Deal: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Author’s Note: From Chapter 5 to 8 the narrative has changed from third person to first person, Xi Men’s point of view. I accidentally wrote it this way and I’m too lazy to change everything.

Setting up a dinner with both of my parents wasn't easy. It's not a secret that they're living separately and that my father is well known for his scores of mistresses. Like father, like son. Where else would I learn to be a playboy than from my own father? Because he also hurt my mother pretty badly which caused me to have commitment issues and above all, the fear to love and to get hurt as well as hurt the one I love, I've justified my frivolous lifestyle with it. So I managed to have both of my parents agree to meet me for dinner on a Friday night.

"Yan,” my mother greeted me by my given name. Never liked it mind you. It's just so ordinary. I’m no ordinary kind of guy.
"Mother." I kissed both her cheeks and sat on her right side.
"Is this dinner with your father really necessary?" She asked.
"Yes. I have something very important to tell both of you." I replied.
"Well, your father as usual has no respect for time. He's late." She remarked.
I checked the time and it was barely eight in the evening. "We're just early." I said.
"Exactly." She leaned back on the chair, looking both bored and annoyed.

A minute after, my father arrived and sat on my right side which is facing across my mother. He acknowledged my mother as he sat down. The waiter took our orders. My father and I chatted about the business project I was endorsing to the marketing department.
Our meals were served and we ate in respectable silence. Midway through our main course, my mother went to the business on hand.

"Yan, will you tell us now what is the reason you called both your father and I for a meeting?"
I looked at her then at my father. No use beating around the bush.
"Apparently, I have a son."
Both set down their cutlery and stared at me as if I've just told them I killed someone.
"Mother? Father?”
My mother shook her head. "My worst fear has come true." She said in disbelief.
"Are you sure it's your son?” My father calmly asked me.
"Yes," I nodded.
"And what do you intend to do with this matter?"

Thankfully my father was levelheaded on this. My mother on the hand was acting, well, like a mother would. She looked so disappointed at me and I didn't fail to notice how she shot angry glares at her husband. Technically, they're still husband and wife since they never divorced. Xi Men family tradition prohibits divorce. So my father left his family's ancestral house; my mother and I still live there since we are his legal family and I’m his only legitimate heir.

"I'm going to marry the mother of my son." I confidently answered.
"Do we know this woman who bore you a son?" My father continued to ask.
"She's a friend but I've long since been in love with her."
"And does she love you back?”
"She does."
"This son of yours, how old is he now?”
"Three months old."
"So it's fairly new."
I nodded.
"I approve." My father said and smiled.
"Hold on a minute!” My mother finally decided to join in on the conversation. "This woman seems questionable to me. You've never mentioned her to me and I haven't met her yet."
"You already did. On my twenty-first birthday party." I explained.
"So? It was just once and one encounter that didn't left an impression on me."
"I want to meet her and her baby." My father interjected.
"Excuse me?” My mother had slits on her eyes as she faced my father.
"As head of the Xi Men clan, I would like to meet this woman whom our son has decided to marry and with whom he apparently has a son with." My father replied in a business tone.
My mother smirked. "Fine." She turned to me. "I'd like to meet her too. Just her." She emphasized.

I didn't know what to make of my conversation with my parents. I expected my father to object but instead he gave me his approval. My mother whom I expected would side with me turned out to be against me. I don't know what's her reason for strongly opposing my marrying of Xiao You. Well, I'll find out once she gets to meet her.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 17, 2018

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