Deal: Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Xi Men invited Ah Si and Mei Zuo for a sleepover. It would be best if he didn't go home tonight to avoid even more tension at their home. Ah Si agreed. He called Lei and asked him to stay with Shan Cai for the night in case something happens to her and their unborn child. Xiao You let the boys hang out as she put Xiao Tian to sleep.

Xiao Tian's bedroom was right across Xi Men’s bedroom. In just one day Soo Lin had found and hired a qualified nanny for her grandson. She and Nanny Yue have gotten along quite well and that made Xiao You relaxed. She really wants to be a hands on mother. According to their arrangement, Nanny Yue will sleep in the nursery for the meantime. But Xiao You prefers to personally put her son to sleep. 

When Xiao Tian had finally fallen asleep, Xiao You went to Xi Men's room. Correction: their bedroom. She had insisted to use the bedroom she previously slept in but Xi Men’s mother disagreed. Seriously, she thought she was being thoughtful and reserved. So now that she’s really living together with Xi Men and his family, she has to share bedroom with him. Not that she’s complaining. Everything is just going so fast between them and Xiao You was feeling overwhelmed by it all. Then again, she wouldn’t have it any other way either. She too just wanted to be close and near Xi Men.

Xiao You was already asleep by the time Xi Men went to their bedroom. He changed and joined Xiao You on the bed. She felt him beside her and she woke up.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s okay. How did it go with Dao Ming Si?” She asked.
Xi Men snuggled closer to her. “He’s still sad and mad at himself. But Mei Zuo and I advised him to talk with Shan Cai properly.”
“Yeah, they should talk. Earlier when Shan Cai and I were talking I sensed that something was wrong. So I really hope they will sort out their problems.”
“They will. You know how they couldn’t stay mad at each other for a long time. Anyway, tomorrow we have to be at their place to join Ah Si’s Lamaze classes.” Xi Men informed her.
“Okay.” She looked up at him. “Why do you sound very interested about the Lamaze classes?” She asked curiously.
“Well, we might have to do it soon. So I better start learning now.” He replied.
“We?” She repeated.
“Yes, we.”
“And why are WE going to do it SOON?”
“Because,” he shifted position and pinned her down on the bed, “I want Xiao Tian to have a baby sister already.”
He trailed kisses on her neckline. “Don’t you?”
“Ah…I do.” Xiao You managed to reply before Xi Men claimed her mouth.

The next night, Xi Men and Xiao You arrived early at the Dao Ming Mansion. Ah Si was not yet home from work. Xi Men waited for his best friends at their hangout by the basement while Xiao You had a chat with Shan Cai.

Shan Cai’s mood hasn’t changed since last night. She was still upset about the news her husband delivered to her.
“I’m sure Dao Ming Si will try to find a way to return to Shanghai when your due date is near.” Xiao You tried to appease her friend.
Shan Cai smiled. “I’m sure he will. But there’s something I haven’t told him yet and promise me Xiao You that you won’t tell another soul about what I’m going to tell you right now.”
Xiao You’s concern that something was wrong was confirmed. “I promise.”
“Haven’t you wondered why I’m so big even though I’m just seven months pregnant?” She asked.
“Yeah, you’re bigger than what is normal.”
“Well, you see, on my last check up my doctor told me that I’m not having one baby but two.” Shan Cai confessed.
Xiao You was totally surprised. “You mean you’re having twins?!”
“Oh sorry.” Xiao You apologized. “That’s great though, right?” She smiled.
“I guess. I don’t know.” Shan Cai mumbled. “I’m scared. This is my first pregnancy and I’m having twins.” She sighed.
Xiao You held her friend’s hands. “It’s okay Shan Cai. Dao Ming Si WILL be by your side when it’s time for you to deliver your babies. And we your friends and family will be there too.”
“Thank you.” Shan Cai gave Xiao You a quick side hug.
“So,” Xiao You looked at her with a mischievous smile. “Are the twins all boys, all girls or a boy and a girl?”
“Sorry. That’s still a top secret.” Shan Cai muttered.
“Seriously? You still don’t know the sex of the baby?”
Shan Cai shook her head.
“Fine. I just can’t wait for Xiao Tian to have playmates already.” Xiao You gushed.
Shan Cai eyed Xiao You curiously. “Say, Xiao You, when are you and Xi Men getting married?”
Xiao You’s face became serious. “Both our parents want it before the year ends.”
“That’s a few months from now.”
“I know.”
“Why aren’t you excited? Wasn’t it you who proposed to Xi Men?”
“Don’t get me wrong. I am excited about us getting married. I just don’t like the wedding his parents are planning. It’s just too extravagant. And what I want is a simple and small wedding.” Xiao You explained.
“Then why don’t you tell Xi Men what’s on your mind.”
“Well, everytime I try to discuss it with him he distracts me and I ended up forgetting what I was gonna say to him.”
Shan Cai had a grin on her face. Her friend was blushing and trying not to look at her.

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