Deal: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Author’s Note: Chapters 9 to 12 are written from Xiao You’s point of view. Just to make it equal. I’ll return to third person narrative in the succeeding chapters.

No, nothing happened after that kiss. He went home afterwards and I went to bed.

I mean it would have led to something but I stopped it. Yes, the kiss was great and both of us were clearly longing for each other but I didn't want Xi Men to get the impression that I am giving in to him. Though I will admit that the walls I've built against Xi Men are starting to fall down.

Yes, I love him. But my fear of his rejection and possibly infidelity holds me back from saying yes.

Our deal was just supposed to be that - a deal. When I found out I was pregnant I was really lost and confused. My mind went momentarily blank. We've long agreed that nothing should ever result with our yearly meet up. He was always careful with me. Even with his casual hook ups because until now nobody has ever claimed that they got pregnant by him. Except me. Me.

I, Jiang Xiao You, who loves this handsome man since I first encountered him at my previous work place. I, Jiang Xiao You, who was foolish enough to believe that Xi Men Yan would love me back.
And now he does. Xi Men loves me. After seven years he confessed his feelings for me. If he said that five or seven years ago I would have leaped for joy and without a shadow of a doubt believe it.

But it's different now. Everything is different now that we have a child together. I guess being a mother changes a person. It definitely changed me. I'm not scared to lose Xi Men because the possibility of us together is zero. But to lose my son is inconceivable.

I still detest the thought of Xiao Tian being the future heir and successor of Xi Men's clan and family business. Now, that Xiao Tian has been legally named and claimed as Xi Men's son there's nothing I can do. Apparently, it is legally accepted to have a child born out of wedlock to be recognized as a legitimate heir and successor. I asked Dao Ming Si’s help on this one and his lawyer confirmed it.

Xiao Tian’s first birthday was drawing near. It seemed that everybody wants to have a big birthday party for him. And all I really wanted was a simple one. I just want the people who truly mattered to me and my son to be present. My parents, Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si, Lei, Mei Zuo… Oh alright! Xi Men and his parents.

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with Xi Men’s mother as she was visiting us.

“Xiao You, my grandson’s first birthday party must be grand!” She exclaimed. “My husband,” she said rather coldly, “and I are in agreement that Xiao Tian’s first birthday party is the best way to present him to the rest of the clan and to our business associates and affiliates that he is the future heir and successor of Yan.” She said.
“Um, Ma’am,” I began. Yes, I still call her ‘Ma’am’ and she hasn’t contradicted me at all whereas Xi Men’s father has insisted profusely that I call him ‘dad.’ I still call him ‘Sir’ because it seemed most appropriate and polite. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
She looked at me. “If it’s about the expenses, don’t worry. Our family will take care of everything.”
I shook my head. “Money is not my concern. It’s about the relationship between your son and me. We’re not married.” I voiced out again my concern.
“Well, a lot can still happen and change in two months’ time.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone. “You two could get engaged by then and we could have a double announcement.”
Talking to the Xi Mens are exasperating. They don’t listen at all to what I’m saying.
“Okay, fine. I agree with the plans for Xiao Tian’s birthday party. BUT,” I said it in a very firm voice, “there will be no engagement announcement. I’m not marrying Xi Men at all.”
She chuckled. “You remind me of someone.”
“Who?” I asked, curious.
“Me.” She replied.
My brows furrowed. “You?”
“Yes.” She nodded her head. “I was just like you Xiao You. I was adamant not to marry Yan’s father because I knew he was a notorious womanizer. But Yan’s father courted me and pursued me relentlessly. He won me over with his flamboyant charms.”
“So what you’re trying to tell me is…”
“Both father and son may share the same DNA but Yan is my son. He’s not like his father at all.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Xiao You, you know Xiao Geng, right?”
I nodded.
“Xiao Geng was Xi Men’s first love. He loved her since they were kids. Before you came into his life he only loved one girl and that’s Xiao Geng.”
“I know that.”
“Then you should know by now that Xi Men never confesses his love to anyone except to the girl he only and truly loves.”
“But why does he continue to play around with women?”
“It may have started out of teenage rebellion but it eventually turned into a lifestyle. A lifestyle he never really want but is what he has grown accustomed to. He keeps doing it because it helps him numb his pain and forget his real feelings.”
“Why are you telling me all this, Ma’am?”
“Because Xi Men truly and sincerely cares for you, Xiao You. As his mother, I know him best. Better than his F4 friends actually.”
“I want to believe it’s true. But I’m afraid to trust him. I want him but I can’t take it if he hurts me again.”
“Are you afraid Yan might do the same thing his father did to me?”
“Something like that. The very first time I confessed to Xi Men he outright rejected me. That hurt a lot. I couldn’t stop my heart from aching. But I also couldn’t stop it from loving him.” Tears were running down my cheeks as I said this.
“I’m sorry Yan hurt you. But past is past. Yan has changed. And I believe that change is because of you. Give him a chance to prove his love to you.”

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 19-20, 2018

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