Deal: Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Xiao You was alone in her apartment. Xiao Tian was at her parents' place. And she gave the hired helper a day off. She just wanted to be alone on this day.

After her meeting with Xiao Geng, she wanted to clear her mind. All night she was going crazy thinking about Xi Men and their situation. Half of her wanted to be with Xi Men; the other half is against it. She loves this man so much. The answer is simple: be together. So why couldn't she just run into his arms and end all their misery?

Xiao You sighed deeply. Adulting is so hard Xiao You realized. It's even more complicated when there is a child involved. Everything would have been okay if Xi Men hadn't found out about Xiao Tian. But how could she keep Xiao Tian a secret for a long time when they have a small circle of close friends? And now those small circle of close friends along with their parents are rooting for them to get married and be a real family already.

Is this my only choice? Is this my decision then? Xiao You thought deeply.

She wished she could talk with her best friend but she didn't want to bother Shan Cai. She's got her pregnancy to focus on and she didn't want to cause stress to her.

She picked up her phone. She opened the photo gallery and browsed through it and paused at the pictures she took during the birthday party of Xiao Tian. They were mostly close up and candid shots of Xi Men and Xiao Tian. It brought a smile to her face. Xiao You is happy that Xi Men and Xiao Tian have a great father-son relationship. She didn't expect Xi Men would also be up to being a father or that he would also act natural with fatherhood. Who would have thought that F4's Casanova would be Father of the Year?

She zoomed in one of the photos. It was a side profile shot of Xi Men. He really looked like a handsome prince out of a fairy tale. How did I end up loving this man and bear his son? She thought. Because he loves you. A little voice whispered in her ears. It's always been you, Xiao You. Xiao You touched the screen of her phone as if she was caressing his face. And it's always been you, Xi Men. A single tear fell down on her cheek. She held the phone close to her heart as more tears stained her cheeks.

There was a knock on her door. She hastily wiped away her cheeks as she sauntered towards the door. When she opened it she was surprised to see Hua Ze Lei.

"Hi Xiao You!" He greeted, jovially. "May I come in?"
"Yes, come in." She allowed him to enter her apartment and led him to the living room.
Lei sat on one of the arm chairs.
"Do you want some tea?" She offered.
"Yeah, sure." He accepted.

Xiao You boiled hot water and prepared the tea pot and cups. She also prepared some biscuits to pair with the tea. The kettled whistled and she poured the hot water into the pot where she allowed the tea leaves to brew. When it was ready she poured some hot tea into the tea cups.
She joined Lei sitting on the living room. "Here." She handed him the tea cup.
"Thank you." Together they sipped their tea quietly. "Is this from The Xi Men Tea House premium selection?" He asked.
"Yes. Xi Men's mother brought them." She replied.
"The Xi Men Tea House premium selection are the best in the country." Lei said as he took another sip.
"Can I have another one?" Lei raised his empty cup.
"Sure." Xiao You filled his tea cup.
"Isn't this refreshing?" He commented.

Xiao You was a little confused with Lei's presence in her place. After refilling his tea cup for the fifth time, Xiao You finally confronted him.

"Uh, Hua Ze Lei? Why are you here?" She inquired.
"Me? Well, I'm just visiting a friend." He replied. "We are friends, aren't we?"
"I guess so."
He smiled.
"Seriously, what you are doing here?"
He looked at her, amused. "Were you crying?"
"I... I..."
"When you feel like crying, do a handstand."
"Do a handstand." Lei repeated. "That way your tears won't fall down."
"You're kidding, right?"
Lei shook his head. "Jing taught it to me."
"Where's Xiao Tian?" He asked suddenly.
"He's at my parents place right now. I wanted to be alone today." She replied.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you?"
"No. It's okay. I wasn't really doing anything. I just wanted to have a time for myself." She explained.
"Well, I guess I'll get going then." Lei stood up and began to walk towards the door. "Thanks for the tea and biscuits."
"Your welcome."

Lei left and Xiao You was astounded by the whole thing.

Meanwhile, outside Xiao You's apartment complex, Mei Zuo started the engine of his car as soon as Lei got in.

"Well?" His eyebrows was raised.
"Xiao Tian is at her parents place." Lei told his friend.
"Are you sure we're doing the right thing?" Mei Zuo asked while driving the car.
"I'm not really sure." He smiled.
"Lei! You assured me earlier that your plan is foolproof." A worried look registered on Mei Zuo's face.
"I think I remember saying it's 80% foolproof. " He smiled again.
"I am starting to doubt this plan that you hatched up is the best way to bring together Xi Men and Xiao You."
"Do you have any better ideas then?" Lei looked at Mei Zuo.
"No, I don't." He replied.
"Then let Operation XiYou commence." Lei grinned.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 23-24, 2018

Note: Rather than an emotionally loaded chapter to bring back our XiYou couple I wanted to write something fun to make that happen. But to do that I had to make a lot of rough draft. There was a kidnapping of Xiao Tian which seemed like a good idea at the beginning but then I threw it away. And so this is the finish product. Curious about Operation:XiYou? So do I. Shoutout to @xichaguan :) The original #XiMenTeaHouse.

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