Deal: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Author’s Note: From Chapter 5 to 8 the narrative has changed from third person to first person, Xi Men’s point of view. I accidentally wrote it this way and I’m too lazy to change everything.

I didn’t waste time to inform Xiao You of my father’s request to meet her and our son. It took her by surprise to be honest as I told her over the phone since her voice sounded worried as we talked about the meeting place and time.

Our agreed meeting place was on a park near her apartment complex. She didn’t feel like having my father inside her apartment and to be honest so do I. We scheduled it mid-afternoon on a Sunday. I arrived alone and early at Xiao You’s apartment so I can help her prepare and give them a ride to the park. Though it’s just a walking distance to her place I still insisted that it’s better and safer if they rode on my car. My father will meet us at the park he told me the day before. For now, my father’s opinion and approval is all I needed. If Xiao You knows that we have the support of my father maybe that would convinced her that marrying me and marrying into the Xi Men family is a good decision.

Xiao Tian was awake when my father arrived at last. I introduced him to Xiao You and to my son Xiao Tian. My father was cordial to Xiao You which made me relax as they talk about Xiao Tian. He seemed to be enjoying her company and when the topic turned to business and finance the two were definitely hitting it off. It made me pretty jealous actually. I looked at Xiao You and she was so animated as she told my father of her luck in the stock market. I looked at my father and I can see that he was impressed by her. At the back of my head I was afraid that once he meet Xiao You he would take back what he said on our previous family dinner meeting.

Xiao You let him carry Xiao Tian. It took my father by surprise but he was up for it. I can sense that he too was feeling a bit nervous to carry in his arms the little bundle but when Xiao Tian flashed that cute smile of his, my father couldn’t stop from grinning.

“Oh, this makes me remember when I used to carry you when you were this young Yan.”
Xiao You glanced at me and mouthed, “Yan?”
I rolled my eyes at her.
“I can’t believe I have a grandson already. Yan, you’re making me feel old already.” My father remarked.
“Well, fifty IS old.” I stated.
“Hey! No revealing of age.” He scolded me.
Xiao You giggled.

My father returned to Xiao You our son. “Xiao You, I’m glad you’re the woman my son loves. You two are a good match. If you’ve given him your answer to his marriage proposal, I want to be the first one to hear of the good news.”
This made Xiao You speechless. “Sir?”
My father chuckled. “Call me Dad.”
“Dad?” She repeated.
“I like you Jiang Xiao You.” He said as he stood up. “And I love my grandson. Finally the Xi Men clan has a new heir and successor.”
“Excuse me?”
“He is Yan’s son too. So he automatically becomes the new heir and successor. I mean next to Yan, of course.”
“But we’re not married, Sir.” Xiao You said. “Xiao Tian is not Xi Men’s legitimate child.” She went on.
“Call me Dad.” He repeated. “For now Xiao Tian isn’t. But I’ll have our family lawyer redraft my last will and testament. Xiao Tian is a member of the Xi Men clan the moment you conceived him and gave birth to him.”
Xiao You looked at me. “Xi Men? What does he mean?”
I faced my father. “Father, can you not do anything just yet? Xiao You and I still have matters to discuss.”
“Son, didn’t you tell me that you intend to marry this woman?” He asked me.
I nodded.
“Then hurry it up.”
And with that he bade farewell and left us.

Xiao You was silent the entire time we returned to her apartment. I know she’s pissed. And I’m kinda annoyed at my old man for bringing up the subject of marriage. I really want Xiao You to warm up to me and get to her good graces. Now it seemed I’m back to square one.

She fed Xiao Tian and put him to sleep. The helper I hired had a day off so it was just the two of us on her apartment. I was sitting on the living room the entire time she was taking care of Xiao Tian.

“Is Xiao Tian asleep already?” I inquired.
She nodded. She sat across me. “What did your father meant earlier?” She asked.
“About that, I’m sorry Xiao You. I didn’t expect my father to say such things today.” I apologized and explained.
“Why did he say that Xiao Tian is your heir and successor?”
“Well, Xiao Tian IS my son. Even I would name him as my heir and successor.” I said.
“But we’re not married. And he isn’t a member of the Xi Men clan. In his birth certificate he is registered as Jiang Xiao Tian, NOT Xi Men Xiao Tian.” She explained.
This took me by surprise. “But I am identified as his father, right?”
She nodded.
I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“I didn’t want to hide from our son who his father is.” She looked away.

See right there? This woman IS still very much in love with me. She could have written me off but she didn’t. I really don’t know what’s going on inside her head. I’ve always been good at reading women but this woman in front of me is the exception. Even then I always had a hard time reading her thoughts and her actions. And that’s part of the reason she got me interested with her in the first place. Besides the fact that she’s cute.

“I don’t know pretty much how the legal system works but since you put my name in his birth certificate and I’m not denying him as my son I could technically make him my legitimate heir and successor.”
“Then what happens when you marry someone else and have children with her?” She questioned me.
I shook my head in disbelief. “There’s only one woman that I want to marry and that’s you Xiao You.”
“How many times do I have to repeat myself that I am not marrying you?” She asked annoyingly.

I love it when she gets all worked up. And I rarely see it since she has a good temper unlike her best friend Shan Cai.

“And how many times do I have to repeat myself THAT I am marrying you and only you?” I counter asked.
She sighed.
“Why, Xi Men, why?”
“Why not, Xiao You, why not?”

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: December 18, 2018

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