on his face.
“I… I… I…”
“Wow! I didn’t know I could make you this speechless.” Xiao You teased.
“Oh, so you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He was vexed.
“I am.”
Of course, Xi Men couldn’t resist how cute Xiao You was looking at him and so he laughed at himself. “You’re really one of a kind, you know that?”
“I know.”
Xi Men regained his composure. Then he stood up, and knelt in front of her.

Other customers saw him and gasped as they realized what was happening.
Xi Men took something out of his pants pocket and reached for her hand. “I, Xi Men Yan, will marry you Jiang Xiao You.” He said all this while slowly sliding a simple cut diamond ring on her left finger.

Xiao You covered her mouth with her right hand as she saw the ring. She didn’t know that he had a ring readied already. She embraced Xi Men as she repeatedly said “yes” to him. The entire place erupted with cheers and applause.

They stood up, bowed and thanked everyone.

Xi Men couldn’t believe that in just twenty-four hours he and Xiao You are officially together AND now engaged to be married. All the more that she took the initiative to propose to him.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 26-27, 2018

1) The day date is inspired by the day date that Kotoko planned from the Japanese live-action TV drama Itazura na Kiss. Sorry. I don’t have any creative ideas and I didn’t want to use the dating tricks that our dear XiZuo have as it won’t work anyway with Xiao You. Don’t worry this first official date is still slightly patterned after the remake. Lastly, I really wish that our beloved XiJia would star in a Chinese remake of this version. I prefer this over Taiwan’s It Started With A Kiss. Xi Ze reminded me so much of Yuki Furukawa; though I know Jia Qi resembled Ariel Lin. Damn! Xi Ze can kiss and imagine all those kissing scenes once they get to the marriage part of the story. Aaaahhhh the feels!!!
2) 8 Nen Goshi No Hanayome stars my favorite Japanese actor Takeru Sato and the beautiful and talented actress Tsuchiya Tao. Shoutout to Emiko-san @DramaFeverG1 because you made Xi Men and I tear up.
3) San Liangchun, Taste of Old Shanghai - for lack of creativity. But it allowed me to write Xiao You shocking Xi Men and taking initiative just like in the drama. The engagement was supposed to occur in chapter 25 with F3 and Shan Cai’s help. Oh well. I love this better.
4) I’m still stalling writing #TheArtofSeduction by Xi Men Yan. It should be in this chapter but now I’ve decided it’s gonna be in the next one. Let’s see.

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