Deal: Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Xi Men and Xiao You held their simple celebration at their place. Their place. Xiao You is still feeling uneasy with that thought. It's going to take a while before she can really get used to that. Her parents arrived a little before seven. She introduced them again to Xi Men's parents. During Xiao Tian's birthday party all the older adults were getting along well. She silently sent a prayer of thanks to the gods above that his parents were the complete opposite of Dao Ming Si's mom. She shuddered at the thought if she had to have such trouble as her best friend experienced. At once their wedding was discussed. Just because they got engaged in less than twenty-hours after being officially together didn't mean she wanted to tie the knot right away. Then again, at the rate she and Xi Men are going they probably should before something happens.

She joined Shan Cai who was sitting on the couch. Only seven months pregnant and she's ballooned; she wasn't that big when she was pregnant with Xiao Tian. She hoped that no complications would arise.

"Hey! Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah." Shan Cai replied. "I can't stand too long. I'm just so big." She complained.
"Yeah, you are." She laughed.
"Eh, my best friend is making fun of me."
"I'm just teasing you. But seriously, is everything normal?" She inquired.
"Yes, everything is normal. Next week I'm going back to see my doctor."
"That's good. Will you tell me, just between the two of us, what is the sex of your baby?" She said in a low voice.
Shan Cai shook her head. "Dao Ming Si and I made a pact that we want to be surprised with the sex of the baby."
"Oh c'mon!" Xiao You begged. "I promise I won't tell Xi Men."
"I'm not telling." Shan Cai closed her mouth shut to show that her lips are sealed.
"You're no fun."
"Sorry.” Shan Cai flashed a small smile. This night isn't about me. It's about you and Xi Men."
"I know. But it's been a while since we last saw each other and talked."
"Okay. Let's talk about how you and Xi Men got together." Shan Cai said excitedly.
"Well, it was because of Mei Zuo and Lei. They tricked Xi Men and I and even used our son into their scheme." She shared.
"I'm really sorry I deceived you then. Lei asked me to send you that message. I really didn't know why he ask me or what his intentions were."
"It's fine. They may have set us up but I was actually decided to give Xi Men a chance, give ourselves a second chance, before they tricked us."
"I'm glad it all worked out in the end. But what made you changed your mind?"
"Well, it was actually Senior Xiao Geng." She admitted.
"Xiao Geng???"
"Yeah. We met a few days ago. What she told me really made me think about Xi Men and I."
"Xiao You, I know it took a long while for you and Xi Men to get together and I'm really glad that you two were able to get past all your issues. You know how I used to resent you loving him but now I see that the two of you are really perfect for each other. I'm happy you've succeeded in love too." Shan Cai said sincerely.
"Yeah, I won him over. I got the man of my dreams." Xiao You said a little dreamily.
"Can you believe we ended up being together with two guys from F4?"
"Definitely unbelievable."
The two of them giggled like silly high school girls.

Meanwhile, Xi Men was huddled in another area of the living room with F4.
He looked sternly at Mei Zuo and Lei. "If you're plan had failed I was certain I'd end up beating you two. Thankfully, Xiao You had forgiven me and decided to give me a second chance. You two owe her an apology as well as a thank you."
Mei Zuo snickered then he and Lei gave each other a high five.
"Why are you still looking grumpy?" It was Lei.
Xi Men glared at him. "I swear Lei your savageness knows no bound."
Lei grinned.
The three of them looked at Ah Si who hadn't said a word since dinner was over.
"Ah Si," Mei Zuo called his attention. "Why are you so quiet?"
"Ah." He gulped the glass of wine he was holding. "It's Shan Cai."
"Are you worried how big she's become?" Mei Zuo kidded.
"Tsk. She's pregnant." Dao Ming Si stated.
"We know."
"Ah Si, is there a problem with Shan Cai?" Lei had a serious face on.
"Well, something came up with work last week." He looked at his wife across the room. "I need to be in London next week."
"You'll be back, right?" Xi Men asked.
"That's what I'm actually worried about. My business in London requires me to be there for two to three months." Ah Si told his best friends.
They understood what he was saying. This would mean Ah Si wouldn't be present when Shan Cai gives birth.
Xi Men patted him on the back. "Don't worry. We will take care of Shan Cai while you're in London."
Ah Si sighed. "But I want to be there when she gives birth. That's why we took those Lamaze classes."
"We could document it for you like you did with Xiao You. Think of it as my payback." Xi Men offered.
"It's still not the same." Ah Si was crestfallen.
"Is your business in London really necessary?" Lei asked.
Ah Si nodded his head. "It's the final steps to our hotel merging negotiations. So, yes, it's really important."
"Ah Si, don't worry. We will continue the Lamaze classes with Shan Cai in your stead." Mei Zuo reassured his friend.
"Does Shan Cai know about this?" Lei asked.
"I haven't told her yet." He answered.
"You better tell her now while there's still time." Xi Men said.
"I know." Ah Si finished the rest of his wine. "I guess I'll do that now."

