A Second Once In A Lifetime

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Bonus Chapter

A Second Once In A Lifetime

It all came so easy
All the loving you gave me
The feelings we shared

In the Way of Tea there is what we call "Yi Qi Yi Hui" or "once in a lifetime." My teacher taught me that a certain encounter will only happen once in this life. That we have to treasure each encounter as if it’s the last one. He told me to do everything I can so I won’t have any regrets. I lived by that motto for most of my life.

I, Xi Men Yan, am the sixteenth generation of the Xi Men clan and Tea House. I'm a tea man and a tea expert. But during my early teenage years I started to lose my sincerity in the Way of Tea. That was the time when my parents marriage started to fall apart. Their bickering, the lies... It affected me so much. It made me lose trust in love. My father just couldn't help himself with sleeping with other women. My mother just couldn't take my father's infidelity. And they both wanted me to live in lies. In public they appear the happy couple. But in private their marriage is in shambles. And I had to bear it all. Bear with my father's reputation. Bear with my mother's heartache. I couldn't take it all. So I started my own way of teenage rebellion.

When puberty hit me and my friends it was like a whole new world and a whole new territory for us. We were no longer kids. We were suddenly young men who seemed to have experienced an overnight growth spurt. And my oh my!!! Those little girls we played with in skirts and plaits have transformed overnight too. Where did those boobs come from? And why are they dressed in skirts so short?

As part of the elite group F4 we have a reputation to uphold. All four of us came from the wealthiest families in Shanghai and were blessed with intelligence and handsome looks. We're all equally talented and have our own strengths and weaknesses. Alone, we are okay. Together, we are a formidable group.

Mei Zuo and I were the ones who really got interested in the opposite sex. They're just fascinating and alluring. Girls are like math problems. In the beginning I wonder how to solve them. After I study and follow through, there’s a solution. It’s simple but it’s still a wonder.

In the beginning I just wanted to get closer to girls so I could learn how to kiss. Because seriously how else would I know to kiss except by practice, right?
As I got older kissing turned into fooling around. I was fifteen when I had my first sexual encounter. It happened with an older woman. And she taught me a lot that night.

I entered high school and at the very most I may have made out, fooled around and slept with a hundred women. Okay, that was an exaggeration. Twenty more or less.

I gained the reputation of being F4's resident playboy because of my track record of breaking hearts. To me, women have an expiration date of one week only. Because women to me are just useless things. Love is a useless feeling. And sex are just meaningless encounters. But very pleasurable.

I was enjoying my college life too. A lot of my schoolmates were pretty eager to go out with me and my friends. Like dating an F4 is an honor for them. Unfortunately, I've stayed away from girls I went to school with. Learned that hard lesson in my last year in high school before our graduation. But that's another story and one I'm not keen to share.

College life was going smoothly for us. We have one year left before we say goodbye to Ming De University. That year was, to say the least, exciting and life changing for the four of us. Because that was the year Ah Si crossed paths with Dong Shan Cai. And because of that encounter my life has been irrevocably changed. Because through Shan Cai I met this cute milk tea girl and she ended up revolutionizing my life.

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