Deal: Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Six weeks later…

Xi Men and Xiao You were enjoying the music recital where Lei and Yin Xiao Qiao have participated which was for the benefit of a children’s charity. And said recital was organized no less by Mei Zuo. Lei and Yin Xiao Qiao were in the middle of playing a duet of violin and cello when Xiao You’s phone vibrated. She picked it up. It was a text message from Shan Cai. As soon as she read the message she showed it to her husband. The two immediately exited the hall and looked for Mei Zuo who was hanging by the backstage.

Mei Zuo wasn’t surprised to see them. “I received one too.” He said holding up high his phone. “Xi Men, I can’t leave this recital. I’m needed. Also, Lei is still playing. They have two more songs to perform.”
“It’s okay. Xiao You and I will go there first. You just follow once you’re all done here.” Xi Men said.
“Okay. I’ll call Ah Si while you two make your way to the hospital.”
“Good idea.”
“We’ll be going then.”
“Okay. See you later.”
“And before I forget, congratulations!”
“Thank you. Keep us updated.”
“Will do.”

Xi Men and Xiao You made a mad dash to the emergency room. Once they’ve arrived, they met Mr. and Mrs. Dong.
“Where is Shan Cai?” Xi Men asked.
“Auntie, Uncle.” Xiao You greeted them.
“Shan Cai is in one of those rooms.” Mr. Dong pointed. “The doctor is examining her right now.”
“What happened?” Xi Men inquired. He needed to get all the details so he could inform Ah Si right away.
“We were just having dinner when she complained of severe stomach pains. We didn’t want to take risk so we brought her here right away.” Mrs. Dong explained.
“Good idea.” Xi Men remarked. “I’m gonna call Ah Si right now so he could be updated.”
They all nodded.

Xi Men dialed Ah Si’s number but it went straight to his voice mail. He checked Ah Si’s online status on QQ and Weibo which were inactive for the last three hours. He decided to leave two kinds of messages for him - a text and an audio. He informed the others with him that he couldn’t reach Ah Si but he left messages for him. He was probably in a meeting.

Five minutes later, the doctor came out and approached them. “Are you the family of Dong Shan Cai?”
“We are her parents.” Chorused Mr. and Mrs. Dong.
“And we’re her best friends.” Xiao You added.
“Okay. She’s going into premature labor now. It’s very common for pregnant mothers who are carrying twins. Her record says that she and her husband opted for the Lamaze birthing process. Where is her husband?” The doctor told them.
“He’s not here. He’s currently in London.” Mrs. Dong answered.
“Then who will help Shan Cai deliver the babies?”
Xiao You nudged Xi Men.
He looked at her. “What?”
“You help.”
“Isn’t it for this situation that Dao Ming Si shared to you all his knowledge on Lamaze classes?” Xiao You reminded him.
“Ah yes. Of course.”
“So you’ll do it then?” Mrs. Dong asked.
Xi Men nodded.
“Great. Now please follow me and we will get you prepared.” The doctor directed to Xi Men. “As for you,” to Shan Cai’s parents and Xiao You, “you may wait outside the delivery room.”

One hour later…

Lei, Mei Zuo and Yin Xiao Qiao have arrived at the hospital and were waiting together with Xiao You and Shan Cai’s parents.

“Mei Zuo, have you contacted Dao Ming Si already?” Xiao You asked. “Xi Men couldn’t reach him earlier.”
“I couldn’t reach him either. I’ve tried calling him but he’s not answering. I left a few messages already.” Mei Zuo replied.
“Can I do anything for you guys?” Xiao Qiao asked.
“It’s okay. We’re fine.” Mei Zuo answered her. “Thanks for coming along. I’m sure Shan Cai is gonna appreciate that you’re here.”
“She’s your friend. And I like her.” Xiao Qiao muttered.
Mei Zuo gave her a smile.
Lei who was sitting quietly suddenly stood up. Everyone turned their heads to where he was looking.
“AH SI!”
A breathless Dao Ming Si was running through the hospital hallway towards them.
“Where… is… Shan… Cai…?”
“Dao Ming Si, what are you doing here?” It was Shan Cai’s mother who asked.
“Zhuang-jie made me come.” Ah Si said panting.
Lei smiled while Mei Zuo chuckled.
“Bless her soul.” Mrs. Dong said quietly.
“What about your negotiation?” Lei inquired.
“Well, Zhuang-jie kicked my ass in London for being away from Shan Cai. I told her the hotel merger negotiation was extremely important and needed my attention. She reminded me of what’s truly important in life. She said she can take my place to finish and seal the deal.” Ah Si shared to them.
“We’re glad you’re here.” Mei Zuo commented.
“Me too. I really didn’t want to miss this for the world. As soon as the plane landed I got your messages and went straight here.” He explained.
“You’re just on time.” Lei told him. “Shan Cai is still in labor. Xi Men is in there helping her right now.”
“Xi Men?!”
“Lei and I couldn’t come right way because of the benefit music recital earlier. But Xiao You and Xi Men left and came here.” Mei Zuo said.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Ah Si remarked.
“So, are you going in or not?” Lei asked.
“I’m going in.” Ah Si said excitedly.

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