He left his friends and went to Shan Cai.

"Ah, Xiao You, excuse me. Can I talk to my wife alone? Dao Ming Si asked as he approached the two friends who were laughing so hard.
"Yeah sure." Xiao You stood up and left.

Xi Men managed to get an eye to eye contact with Xiao You and motioned for her to join him and his friends. She walked straight towards them.
"Xiao You," Mei Zuo spoke, "is it true that love is lovelier the second time around?"
Xiao You looked at him curiously. "Why do you want to know? Are you thinking of getting together again with Zhuo Caina?"
Mei Zuo was not amused at what he heard. Xi Men and Lei stifled their laughter.
"That's a good one Xiao You." Xi Men put his arm around her drawing her close to his side.
"Tsk. I'm asking about the second chance you two have now." He crossed his arms. "Besides, Caina messaged me that she and Terence are still going strong. I have no chance at all."
"Didn't you go to a matchmaking event the other day?" Lei reminded Mei Zuo.
This got Xi Men and Xiao You's interest. "What's this Mei Zuo?" Xi Men asked amusingly.
Mei Zuo rolled his eyes. "I told you not to tell anybody about it." He hissed at Lei.
"What?! You're keeping secrets from me now Mei Zuo?" Xi Men reacted.
"Tsk. Like you weren't keeping a secret from me as well."
"What secret did I keep from you?"
"Your deal with Xiao You." He replied.
Xi Men was unable to respond with a witty remark.
"How did you find out about our deal?" Xiao You asked him.
"This guy thinks he's clever but I had him figured out. For three years he always tell me that he's not to be bothered on the same date. So I got curious and did my own detective work. The following year I secretly tailed after him. I didn't go inside the building and just stayed outside. Then I saw you," he glanced at her, "enter the building. I waited for a while. You two finally came out like some sort of a couple. I kept following the two of you and to my utter shock you two checked in at Maple Hotel. That's how I knew something was going on between you two." He finished.
Xi Men was appalled. "How dare you!"
"Yes I dare." Mei Zuo stood tall and straight to his full height. He was the tallest among them four so he kinda towered a little over his friends.
"Xiao You," it was Lei speaking. "Don't mind Mei Zuo. He's just a little hurt and jealous because you’re the love of Xi Men's life now. It used to be him before you came along.” Lei kidded.
"SHUT UP!" Xi Men and Mei Zuo yelled together at Lei. He and Xiao You laughed uncontrollably.
"I see what you mean." Xiao You said.

A loud scream pierced through the room and everyone turned their attention at the center of it.

Shan Cai was standing up, cradling her huge belly and she looked mad. Dao Ming Si was standing as well and seemed to be trying to calm a mad Shan Cai but was failing miserably.
"I take it Shan Cai is not happy with Ah Si's news." Mei Zuo spoke in a hushed voice.
"What's going on?" Xiao You lowered her voice too.
"Ah Si has to leave for London next week and will be there for two to three months." Xi Men replied.
"HUA ZE LEI!" Shan Cai called out loud.
Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lei.
"Please take me home." Shan Cai said with firm but slightly shaky voice.

Lei glanced at Dao Ming Si who had a dejected look on his face. Ah Si bobbed his head a little bit and Lei took that as his permission to take Shan Cai home.

Lei along with Xiao You helped Shan Cai on their way out. Xi Men and Mei Zuo consoled Ah Si.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 28, 2018

NOTE: I’ve long since established the importance of the Lamaze classes, Ah Si’s worries and how Shan Cai’s pregnancy will affect our XiYou couple on my side notes. As for Mei Zuo’s matchmaking event, it was a spur of the moment idea (for another #SavageLei dialogue). After I’ve written about it then did I realize that MG S2’s Mei Zuo was my inspiration after all. Darn it! I just keep adding new twists to this fanfic. My original plan was only write up to 25 chapters, epilogue included. Now I’m on chapter 26 already and I still have to write about Shan Cai’s childbirth. Not that I’m complaining because I’m really enjoying this creative writing moments I’m having for about two weeks now. Also, your lovely reviews and comments gave me the motivation to keep going with this. But I should be editing materials for my MG/XiYou IG fan account. I also have to update that with “regular” posts. Ugh! I’m dead!
And my eyes are closing as I type this. So good night!

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